Academic Knowledge Base. Page 14

How to Stay Awake in Class without Moving: 13 Tricks

How to Stay Awake in Class without Moving: 13 Tricks

Every student knows that a boring lecture can be the best sleeping pill ever – especially when you are tired. You might start blinking slowly, and then the lecturer’s words will seem so far away and without any meaning, sounding like a sweet lullaby. Students beware: avoid classroom naps! They...

3 Scholarship Essay Examples about Yourself [2025]

3 Scholarship Essay Examples about Yourself [2025]

A scholarship essay is a student’s opportunity to tell the committee about themselves and their achievements. On this page, our team has collected 3 scholarship essay examples about yourself to give you an idea of how such papers might look. The samples in this article illustrate 3 different approaches...

Best Thesis Statement Examples with Expert Comments

Best Thesis Statement Examples with Expert Comments

“Where is your thesis statement?” asks your teacher in a dramatic tone. “Where is my what?” you want to reply, but instead, you quickly point your finger at a random sentence in your paper, saying, “Here it is…” To avoid this sad situation (which is usually followed by a bad...

Top 100 Research Topics & Titles about Food & TVL

Top 100 Research Topics & Titles about Food & TVL

When you look for a good research paper topic, you can easily become the severest critic of any proposed idea. Some topics do not interest you at the very least, while others might shock your teachers. Where is the golden mean? Check out this list of top 100 research paper...

10 Great Descriptive Writing Exercises & Activities

10 Great Descriptive Writing Exercises & Activities

Descriptive writing is the equivalent of drawing with words instead of lines and colors. You need to create vivid pictures, using only your words and memory or imagination. Your goal is to make your readers see, hear, taste, smell, and feel what you want to say. How can you start...

Words per Page: How to Count & Control

Words per Page: How to Count & Control

A couple of centuries ago, writers received their salaries at a fixed rate for a line or a word. It took them hours to count how much they had written. To facilitate the counting process, teachers used to give assignments in the number of pages, not words. Nowadays, any text...

Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper

Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper

A life experience essay combines the elements of narration, description, and self-reflection. Such a paper has to focus on a single event that had a significant impact on a person’s worldview and values. Writing an essay about life experience prompts students to do the following: You may struggle with such...

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics: Best Ideas for 2025

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics: Best Ideas for 2025

Can there possibly be anything fun about academic writing? It seems there is – what are all those fun persuasive speech topics then for, after all? However, creating a bunch of good topics might seem hard the first time around. No need to worry though – there’s always plenty of...

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics: 285 Simple Ideas for 2025

Easy Persuasive Speech Topics: 285 Simple Ideas for 2025

A persuasive speech on any topic is a performance designed to convince people about something and prove your point. Choosing a suitable topic is crucial for your speech’s success. Do you need some help with finding easy topics for a persuasive speech? Then check these fantastic and easy ideas from...

An Impressive Persuasive Speech Outline: Examples & Guide

An Impressive Persuasive Speech Outline: Examples & Guide

Eating a delicacy, watching a good movie, and proving a point to an audience are the three things that make life seem better. Today, you’ll deal with the last one. You’re about to become a professional at public speaking and attention grabbing. Here, you can learn how to write a...

Persuasive Speech Outline: The Recipe for a Successful Outcome

Persuasive Speech Outline: The Recipe for a Successful Outcome

If you never gave a persuasive speech before a large audience, you probably want to know how this task can be approached. First and foremost, you need to construct a good persuasive speech outline that will be the cornerstone of your success. There are several ways in which you can...

Good Informative Speech Topics: How to Get Thunders of Applause

Good Informative Speech Topics: How to Get Thunders of Applause

Do you know the secret place where people go to get their good informative speech topics? Looking for an interesting topic for speech? Congratulations, because you’ve just found it! So, if you’re ready to get some really good topics for an informative speech, all you need to do is to...

348 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics and Ideas for 2025

348 Interesting Proposal Essay Topics and Ideas for 2025

A proposal argument is an essay in which you describe a specific issue that needs fixing. It focuses on problem solutions. Are you interested in writing high-quality proposal essays? Or maybe you’re wondering what can make your writing truly outstanding? Here you will find answers to these questions as well...

