Research Proposal Topics: 503 Ideas, Sample, & Guide [2024]

Do you have to write a research proposal and can’t choose one from the professor’s list? This article may be exactly what you need.

We will provide you with the most up-to-date undergraduate and postgraduate topic ideas. Moreover, we will share the secrets of the winning research proposal writing.

Here, you will find possible ideas for research proposal topics from the best custom writing service that may be used to create your own proposal project as well as a direction for further investigation! So let’s start!

🔬 Research Proposal: Definition

First of all, let’s make clear what a research proposal is. A research proposal is a type of paper you write to show others that you have a project to investigate. A research proposal demonstrates the following:

✔️Why the topic you chose is worth attention.
✔️What steps you will take to explore the topic.
✔️What methods and tools you will use in your research.

The purpose of proposal writing is to persuade others that your topic needs to be investigated. Your task is to write a well-structured text that covers all the necessary points. Make sure that everyone can understand what you wish to investigate, why it’s important, and how you are going to do it.

đź’ˇ Research Proposal Topics

Now that you know what a research proposal is, it’s time to begin the work.

What is the first thing to be done, then?

That’s right—you need to choose a topic!

The list of research proposal topics below will help you start the process. Some of the research topics are simple, while others are quite complicated. The more difficult problems also contain a short description, so that you can understand immediately whether that topic would be interesting for you.

Political Science Research Proposal Topics

Researching political science gives you plenty of room for exploration. Do you want to investigate local or global politics? Are you interested in historical or contemporary issues? The number of options is overwhelming. Have a look at this list to make choosing easier:

  1. Fascism and Nazism: the contemporary usage of the terms and their meaning in the history of politics. Nowadays, the terms “Fascism” and “Nazism” are often used interchangeably. The terms are originally meant to refer to Italian and German political regimes. However, the doctrines themselves have important differences.
  2. Contemporary religious extremism and its political and economic basis. The modern Western society is ambiguous. On the one hand, religious tolerance endorsed; on the other, religious extremism is often used to add some fuel to the fire of intolerance. Understanding the economic and political basis of religious extremism might prove helpful in breaking the illusions of both sides.
  3. Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn: socialists in the contemporary U.K. and U.S. politics. The U.S. Democratic Party devised its failure during the 2016 Presidential Elections by selecting Hillary Clinton. She wasn’t very popular with the public, unlike well-loved, but so-scarily-leftist Bernie Sanders. At the same time, Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters were partially successful in addressing the stagnation in the British Labor Party. Comparing the two leftist leaders and their political agenda might serve as an interesting research project topic.
  4. Anarchism as a political orientation and a worldview. Anarchism is commonly mistaken for chaos. In fact, it simply means the absence of formal authority and prevalence of grassroots cooperation. Numerous movements exist within anarchism, such as anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-pacifism, etc. Their proponents have a worldview that radically differs from the “center,” albeit often it’s by no means an extremist one. Classifying and elucidating different anarchist theories and worldviews can prove a worthy research topic.
  5. A fragile democracy: the contemporary political crisis in Myanmar. Myanmar has for a long time suffered under the dictatorship of a military junta. The junta only dissolved in 2011, and the National League for Democracy officially rules. Yet, the militaries remain strong and often uncontrollable. The resulting crisis is tragic, and writing about it could be a good topic for a research proposal.
  6. The Arab Spring and its impact on the contemporary Middle East. The Arab Spring was a wave of demonstrations, protests, and revolutions in the countries of the Middle East. There was a hope that they would result in more democratic political regimes across the region. However, the results were far from optimistic. The massive impact of this phenomenon makes the Arab Spring an excellent topic example for a research proposal.
  7. Sarah Palin and her role in the RNC.
  8. Shakespeare and his influence on politics.
  9. The military policy of Georgia toward South Ossetia.
  10. Racialization of Arab Americans in the post-9/11 era.
  11. What countries are most opposed to globalization?
  12. The Supreme Court’s close decisions regarding minorities.
  13. The social credit system: myths and realities.
  14. Why are many people disappointed with the two-party system?
  15. Discuss Mexico’s reaction to the US anti-immigration policies.
  16. How does religion influence secular countries’ politics?

Research Proposal Topics in Information Technology

In recent years, the demand for IT skills has skyrocketed. This trend is likely to continue for the next few decades. Humanity’s dependency on computers keeps growing. Because of this, solid knowledge in IT makes you an invaluable employee for any company. So, get started by writing about one of our engaging prompts:

  1. Traditional envisioning centers on linear tracks. It connects lines to show differences or similarities. Explore how comparative genomics can analyze numerous genomes in 3D surfaces.
  2. Real-time feedback in education. Student’s feedback is essential for both teachers and learners. Examine the ways and existing technologies that allow a teacher to get feedback on how students understand the lessons. Suggest concepts aimed at improving the professor-student communication.
  3. WLAN Networks: H.264 video transmission. You can assess how to improve cross-layer architecture for video transmission in WLAN Network. Examine ways to enhance video quality performance.
  4. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN): performance. This topic can help you generate a whole list of ideas for further IT studies: frameworks, analysis of existing solutions, etc. You can investigate transport, physical layers, or application of the communication protocol stack.
  5. WLAN Network: improvement of FEC algorithms. Explore the possible way to improve FEC schemes in cases of wireless channel loss.
  6. Software sizing and pricing: correlation. As you may know, software’s size significantly impacts its estimated price. In your proposal, suggest methods to evaluate and lower software size.
  7. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) process: ways to improve. You can choose this topic among other interesting IT project proposal ideas. Investigate how CBSE can shorten the time for production, increase software quality, and reduce its costs.
  8. User’s behavior in social networks. Social networks are under the risk of improper users’ behavior. Provide points to detect such behavior and how to prevent it.
  9. Education technologies in higher education. Research methods and tools that will enhance constructive alignment in higher education teaching.
  10. How can the government potentially abuse facial recognition?
  11. Discuss unmanned vehicles from drivers’ perception.
  12. 5G: usage barriers and future developments.
  13. Review possible solutions to current AI-related issues.
  14. Discuss the role of IT in promoting false information.
  15. What do massive data breaches mean for regular users?
  16. How do social media algorithms impact user experience?
  17. Review e-governments and other attempts to digitalize the state.
  18. What can happen if we integrate organic processes into robots?
  19. AI in the military: violence mitigation effects.

