Every student knows that a boring lecture can be the best sleeping pill ever – especially when you are tired. You might start blinking slowly, and then the lecturer’s words will seem so far away and without any meaning, sounding like a sweet lullaby. Students beware: avoid classroom naps! They are not only embarrassing but also truly dangerous.

To avoid dooming your grade for the course and hurting your neck by sleeping in an uncomfortable position, we prepared tips and tricks on how to stay awake in class! Just keep reading this Custom Writing article to learn more.
🤓 Staying Awake in Class: Expert Tips
The following ways to stay awake in class are simple but can help you successfully fight sleep in the course of a boring lecture or after an all-nighter.
- Move as much as possible. You are not allowed to walk around the class. But you can move your shoulders, stretch your legs, or turn your head once in a while. If there is a break, find a minute to go out and take a breath of fresh air.
- Eat good portions of vegetables and fruit. Before the class, take a substantial meal full of proteins and fiber. Citrus fruits and juices can be helpful in particular.
- Stimulate acupuncture points on your body. It can influence the functioning of your organism (in this case, by awakening your body):
- just below both knees;
- the backside of your hand between thumbs and forefingers;
- the lobes of your ears.
- Be active and engaged. Participate in the classroom discussion, even if you are not very familiar with the subject. Ask questions and be attentive while listening to the answers. This interaction requires will power. Still, you will have a couple of bonuses: no sleepiness and a better understanding of the subject.
- Take structured notes. Instead of writing down everything the lecturer says, try to break down the main idea into segments. Make numbered lists, use colored pens to highlight the key points, and draw logic diagrams. Before the exam, you will be grateful to yourself for these efforts. But now, it will help you stay engaged and keep track of the idea.
- Sit close to the lecturer. Face your teacher and do your best to stay interested. You will be merely ashamed to fall asleep before the lecturer’s eyes.
- Drink water to stay hydrated. It is the trick of long-haul truckers who need work after no sleep. The effect is twofold:
- The process of opening the bottle and drinking distracts you from sleepiness.
- Plenty of fluid facilitates your blood flowing. Thus, your brain gets plenty of oxygen and gets more productive.
- Abstract your mind from problems. Concerns about relationships, personal finance, or incomplete tasks drain your brain energy. If you did not sleep well, try not to aggravate the condition with helpless thoughts.
- Dress up. Subconsciously, you will be less comfortable sleeping in your best clothes.
- Consult a doctor. If your sleepiness becomes chronic and even long sleep-ins do not help, it may be a health issue. For instance, obstructive sleep apnea causes fatigue and tiredness during the daytime.
🦄 Use Your Imagination: More Tricks on Staying Awake in Class
Another effective way to stay awake in class is by using your imagination, sense of humor, and creativity. During the most boring lecture, when most of your classmates already snore, you could conduct some funny experiments.
🔗 References
- How to Stay Awake in Class | POPSUGAR Smart Living
- 10 Steps To Effective Listening | Forbes
- Does working as a group actually help us learn? The Guardian
- How to Survive Night Class: Geneva College
- Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance – NCBI – NIH
- Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition – ScienceDirect
- How Sleep Enhances Studying | Psychology Today
- 7 Useful Tips for Improving Your Mental Focus – Verywell Mind
- Tips to improve concentration – Harvard Health
Another thing I have noticed is that if you hold your breath, close one eye, and point your toes constantly inward and then outward, you will stay awake for the whole time