217 Motivational & Inspirational Essay Topics

217 Motivational & Inspirational Essay Topics

Motivational essay topics usually focus on inspirational narratives, personal growth, and positive lessons drawn from life experiences. A well-chosen inspirational topic to write about can help you effectively convey your message, letting you express your thoughts freely and convincingly. As a motivational essay writer, you are expected to: A good...

260 Controversial Debate Topics and Questions for Discussion

260 Controversial Debate Topics and Questions for Discussion

Are you searching for original, thought-provoking, and really controversial debate topics? Here they are! Selecting any of these 25 controversial topics for debate from, you can guarantee a heated dispute in class or exciting polemics with your friends. But first, let’s figure it out, what is debate and how you should pick up great...

Memorable Event in School Essay: Writing Tips + Ideas

Memorable Event in School Essay: Writing Tips + Ideas

Perhaps, each person has unforgettable memories of school life. It might be their first day when everything seemed to be exciting and unknown. Or it might be some picnic or trip when they spent a great day outside with their classmates. Writing a high school experience essay requires you to...

Apartment vs. Dorm Living – Compare & Contrast

Apartment vs. Dorm Living – Compare & Contrast

One of the biggest decisions students make when attending college, university, or graduate school is whether to live off-campus in an apartment or whether to live in a dorm room. For those who have the option, though, there are many considerations that can help determine whether apartment living or dorm...

An Essay about Someone Who Has Made an Impact on Your Life

An Essay about Someone Who Has Made an Impact on Your Life

Who has made a significant impact in your life and why? Essay on the topic might be challenging to write. One is usually asked to write such a text as a college admission essay. A topic for this paper can be of your choice or pre-established by the institution. Either...

Financial Assistance Essay: 4 Useful Tips to Make It Rock

Financial Assistance Essay: 4 Useful Tips to Make It Rock

Are you about to start writing a financial assistance essay? Most probably, you are applying for a scholarship that will provide additional funding for your education or that will help you meet some special research objectives.

231 Essay Topics for Grade 8, 9, 10, 12 + Writing Tips [2025]

231 Essay Topics for Grade 8, 9, 10, 12 + Writing Tips [2025]

We came up with this guide to make school essay writing easy for you. Need some creative writing topics for grade 8? Or recommendations for the 11th-grade expository paper? We’ve got you! Helpful tips and essay topics for grades 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12— our team has advice for everyone. Here, you’ll find: In fact, our recommendations will be perfectly suitable for both…

Growing Up Essay: Guide & Examples [2025]

Growing Up Essay: Guide & Examples [2025]

What does it mean to grow up? Essays on this topic might be entertaining yet challenging to write. Growing up is usually associated with something new and exciting. It’s a period of everything new and unknown. Now, you’ve been assigned to write a growing up essay. You’re not a kid...

Murder Essay: Examples, Topics, and Killer Tips [2025]

Murder Essay: Examples, Topics, and Killer Tips [2025]

Probably, a murder essay is not a fascinating assignment to complete. Talking about people’s deaths or crazy murderers can be depressing. However, all assignments are different, and you are supposed to work on every task hard. So, how are you going to deal with a murder essay? You can make...

Nursing Reflective Essay: Example Outline and Guide

Nursing Reflective Essay: Example Outline and Guide

Are you a nursing student? Then, you will definitely have an assignment to compose a nursing reflective essay. This task might be quite tough and challenging. But don’t stress out! Our professionals are willing to assist you.

228 Transportation Essay Topics & Writing Tips [2025] 

228 Transportation Essay Topics & Writing Tips [2025] 

Topics about transportation often explore a complex system of cars, planes, ships, trains, and bicycles and how they interconnect to meet the needs of society. Another vital aspect that you might focus on while writing about transportation is how these means impact the environment and shape economies and daily life....

Remembering an Event Essay: Examples and Guidelines [Free]

Remembering an Event Essay: Examples and Guidelines [Free]

Throughout our life, we meet plenty of people and participate in various events. If some of them are just regular, the other people or occasions play a critical role in our fates. Your life-changing experience might become a perfect ground for creating a remembering essay.