Computer Science Project Proposal Topics

Technology surrounds us everywhere. The internet, for one, has drastically changed the way we communicate. These developments affect all aspects of our lives. One big area that has significantly benefited from ICT is education.

  1. Machine learning use in prediction of students’ success. Analyze how machine learning can be useful in predicting students’ grades and the rates of course completion. You can use this example to get more ideas on measurement teacher’s effectiveness.
  2. Students’ profile and study courses. Wrong course choice can lead to poor grades and turn studying into a waste of time. Provide suggestions on how analytics can help in students’ course choices.
  3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in education. Examine how the use of AR and VR impacts students’ comprehension of the course contents. What effect do AR and VR have on students’ performance?
  4. Learning preferences and customized study process. You can analyze how various students’ learning preferences, e.g., Visual, Kinesthetic, etc. can benefit from optimized learning.
  5. IoT and teachers’ effectiveness. Provide suggestions on how educators can adjust their teaching styles using IoT devices and sensors.
  6. VR and AR roles in the assessment process. Virtual and Augmented Reality can be useful in students’ performance assessment. Suggest ways of how the professor can use VR and AR.
  7. Gamification in education. Gamification elements can be found almost everywhere: social media, professional software, and education. Analyze how gamification can be applied to various subjects. Assess the possible student outcomes.
  8. Social media and group projects. Social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, are an integral part of our daily life. Assess how social media can be useful in learning, and, especially, for group projects.
  9. Mobile apps: usage growth. Here’s another great sample of quantitative titles. Analyze the factors that impact the usage rate of mobile applications.
  10. Will the Internet be available everywhere in the future?
  11. Describe preview techniques to compensate for low bandwidth.
  12. What are the weak points of financial cybersecurity?
  13. Discuss the risks related to the use of smart appliances.
  14. Write about issues with online surveys.
  15. Review the trends in medical software development.
  16. What health issues are associated with the use of VR devices?
  17. Cyberwarfare: restored and new underpinning technologies.
  18. Assess the use of e-learning in initial employee integration.
  19. Desktop and mobile app versions: how to ensure better functionality.

Business Research Proposal Topics

There’s much more to business than just talking finances. Your topic can be theoretical as well as empirical. Writing about business can cover areas such as strategic planning, leadership, or sustainability.

  1. The impact of employee motivation on their performance. Is it true that highly motivated staff work better? And if yes, how much better does it work? The importance of this question warrants its further investigation and may prove a worthwhile topic for your dissertation research proposal.
  2. Disaster preparedness plans for the business. In many regions of the world, disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes occur frequently. The costs and losses of business due to such disasters may be tremendous. Consequently, the ways to make one’s company safe is an excellent research topic in business.
  3. Ways to transition to a new organizational culture. Studying the ways to make such a transition smooth and seamless could be a great research paper idea.
  4. The most effective leadership styles for various types of businesses. The leadership has a great impact on business performance, but it’s possible that for all types of companies there’s a certain management style that would be most effective. This theme could be a useful and interesting research topic for your proposal.
  5. Environmental friendliness of a business: additional costs or a way to make more profit? Many business leaders assume that decreasing the amount of waste their company produces will only result in losses. However, this is not true: eco-friendliness improves business reputation and attracts more clients. Investigating the effect of environmental friendliness on business performance could be an interesting research idea.
  6. The impact of various types of stakeholders on the success of a business. Exploring its exact impact on a company may be an excellent idea for your quantitative research proposal.
  7. Business management and innovation. Social engineering technologies caused significant changes in marketing, customer-organization relations, communications, etc. Assess how these technologies can be used in business.
  8. Effective energy management and its role in sustainable development. If you’re looking for business proposal topics, analyze this title. Provide suggestions on how enterprises can increase their energy effectiveness.
  9. Social entrepreneurship in developing countries. How can a business increase its social value without prejudice to its profits? You can use this topic for your master’s or business administration dissertation.
  10. Ethics and corporate social responsibility. Ethical issues remain a popular topic for research studies. Point out how corporate responsibility can increase the loyalty of employees.
  11. Accounting and accountability. If you’re looking for business quantitative topic examples, explore the connection between accounting and accountability.
  12. Business management and its effect on profits. The goal of any company is to make profits. Assess how business management influences company’s losses and profits.
  13. Sustainable development: the relationship with business in the 21st century. How does sustainable development affect business? What does it mean to be a sustainable leader? Give examples of organizations that became successful in the 21st century. What are the factors that have influenced their success?
  14. Strategy of communication: old vs. new. Choose a company featuring a new communication strategy. Why did the management of the company decide to use it? Describe the existing practices of communication strategies. What is their effect on the company’s reputation? How do they affect performance and financial outcomes? What difference can a chosen way of communication make to stakeholders?
  15. China and the US: cultural and organizational behavior. Why is the Chinese market so attractive for US companies? Give examples of US companies who depend on the Chinese market. What barriers for building a business on the Chinese market are there? What are the best strategies to sell products or services in China? Recommend the best-suited regimen for the introduction of a product. Give information about organizational behavior in China. What makes it unique?
  16. New technologies in hospitals. What are the main difficulties associated with new technologies in a medical center? Why is there a need to keep up with the changing technologies? What healthcare issues create the biggest administration barriers? Does it affect the cost? Provide a real-life example.
  17. Small businesses vs. big enterprises. What is the current stand of small businesses in your area? How does their performance compare to that of big established brands? Is there a place for small businesses in the next decades, or are they dying out? If that happens, in what way will it affect the economy? What can one do to prevent monopolization of the market?
  18. Advertising strategies: how to advertise different types of businesses. What types of ads are known to give the best results market-wise? What advertising strategies work best for big corporations? What about small businesses? Give real-life examples. Does the cost of advertising correlate with marketing success?
  19. Inexperienced workers: how can they find a job? Is there a market for people fresh out of colleges and inexperienced workers? What social groups fall under the category? Is the demand for such people reflected in the paychecks? What can be done to maximize their appeal as employees? Will it benefit or harm the economy?
  20. Employee reward system: how to boost the workers’ performance? Describe the programs that companies set up to reward employees. Does it affect employees’ motivation? Illustrate your analysis with statistics. What types of rewards are there? Which of them work better? Should a company decide whom to reward?
  21. How to implement corporate ethical policy. What is ethical in the corporate world of the 21st century? Does the public image of a company reflect on its sales? Give examples of successful marketing campaigns centered on ethical issues. Can a company’s message affect employees’ productivity?
  22. Advertising strategies and the importance of advertising for business.
  23. Strategies for running a business.
  24. Importance of business planning.
  25. How does virtual reality attract customers?
  26. What influences employees’ adaptation to new practices?
  27. How does competition function in disadvantageous times?
  28. Small and medium-sized enterprises: how to survive.
  29. Discuss ways of marketing the same product to different generations.
  30. Digitalization and supply chain recovery in crises.
  31. Out-of-touch leaders: are they useful for business initiatives?

