Essay on India after Independence: How-to Guide and Prompts

India gained its independence on August 15, 1947. Before that, it was a British colony. Since 1947, India has changed a lot, and this is what you will have to discuss in your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence.

Sure, there is a lot of information to study and analyze, because almost every sphere of Indian life faced transformations. This actually means that completing your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence might take quite a lot of time.

Anyway, if you have it, make an overview for your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence and talk about political, social, and cultural changes in India.

Below we present several points to be considered in essays on India after 60 Years of Independence (more advice on essays and assignment help you can find here).

Essays on India After 60 Years of Independence: Point 1

After India had gained independence, it was believed that the country would not survive. The thing is that India is very diverse, it is a mixture of different religions, castes, languages, traditions, and so on.

It was the main reason for the development of separatists’ movements that you can talk about in your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence.

Essays on India After 60 Years of Independence: Point 2

Three prominent political leaders who were assassinated on nationalist grounds is another good idea for your essay on India after 60 Years of Independence. These politicians are:

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Indira Gandhi
  • Rajiv Gandhi

Essays on India After 60 Years of Independence: Point 3

Your paper can be devoted to economics or education in India after its independence. The rate of illiterate people in the country remains rather high. The per capita income in India is quite low.

Reading our articles about an essay on Buddhism or a nationalism essay might be useful.

Further reading:

This article was developed by the editorial team of, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.
Comments (1)


Information is not proper, because I need a paragraph on what we achieved a lot in sixty years of independence.