Environment vs. Development Essay: Tips & Topics [2025]

Environment vs. Development Essay: Tips & Topics [2025]

Environment vs. development is a multifaceted present days’ dilemma. On the one hand, environmental problems are increasing year after year. We have more polluted areas on our planet, more polluted rivers, fewer trees that produce oxygen. On the other hand, can we stop development and progress in various fields? Is...

Financial Need Essay: Examples & Writing Guide

Financial Need Essay: Examples & Writing Guide

A statement of financial need is a document proving that a disadvantaged student deserves to get a scholarship to pursue education. Financial need essays typically focus on the following: In this article, our custom-writing experts will explain how to write financial need scholarship essay examples. You will learn how to...

What Does an Essay Look Like? Tips and Answers to Succeed

What Does an Essay Look Like? Tips and Answers to Succeed

What does an essay look like? At a glance, the answer is obvious. An essay looks like a mere piece of paper (one page or several pages) with an organized text. It’s generally divided into five paragraphs, though there may be more. The essential essay structure includes: Yet, will this...

63 Brilliant Ideas for Writing Essays on Family Values

63 Brilliant Ideas for Writing Essays on Family Values

In a few words, family values can be defined as principles, some ideals, and beliefs within a family that are passed from generation to generation. You should keep in mind that family values might change with time. Besides, they may differ from culture to culture.

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay Step by Step

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay Step by Step

Some students find writing literary analysis papers rather daunting. Yet, an English class cannot go without this kind of work. By the way, writing literary analysis essays is not that complicated as it seems at a glance. On the contrary, this work may be fascinating, and you have a chance...

Essay on India after Independence: How-to Guide and Prompts

Essay on India after Independence: How-to Guide and Prompts

India gained its independence on August 15, 1947. Before that, it was a British colony. Since 1947, India has changed a lot, and this is what you will have to discuss in your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence.

Teamwork Essay: Examples, Tips, & Ideas

Teamwork Essay: Examples, Tips, & Ideas

These days, leadership and ability to work in a team are the skills that everybody should possess. It is impossible to cope with a large educational or work project alone. However, it can also be challenging to collaborate in a team. You might want to elaborate on importance and difficulties...

World Peace Essay: Prompts, How-to Guide, & 200+ Topics

World Peace Essay: Prompts, How-to Guide, & 200+ Topics

Throughout history, people have dreamed of a world without violence, where harmony and justice reign. This dream of world peace has inspired poets, philosophers, and politicians for centuries. But is it possible to achieve peace globally? Writing a world peace essay will help you find the answer to this question...

Halloween Essay: How to Write, Topics and Essay Ideas

Halloween Essay: How to Write, Topics and Essay Ideas

So, there are a few days left before Halloween, one of the favorite American holidays both for kids and adults. Most probably, your teacher will ask to prepare a Halloween essay. And most probably, it is not the first Halloween essay that you need to prepare. We are sure that...

273 Topics for Investigative Essay, Example, & Tips

273 Topics for Investigative Essay, Example, & Tips

Investigative essay topics focus on lesser-known aspects of issues and their controversies. To thoroughly inspect any theme, you must refer to primary sources: conduct interviews, study archival records, or visit relevant locations. This way, your investigative essay will rely on solid data and provide a fundament for comprehensive analysis. Things...

Racial Profiling Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Tips

Racial Profiling Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Tips

Racial profiling is not uncommon. It’s incredibly offensive and unfair behavior that causes most of the protests in support of people of color. It occurs when people are suspected of committing a crime based on their skin color or ethnicity. Unfortunately, most people are unaware that racial profiling is an everyday...

Essay on Disaster Management: 122 Topics + Writing Guide

Essay on Disaster Management: 122 Topics + Writing Guide

Without a doubt, a natural disaster essay is a tough paper to write. To begin with, when people encounter a disaster risk, it’s a tragedy. Emergency situations can affect hundreds, thousands, and millions of people. These are the crises and events that change people’s lives drastically. So, disaster and emergency...