Management Research Proposal Topics

Management is a vital part of every company. That’s why good governance is the key to success. Researching this subject will prove helpful for your future career.

  1. Ruskin Bond’s team conflict dynamic model: how to achieve project success. Analyze various conflict types using Ruskin Bond’s team model. What resolutions can improve a project? What can result in the project’s success?
  2. How to improve product development using dynamic capability? Do relationships between employees affect their performance? How can they achieve knowledge integration and strategic flexibility? Use a theoretical framework in your study. Analyze the data using structural equation modeling.
  3. Allocation of human resources. What are the issues associated with human resource allocation? Investigate the mechanisms of top-down resource allocation. Use empirical research techniques in your research.
  4. Project benefit management: how to set effective target benefits? What is the scale of practical target benefits? Validate your research by presenting case studies. Use goal-setting theory in your study. Analyze the dimensions of comprehensiveness, attainability, and specificity.
  5. Person-centered vs. team-centered leadership. Describe how to balance a project manager’s style of interaction. Use Archer realist social theory in your research. Conduct the study using mixed methods of data analysis.
  6. Project managers. What is their role in internal and external relationship management? Use mixed methods in your research. Categorize the role groups. Illustrate the transition from traditional to new project management.
  7. The project’s added value and trust-conflict in an inter-team relationship. Do trust-conflict interactions impact project added value? Investigate relational and calculative trust dimensions. Study the influence of trust-conflict interactions on project added values. Explore task, project, and relationship conflicts.
  8. How to encourage the building industry to evolve into a lower carbon construction equivalent. Analyze the effects of building development project processes. How much energy does building consume, and how much are there carbon emissions? Does it affect indoor environmental quality? What are the associated needs of operations management?
  9. Project management practices in private organizations. Which project management practices are used in private organizations? What are the sectors of their activity? Examine the influence of managers’ personal characteristics. How do they choose their project management practices? Use a mixed-methods research methodology.
  10. Process groups vs. the project life cycle. How are both methods implemented in a project? Collect the data using questionnaires sampled from project managers in your area. Analyze the data using inferential statistics.
  11. What are the advantages of Facebook in the e-commerce field?
  12. What are the skills related to management strategies?
  13. Why is genuineness a major factor of success?
  14. What is a red ocean strategy in social media marketing?
  15. The benefits of exponential thinking in management.
  16. Virtual human resources: is it a complication?
  17. Explore constructive deviance’s role in improving businesses.
  18. Ambiguous IT innovations in human resource management.
  19. Big data competencies for maintaining managerial competitiveness.
  20. Discuss talent cultivation and protection in competitive fields.

MBA Research Proposal Topic Ideas

Time is money. How can you use it more effectively? That’s one of the central questions you can suggest investigating in an MBA research proposal. For more inspiration, check out these ideas:

  1. Cost of packaging: does it affect manufacturer’s profitability? What are the most and the least popular types of packaging materials? How does the cost of packaging depend on its type? What are the problems associated with the most popular types of packaging? Give recommendations to improve the packaging strategies.
  2. Financial incentives as a tool for boosting workers’ motivation. What types of financial incentives do workers receive in different kinds of organizations? Do organizations recognize the correlation between productivity and financial incentives? Study how to enhance workers’ productivity and motivation.
  3. Effective employee selection and recruitment. Does it work as a tool for achieving top productivity in a company? What should one consider in the process of employee selection? How can the knowledge of the labor turnover rate help choose a suitable candidate? How do you identify the candidates most suitable for career promotion?
  4. The durability of small scale business start-ups. How can one make sure that they’ve chosen the best project? How does one determine investment appraisal of small business in your area? Does this process benefit both the economy in general and the investors in particular? Can inaccurate methods of project assessment be identified early? What are the ways to avoid low returns?
  5. Time management in a company. Study how time is usually managed in companies. What types of work-time organization are there? Why would a company choose unconventional time management techniques? Does it reflect on the productivity of employees? Does it affect the company’s success in general?
  6. Ailing industries: will privatization help them? Identify the prospects and problems of ailing industries’ privatization. Conduct a case study. What are the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the service? Will the privatization help the business?
  7. Work environment and employees’ productivity. Study how to identify inadequacies of the workplace environment. What physical and psychological discomfort is involved? What solutions can be provided? Examine the environmental factors in a given company. Employ both the investigative and the descriptive approach in your research. Collect data using the interview and survey methods.
  8. Strategic human resource management. What are the ways to determine its effectiveness? Are strategic human resource practice and a company’s performance connected? Obtain the information for the study through questionnaire responses. Analyze your findings. Find out whether there is a relationship between strategic resource management and organization performance.
  9. Corporate governance. Study its impact on the management of an organization. Who designs and implements the processes and rules practiced in a company? What is the primary force that influences corporate governance? Use research questions, surveys, and questionnaires in your study. Analyze the collected data through mean scores and frequencies. What are the systemic problems militating against corporate governance?
  10. Microfinance organizations and their impact on small-scale organizations. How do microfinance organizations encourage banking habits among poorer populations? How can the economic status of the small scale manufacturers be improved by giving them more capital? How can microfinance credit influence a company’s performance? What are the possible drawbacks of this business relationship?
  11. Review how leadership relates to job satisfaction.
  12. What is the key to success behind family enterprises?
  13. HR training’s direct impact on retaining employees.
  14. Managing stakeholder attitude: potential performance implications.
  15. What factors are responsible for an organization’s sustainability?
  16. How can AI help strategic business management?
  17. Discuss business start-ups in the digital age.
  18. What happens when law and decision-making collide?
  19. Employee commitment during uncertain times.
  20. Leadership reinvention: effects for a chosen model.

Business Project Proposal Ideas

Have you been planning to start your own company? Or maybe you’d like to develop a product that makes life easier? A business project research proposal allows you to put your dream on paper. If you don’t have a concrete idea just yet, here is some inspiration:

  1. A mobile application to recruit potential staff. The app will involve problem-solving puzzles. It will monitor the time spent on solving them without using outside resources. The top 10 players can be later contacted.
  2. A website specializing in collecting customized orders. The website will gather information on what people want to be made. It will send requests to affiliated creators. They, in turn, choose what they can complete based on their specialty.
  3. An e-book café and hardware/software funding. It will focus on convenient models with vast libraries. They will also provide customers with food and music.
  4. A traditionally animated film in the style of old classics. Most of today’s animated films rely on CGI. Due to the nostalgia factor, a hand-drawn feature could be successful.
  5. A representative-operated national food restaurant. The idea is to hire representatives of the culture the restaurant is based on. It may increase engagement with different demographics.
  6. A social media website that takes user’s suggestions into account. Competing with more established players in the field is challenging. However, you may take advantage of their known weaknesses. Your website would mind user feedback and thus avoid introducing unpopular changes.
  7. Safe-space avenue for online and offline presentations. Minority groups may find it challenging to access busier platforms. Offering them a spot that will guarantee their safety may benefit both parties.
  8. A reverse experience school for disabled people. The experiment will follow the principles of inclusivity. People without disabilities would comprise a minority. It would allow disabled people to feel less constrained.
  9. A digital platform for aspiring influencers. The service will offer advice and suggest the steps for building an audience.
  10. An analog fast food product for vegans. Today’s restaurants offer replacements for meat-based dishes. Still, it’s not always the case. That’s why a product designed with the help of clients’ feedback may become popular.
  11. A tattoo studio for writing-based designs.
  12. A streaming service for cult classics.
  13. A smart hotel for pets.
  14. A vintage CD-ROM music production kit.
  15. A real-life matchmaking service for single parents.
  16. A lactose-free nutritional drink for selling in gyms.
  17. A hotline with qualified mental health specialists.
  18. A TV show focused on Native American representation.
  19. A third-party mediator in a customer-realtor transaction.
  20. An organization providing research opportunities for students.

Research Proposal Topics on Education

Education plays a crucial role in our lives. It’s an area where constant research and improvement are incredibly important. Check out these ideas:

  1. The importance of early interventions in special education for children with disabilities. Investigating the “why” of it might be an interesting research topic for high school students.
  2. The use of innovative technologies in education. The ubiquity of computers and smartphones means that they also used in studies. Finding out new ways in which innovations might assist teachers could be an interesting research paper idea.
  3. The effectiveness of online universities in providing education. It could be an exciting research topic idea to compare online institutions to traditional.
  4. University education in a narrow specialization: a way to increase professionalism, or to spread ignorance? There exists a trend of providing education in a narrow area or specialty in the contemporary higher education setting. However, traditional universities have also been known to teach their students a wide range of courses. The benefits of an education in a narrow field and the costs of losing the tradition of an all-encompassing education are a worthwhile topic for a Phd. research proposal.
  5. Innovative approaches to teaching. The need for the instructor to interact with students is becoming more and more apparent in the contemporary educational setting. Studying the benefits and drawbacks of this approach might be an excellent idea for a research proposal topic list for education majors.
  6. The impacts of inclusive education on children without special needs. Inclusive learning is believed to have a positive influence on children with special needs and has become a trend nowadays. However, it’s unclear how such education affects children without special needs, which warrants further investigation of this research topic.
Harassment and bullying have been factors in 75% of shooting incidents.
  1. Classroom management techniques for high school. High school teachers often have to deal with disruptive behaviors of their students. Finding out what classroom management techniques work best for this may prove a useful and engaging research topic idea.
  2. Problematic children: approaches to managing a child’s temperament. All children have their own personality. It can be difficult for parents to understand how to manage it. Many management approaches are depending on how a child behaves.
  3. How parents’ overprotectiveness may cause a child to become anxious? Some children are insecure and worrisome in unfamiliar situations. In this situation, parents should avoid being overprotective. Encouraging a child to explore is the best strategy.
  4. Impulsive children: parenting strategies. Parents often struggle with kids whose behavior is hard to predict. There are ways to make it easier. Parents should remain gentle with children. But, at the same time, they should promote their child’s self-discipline.
  5. What role does art play in child development? It’s one of the most relevant and exciting topics for research proposals in education. Everyone supports art classes in early childhood development. However, in many countries, art disappears from the list of subjects in middle and high school. Is it the correct approach? How does art affect children’s development?
  6. Child development: aesthetic education as a core learning approach. Another great title of research proposal in education, also worth choosing it as a thesis topic. You can look into the benefits of aesthetic education. It helps children to become creative and see things from new points of view.
  7. Testing system: should it be reformed? Everyone agrees that there are too many flaws in the current testing system. Not only can it be unfair; it also puts pressure on children and college students. Look into why and how the testing system is flawed and if there is a need to fix it.
  8. Does the testing system impact on children’s self-confidence? Tests and exams cause children to develop anxiety and depression. Moreover, this problem may aggravate. It can lead children to develop low self-confidence and hurt their social skills.
  9. The purpose of early intervention. Some children need special or extra care and support throughout their development. But how to understand who needs it, and how will they benefit from it? Why would this approach be the best for them?
  10. Education and innovative technologies. E-books and tablets are replacing textbooks. Chalkboards are out of use since smart boards are the new solution. Both children and teachers are adapting to the latest technologies. You might research the most recent trends in this topic.
  11. Educational apps for children: advantages and disadvantages. Even toddlers can use smartphones and tablets now. Parents might as well use technologies for educational purposes. However, it may be tricky. Some apps combine the story with learning outcome goals and promote creativity. Others might have too much action and sound. This only distracts children from learning.
  12. What is the optimal “screen time” for children? When parents want some time to rest from kids, they just turn the TV on. Is it harmful or beneficial for children? Try to find out how much time they should spend with it.
  13. General education courses in college: are they necessary? Such courses include algebra, biology, and chemistry. But what if a student wants to focus on studying languages? It’s one of the best questions about higher education.
  14. Innovative approaches to contacting problematic children.
  15. Aesthetic education as a basis for child development.
  16. Advantages and disadvantages of a testing system.
  17. What’s your opinion on teachers instructing AI replacements?
  18. Real-time online classes or asynchronous learning models: what’s better?
  19. Assess learning loss in the top universities in 2024.
  20. Ineffective civics classes: where did the system fail?
  21. What are the health implications of remote teaching?
  22. Learning to engineer: aims and instruments.
  23. Assess the importance of peer feedback in education.