Responsibility Essay: Topic Ideas & Responsibility Writing Prompts

Responsibility Essay: Topic Ideas & Responsibility Writing Prompts

“You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say”Martin Luther There are a lot of other good quotations that can serve as a good beginning for your essay on responsibility and provide good ideas for writing.

Nationalism Essay: Topics, Examples, & Tips

Nationalism Essay: Topics, Examples, & Tips

A nationalism essay is focused on the idea of devotion and loyalty to one’s country and its sovereignty. In your paper, you can elaborate on its various aspects. For example, you might want to describe the phenomenon’s meaning or compare the types of nationalism. You might also be interested in...

Human Trafficking Essay Topics, Outline, & Example [2025]

Human Trafficking Essay Topics, Outline, & Example [2025]

“People for sale” is a phrase that describes exactly what human trafficking is. It also makes for an attention-grabbing title for an essay on this subject. You are going to talk about a severe problem, so it’s crucial to hook the reader from the get-go. A human trafficking essay is...

Free Examples of Excellent Exemplification Essays

Free Examples of Excellent Exemplification Essays

Exemplification essays, which are also called illustration essays, are considered one of the easiest papers to write. However, even the easiest tasks require some experience and practice. So, if you are not experienced enough in writing exemplification essays, you will face certain challenges.

Essay on Being Late to School: Hurry Up with New Ideas 2025

Essay on Being Late to School: Hurry Up with New Ideas 2025

You push the snooze button once again and finally open your eyes. It is already 8:50, and your classes start at 9. “I’m going to be late again!”— you think, already in full panic mode. In a minute, you rush out the door half-dressed, swallowing your sandwich on the go....

331 Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Topics [2025 Update]

331 Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Topics [2025 Update]

Is globalization a beneficial process? What are the pros and cons of a religious upbringing? Do the drawbacks of immigration outweigh the benefits? These questions can become a foundation for your advantages and disadvantages essay. And we have even more ideas to offer! There is nothing complicated about writing this...

Harriet Tubman Essay: Topics, Outline, & Ideas

Harriet Tubman Essay: Topics, Outline, & Ideas

An essay about Harriet Tubman is to focus on the biography and accomplishments of a famous American abolitionist and political activist of the 19th century. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, escaped it herself, and helped others escape it. She changed many jobs throughout her lifetime, being a housekeeper, a...

Documented Essay Example, Topics, & How-To Guide 

Documented Essay Example, Topics, & How-To Guide 

What is a documented essay and what is the purpose of it? It is a type of academic writing where the author develops an opinion relying on secondary resources. A documented essay can be assigned in school or college. You should incorporate arguments and facts from outside sources into the...

What Is a Reflexive Essay: Examples & Writing Tips

What Is a Reflexive Essay: Examples & Writing Tips

If you are thinking that there’s a typo, rest assured there isn’t. Even though the terms reflective and reflexive are often confused, these two types of essays are distinct from each other. What is a reflexive essay? How does it differ from a reflective one? Although similar at some point,...

Modern Fairy Tale Essay: How to Write, Topics and Ideas

Modern Fairy Tale Essay: How to Write, Topics and Ideas

Fairies and evil spirits, noble kings and queens, beautiful princesses and brave princes, mysterious castles and abandoned huts somewhere in a thick a wood… This is all about fairy tales. Fairy tales are always associated with childhood. Fairy tales always remind us that love rules the world and the Good...

World War 2 Essay: Outline + 100 WW2 Research Topics

World War 2 Essay: Outline + 100 WW2 Research Topics

This time you have to write a World War II essay, paper, or thesis. It means that you have a perfect chance to refresh those memories about the war that some of us might forget. So many words can be said about the war in that it seems you will...

Subjective vs. Objective Essay: Examples, Writing Guides, & Topics

Subjective vs. Objective Essay: Examples, Writing Guides, & Topics

Objective and subjective essays can easily be confused. However, their goals, language, and tone are different. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, objectivity is usually associated with ideas such as reality, truth, and reliability, essentially dealing with facts. In contrast, a subjective essay focuses on the writer’s personal opinion....