Special Education Research Proposal Topics

There are many questions regarding the best approach in educating kids with special needs. Should they always study with their peers? Or do they need special classes to tackle their individual requirements? Your research proposal can focus on various aspects. The parents’ roles or the use of technology are compelling examples.

  1. Does inclusive education promote empathy in children without special needs? It’s one of the best learning strategies for kids with learning disabilities. No one asks what children without special needs think about it. Still, little kids are open-hearted. Most of them are happy to help their peers with difficulties.
  2. Does dyslexia affect a child’s social skills? In the company of loving parents, a child with dyslexia will be OK. As children start socializing, they start noticing the problems with reading. It may lead to shaming and excluding them from social groups.
  3. Classroom management for inclusive high schools. Disruptive behavior is a common thing in high schools. However, everything is different when the school is inclusive. Teachers face various challenges every day. New practical ideas in this field may be beneficial.
  4. Does early intervention impact children with learning disabilities? Early intervention includes therapies for those who have issues with learning. Your research might consist of comparing and contrasting those methods. Find out which are the best. You may even try to develop a new approach!
  5. Should we educate children about their peers who have special needs? There are training programs for teachers working with kids with learning disabilities. But what about their peers? Would children with special needs feel more support if their classmates were more understanding?
  6. Innovative approaches to teaching in special education. More individual interaction between a teacher and each student. In inclusive classes, it’s especially relevant. You would need to look for innovative approaches. Most research proposal questions in education are not as urgent as this one!
  7. Does stress influence children with learning disabilities more than others during testing? In this research, focus on the more vulnerable group of students. Special education should address this question with caution.
  8. How to identify and prevent reading problems in the early stage. In school, all the learning issues of a child come out. It’s vital to identify the problem immediately to prevent trauma. Look into the root causes of this problem and its possible solutions.
  9. Technology integration for children with special needs. This topic is connected with many questions. You would need to address all of them in your research. A sample would look like this: “What are the benefits of technology in special education?”
  10. How strict should educators be with children with learning disabilities? Of course, it depends on each individual. Still, there should be some limits. All special education teachers should know how to balance being strict and permissive. Your research can serve as a guide for aspiring teachers!
  11. The role of parents in special education. Healthy development of a child with special needs doesn’t end with teachers. Parents also play an important role in their kids’ education. How exactly can they help their child with learning disabilities?
  12. The role of computers in accessible school environment.
  13. Learning disparity mitigation and special education certificates.
  14. Discuss the pros and cons of compromises in inclusive classrooms.
  15. What are the main challenges for FAPE’s universal application?
  16. Do we need new regulations in special education?
  17. Review current school models for disabled students.
  18. Shortage of qualified educators: what can we do?
  19. Special education during a pandemic: lessons learned.
  20. What do co-occurring needs imply for teachers and students?

Research Proposal Topics in Early Childhood Education

Young children are extremely impressionable. Because of this, early childhood education has a huge impact on kids’ development. Many factors need careful consideration. Among them are learning techniques and the need of incorporating the child’s social background.

  1. Executive functions and early childhood education: working memory. It’s easily one of the most interesting research proposal topics in early childhood education. How do children connect their ideas? How does their mind work? And how can we use this in education?
  2. Early childhood: brain development through playing. The brain develops most actively during the first two years of our lives. At that age, the brain is especially vulnerable because it reacts to all environmental changes. It’s essential to support children’s development through play and stress reduction.
  3. Early childhood development: child care facilities vs. home. Increasingly more mothers prefer to get back to work right after the birth of their children. Daycare services are developing to meet all the child’s needs. However, can it replace the quality time children spend with their parents?
  4. Quality child care facility: an overview. What should high-quality child care be like? Parents often face the challenge of picking the right place for their child while they don’t know what to look for. You can provide research comparing and contrasting the best child care facilities in your area.
  5. Culture and early childhood education: immigrant families. Culture shapes the behavior and beliefs of small children. Immigrant families especially should always consider it. Education programs need to be adjusted to the cultural differences.
  6. How to divorce and not harm a child’s development. We all understand that there can be different life situations, and sometimes it’s better for people to be separated. However, it gets complicated when they are also parents. A child’s mental and emotional health is at risk during the divorce. What are the ways to protect children from this stress?
  7. Paternity and early childhood education. Fathers play an essential role in their children’s social skills. They affect children’s future relationships and emotional health. During your research on this topic, don’t forget to consider the sociocultural context.
  8. Early childhood development: gender socialization. It’s a controversial topic. Nowadays, more and more parents want to raise their children in a gender-neutral environment. How can they achieve a balance?
  9. Early childhood education and play-based learning. Play-based learning has been approved as one of the best approaches in early childhood development. It allows guidance from a parent while promoting a child’s independence. Play enables children to learn math, reading, and other skills engagingly.
  10. School readiness and early childhood education. Going to school can be stressful for both kids and parents. To minimize stress, parents can take an active part in preparing their children for this experience. This research would be aimed to identify the skills children need to gain to be ready for school.
  11. What are the benefits of learning the second language for children? In our globalized world, parents aim to give more opportunities to their children by teaching them foreign languages. It has been researched that learning a second language can be beneficial for children’s cognitive behavior.
  12. Aboriginal children education: obstacles to language development.
  13. Does the readiness rate contribute to injustice?
  14. Outline the new forms of play in schools.
  15. Discuss the use of relaxing games in class.
  16. How do teachers facilitate peer communication?
  17. Explore the implications of racial diversity in educators.
  18. Remote learning for young children: how much is enough?
  19. Assess teacher-child interactions during breaks.
  20. What activities contribute to improving reading skills?

Sociology Research Proposal Topics

Humans are erratic creatures. Yet, we all manage to live together. Are you interested in studying the mechanics of society? Then you should consider a research proposal in sociology.

  1. The impact of citizen’s wealth elections. Determine how economic conditions and people’s income influence voting patterns.
  2. Correlation between personality, income, and career choice. You can explore how personal skills and family income motivate youth to choose their future career path.
  3. Population background and racial discrimination. Explore mechanisms to prevent racial discrimination in societies with a diverse background of people. You can also analyze the impact of Brexit and Trump’s slogan “Make America great again” on the rise of race discrimination.
  4. State pension age and its effect on the labor market. Identify how the increase of the state pension age (SPA) influences a person’s and country’s labor supply. What is the contribution of the increase of SPA to the state’s economy?
  5. Investing behavior: neuroeconomic approach. In the Ph.D. proposal, examine how cognitive factors influence success in the financial market. Offer your ideas on how to improve the decision-making process in investments.
  6. Poverty among ethnic minorities. Since the financial crisis in 2008, in-work poverty became a significant issue, especially among ethnic minorities. Analyze this issue and research how it impacts occupational mobility.
  7. Fiscal policy and its correlation to asset pricing. Generate risk aversion ideas and asset pricing concepts. Provide recommendations for optimal fiscal policy and its improvements.
  8. Racial identity and conflicts: interrelations. Conflicts are unavoidable in our daily life. In your Ph.D. research proposal, you can analyze how a person’s conflict behavior depends on their racial identity.
  9. Social responsibility: developing countries. Research what safety and health actions should take companies in the construction industry of developing countries.
  10. Describe the national specifics of poverty feminization.
  11. Is there a link between parental practices and children’s social attitudes?
  12. How did the meaning of happiness evolve through generations?
  13. Segregation in modern cities.
  14. Discuss the early stages of language acquisition.
  15. Is the American dream attainable for minority groups?
  16. Social expectations and dating preferences: how to match pairs.
  17. Does family structure impact one’s occupation?
  18. Social networks and deviant tendencies: what’s the correlation?
  19. What factors are driving people to military enlistment?

Other Research Proposal Topics

History Research Proposal Example Topics

Maybe you enjoy tracing the footsteps of past societies. Or perhaps you like to study the battles of the 20th century. Whatever your preference is, researching any part of history will certainly yield fascinating results.

  1. The memory of World War II in the United States. American history books often depict the United States as a country that played a key role in defeating Nazi Germany and its allies. But was it true? And if not, what purpose did this image serve in the post-war years, and what is its function today?
  2. Witch Hunt in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The Holy Inquisition is notorious for its hunt and torturous murder of countless women for their alleged practice of witchcraft. The history of this hunt, as well as the doctrine of the Inquisition, might be an interesting research topic.
  3. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin: a comparison of policies. The October Revolution played a significant role in history, resulting in the birth of the Soviet Union. The country was to become a communist utopia. Instead, the revolution proved violent. When Lenin died, and Stalin came to power, the country turned into a bloody dictatorship. A possible history research proposal, for example, would be the investigation of the differences between the policies of Lenin, who did try to build socialism, and Stalin, who organized a reign of terror.
  4. The French Revolution and its impact on the history of 19th century Europe. The French Revolution is known to be one of the most influential events in history, even though it ended in a dictatorship. The revolution’s impact on European history might serve as a worthwhile topic for research writing.
  5. European colonization of the Americas and the fate of Native Americans. Although the reputation of Christopher Columbus and other explorers of the New World is mostly positive, the reality was far more serious. The colonizers used ruthless and violent methods to deal with Native Americans, massacring them to gain land and enslaving them into labor. The history of cruelty might nonetheless prove an interesting topic for a history project proposal.
  6. The history of racism in the United States. Whether one likes it or not, racism played an important role in the history of the U.S. The country has not yet recovered from its consequences. The history of American racist ideas might be a good topic for research that may possibly help battle racial discrimination.
  7. History and evolution of Buddhism in the world.
  8. The fate of the Jewish people during World War II.
  9. Trace the development of the post-Macedonian empires.
  10. How did Princess Diana influence the Royal Family’s image?
  11. Write about Magna Carta and its legacy.
  12. Discuss short-lived Chinese dynasties and their demise.
  13. Joan of Arc’s image throughout the ages.
  14. Explore the British Empire’s conflicts with its colonies.
  15. What was Caesar’s role in spreading Latin in Europe?
  16. The ideological background for 20th-century civil wars.

Research Proposal Topics in English and World Literature

If you’re passionate about reading, this section is for you. From Dostoyevsky to Austen, this list contains only the most engaging prompts in literature.

  1. The character of Sonya Marmeladova in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Sonya Marmeladova is one of the most appealing and sympathetic characters in world literature. A teenage girl, she is the embodiment of kindness and allegiance, which is not changed by the fact that she has to work as a prostitute to support her family. Analyzing her character can be an excellent research project topic.
  2. Tragic love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet’s love is perhaps one of the most well-known stories in the world. It may prove a good writing topic for any course in English literature.
  3. The real-life plausibility of the role of Dorian’s portrait in Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. The picture of Dorian played the role of a “moral mirror” for the protagonist of the story. But would a real-world person such as Dorian pay so much attention to such a portrait, if they had it? This is a good research question that can be investigated further.
  4. The character of Eliza Doolittle in G. B. Shaw’s Pygmalion. In Shaw’s play, a simple flower girl turned into a refined woman after Professor Henry Higgins taught her. Her unique transformation may be studied further if you choose this sample idea as your research proposal topic.
  5. Melville’s Moby-Dick: a story of a captain’s folly. One of the greatest novels in the history of American literature is devoted to Captain Ahab, planning his revenge on a white whale named Moby Dick. Would such anthropomorphization of a whale make sense in real-life, though? Selecting this as a research paper topic may help you find more about this question.
  6. Jane Eyre: the story of Cinderella by C. BrontĂ«. Does the complicated and multifaceted nature of Jane Eyre make it a Cinderella story? Further study of C. BrontĂ«’s masterpiece may be one of the best proposal ideas for your research.
  7. Analysis of Poe’s writing style in The Raven.
  8. Lost hope in Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms.
  9. Racial discrimination in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
  10. Explore white normativity in Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby.
  11. What is the proposed image of Prometheus in Frankenstein?
  12. Freudian concepts of sexuality in The Monk.
  13. Gender expectations and the Bronte sisters’ works.
  14. Study the anatomical imagery in The Merchant of Venice.
  15. Domestic animals in T.S. Eliot’s poetry.
  16. Vanity Fair: are its main characters realistic or symbolic?

Chemistry Research Proposal Topic Ideas

Do you enjoy analyzing what our world is made of? With a research proposal in chemistry, you can do precisely that. Whether you’re into inorganic or biochemistry, this section has what you need.

  1. The impact of the temperature on chemical reaction speed. Generally speaking, higher temperature means that chemical reactions occur faster. Investigating in greater detail why this happens may be an interesting research topic for high school students.
  2. The use of organometallic compounds in the industry. Organometallic compounds play a vital role in modern chemistry and widely used in numerous spheres of production. Studying their profits might prove an interesting research proposal idea.
  3. The use of organic solvents in the contemporary world. Organic solvents are essential today, being widely used for a variety of purposes. Studying them might be a great research idea for a proposal.
  4. The difference between covalent and ionic bonds. Covalent and ionic bonds are two of the most important types of chemical bonds between atoms. Further elucidating the similarities and differences between them is a worthwhile research proposal idea for high school students.
  5. The mechanisms of reaction catalysis and inhibition. Chemical catalysts and inhibitors are widely used in the contemporary world to quicken or slow down the speed of chemical reactions. The mechanism by which catalysts and inhibitors work could prove a worthwhile paper topic.
  6. Chemically related toxicants: their impact on human health. Chemical toxicants may be present as contaminants released by factories. Another way toxicants can exist is pollution and the results of environmental effects. In your chemistry research proposal, examine how to prevent potential toxic influence on human lives.
  7. Allergy and chemistry: interrelations. If you’re looking for high school research proposal titles, analyze this topic. Every year more and more people suffer from allergies. Investigate what role chemistry and toxicants play in increased disease rates.
  8. Respiratory toxicity: Chlorine. Chlorine is a toxicant that is exposed from plastic, paper, and chlorinated chemicals. Research the impact of Chlorine on health. How can organic home cleaning products usage lower risks of allergic rhinitis?
  9. Anthropogenic chemicals in the contemporary world. We face anthropogenic chemicals everywhere in our daily life. Industrial, consumer, and agricultural activities cause chemicals emissions. Investigating this issue can help you build an outstanding title list for further research.
  10. Toxicity profiling and its importance. Toxicity profiling can become a great research area for college and university students. Find out more about sample toxicity profiling and its purposes.
  11. Chemistry of LSD.
  12. Chemistry of synaptic transmitters.
  13. Alchemy in relation to physics.
  14. Study the potential usage of hybrid materials.
  15. Discuss ways to develop novel catalysts through organics.
  16. Atom movement and modeling of artificial molecules.
  17. Heterogeneous environment: impact on subatomic particle transfer.
  18. What are the developments in correcting cell function abnormalities?
  19. Review safe alternatives for contamination procedures.
  20. Explore the role of metal oxide catalysts in energy renewal.

Psychology Research Proposal Example Topics

In many ways, human mind remains a mystery. That’s probably one of the main reasons why psychology is such a fascinating subject. Do you want to dive into an uncharted territory or stay on the beaten track? You decide!

  1. Importance of being knowledgeable about cognitive psychology. Exploring people’s thought processes can be among the most exciting cognitive psychology research proposal ideas.
  2. The role of family in the socialization of an individual. Family plays a critical role in a person’s life, surrounding them from their childhood, providing them with food and shelter, and educating them. However, it’s important to know how a family socializes a child growing up.
  3. The potential consequences of an untreated post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is a condition that may develop in an individual after a highly traumatic event. It needs treatment, or it may have a profoundly adverse influence on the life of that individual. It’s pivotal to realize how exactly PTSD may impact a person’s life, which makes this a good research topic for a paper.
  4. The phenomenon of bullying in high schools from a psychological point of view. It’s unfortunate that in many contemporary high schools, bullying still poses a significant problem. It may have a serious adverse effect on the victims of bullying, so it’s pivotal to understand the reasons for bullying and the mechanisms that the victims may use to defend themselves.
  5. Sociopathy (ASPD) and psychopathy: similarities and differences. The terms “sociopathy” and “psychopathy” may often be confused by non-professionals. However, important differences between the conditions exist, and it’s paramount to understand them well.
  6. The psychological causes of employee resistance to change. Employees in various companies often tend to resist organizational change. Nevertheless, such resistance may sometimes have an adverse influence on organizational performance.
  7. Empathy from an evolutionary point of view. It’s likely that empathy—the ability to comprehend what another person feels—is a trait that emerged in humans as a part of an evolutionary process. Examining the matter further from can be an excellent evolutionary psychology research proposal.
  8. Jean Piaget’s contribution to psychology
  9. Role of methodology in developmental research
  10. Overcompensation of gender roles in single-mother households.
  11. Little Albert experiment: where did it go wrong?
  12. Freud and feminism: do they go together?
  13. Is aromanticism a choice or not?
  14. Discuss the trial-and-error method in choosing a therapy.
  15. Explore the psychology behind Mandela’s effect.
  16. Aging without children: what are the potential substitutes?
  17. Pinker’s Better Angels thesis: unchanged violence perception.

Research Proposal Topics in Philosophy

What is good and evil? Philosophers have been asking questions like this for centuries. You can join their pondering with a research proposal topic from the list below.

  1. Theodicy in the works of medieval philosophers. Theodicy, or the explanation of why God permits the existence of evil, was always a serious problem for religious philosophy. Medieval philosophers made numerous attempts to create a plausible theodicy. Whether they were successful or not can be demonstrated if the problem is selected as a research topic for your study.
  2. Refutation of proofs of God’s existence in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Medieval philosophers tried hard to prove that God exists, but their “proofs” were all similar, wrote Kant. The great German philosopher argued that there are only a few main types of such proofs, and all of them do not work. Choose this as a research topic for your paper and find out why.
  3. Aristotelian Physics: verbalization of the “intuitively obvious.” Physics is a collection of works by Aristotle that deals with describing the physical world. Having no access to the experimental methods of science, Greek philosophers used reasoning, intuition, and speculation to build their theories. Aristotelian Physics is similar: it describes the physical world precisely as it intuitively appears to human senses.
  4. The concept of political power in John Searle’s works. John Searle is a contemporary American philosopher-analyst whose works cover a broad range of topics, from a philosophy of language and mind to political philosophy. Researching his ideas about political power can prove quite fruitful.
  5. The role of Aristotle’s works in the medieval Christian philosophy. Aristotle played a pivotal role in the development of medieval philosophy in Europe. Many philosophers of the Middle Ages based their philosophical theories and systems on what Aristotle had written. Studying Aristotelian influences on medieval philosophers is a great research topic.
  6. Thomas More’s Utopia and Tommaso Campanella’s The City of the Sun: a comparison of two utopias. Utopia and The City of the Sun are some of the most famous utopian writings in the history of philosophy; in fact, the very genre was named after More’s work. Comparing the two works can prove an interesting endeavor.
  7. Roger Bacon as the father of the experimental method in science. Roger Bacon is widely regarded as the person who introduced experimental method of inquiry into science. Investigate his works, as well as the context in which he worked. You will understand how Roger Bacon developed this idea if the proposed issue is chosen as a research topic for your study.
  8. What is the meaning of life?
  9. Ideas of philosophy and religion in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
  10. How to deny the antecedent to enhance the argument.
  11. Define the meaning of a “norm” in its modern sense.
  12. Transhumanism: is digital immortality possible?
  13. Study the notions of free will and regret.
  14. Truthmaking: why are information gaps necessary?
  15. What do philosophical zombies mean for anti-materialism?
  16. Hume and miracles: a pro-religious justification.
  17. Is noncombatant immunity a beacon for warfare ethics?

Research Proposal Topics in Development Studies

The evolution of states and nations is at the core of developmental studies. You can observe this process from various perspectives. These include political, social, or cultural points of view.

  1. Education and success: interrelations. Explore the relations between success and education. Analyze the correlation between education, quality of life, and high living standards.
  2. Human rights: the impact of non-government organizations and social movements. Investigate how various social movements and NGOs impact and promote human rights in different countries.
  3. Conflicts and their impact on livelihood. The countries with conflicts are at risk of wars eruption, which will cause deaths and poor living conditions. Researching how conflicts must be addressed to avoid the problems mentioned above might be interesting if you’re searching for good project topics in development studies.
  4. Waste management programs: how they influence society. Nowadays, there are plenty of waste management projects and programs. Research this issue and analyze its impact on society, environment, and economics. You can examine the Swedish experience and suggest your waste management program.
  5. Women empowerment: how it contributes to women’s independence. Women empowerment programs significantly impact their autonomy and self-development. However, in some regions, women still have little or no access to education. Research how vocational education impacts empowering women in different societies.
  6. Social institutions and economic development: interrelations. Social institutions play a significant role in ensuring the well-being of citizens. In your study, you can explore how various social institutions contribute to the economic development of the country.
  7. The role of social movements in promoting equality. Minorities often face inequality and injustice, especially in countries where people have a diverse ethnic, religious, and economic background. In your research paper, highlight how various social movements ensure equality in a particular country.
  8. Globalization and the country’s development. We live in a world where countries can’t survive without multilateral relations. Analyze how international relations influence the economic growth of a country.
  9. Women leaders and their role in the country’s development. Many years women were not allowed to hold leadership positions. Even now female leaders often face criticism. In your research proposal, evaluate the perception of women leaders and their role in country’s development.
  10. How does globalization affect public health?
  11. Is microfinance in low-income communities a salvation?
  12. What does aging imply for one’s income level?
  13. Developing countries: what is in demand?
  14. Study capital accumulation in Taiwanese households.
  15. Review insurance risks in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  16. Explore the saving habits of women in India.
  17. What did the current generation inherit from the Great Depression era?
  18. What are the reasons behind excessive urban bias in Latin America?
  19. Is pollution in developing countries inevitable?
  20. Caribbean states: external influences and countermeasure policies.

Medical Research Proposal Sample Topics

Thorough medical research is vital for human survival and wellbeing. The human body harbors many mysteries that need exploring. If you want to contribute to solving the puzzle, check out this section.

  1. Addictions among young people: treatment and prevention. Provide ideas for the treatment of young people and ways to help them live a drug-free life. Suggest concepts to prevent addictions to video games, alcohol, drugs, etc.
  2. Healthcare equality for minorities. Various minority groups may face inequality in healthcare. Analyze why the disparities occur for a certain minority group. Provide your suggestions on how to decrease the rates of under-insured minority representatives across the country.
  3. Healthcare in rural areas. People in backcountry often have limited or no access to adequate treatment. You can investigate and provide suggestions on how to improve quality of healthcare in these areas.
  4. Movement disorders: treatment. Neurologic conditions like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s are destructive for both the patient and their family. Assess ways to treat these conditions and help patients.
  5. Childhood obesity: prevention. According to the OECD report, one in six children suffers from obesity. Examine recent studies and suggest new concepts for obesity treatment and prevention.
  6. Pediatric transplants: patient survival. In your proposal, you can examine new drugs aimed to minimize the side effects of the treatment regimens or analyze challenges in the treatment of transplanted patients.
  7. Health education in high school. Numerous surveys show that more than 50% of parents are dissatisfied with the quality of health education their children receive at school. Suggest ideas to improve the quality of educational programs. What issues should they cover?
  8. Stress and depression among the youth. Stress-related disorders are common among students. Recent studies show that almost 75% of children up to 18 years with anxiety also suffer from depression. You can investigate ways to prevent depression and anxiety disorders.
  9. Mental health education. Examine the importance of proper mental health education in school, along with traditional health topics like abortions or drug abuse.
  10. What are the safer routes of estrogen intake for risk groups?
  11. Discuss disease prevention for pregnant women.
  12. Review the pros and cons of revascularization in older patients.
  13. Negligence of donor organs: who else can be potential patients?
  14. The dark side of sports: diseases in athletes.
  15. Assess the accuracy of noninvasive screening.
  16. Delayed surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a difficult choice.
  17. Shift distribution in nursing: what are the adverse health outcomes?
  18. Sub-fertility in men and women: similarities and differences.

Biology Research Proposal Sample Topics

Biology is not just about watching birds or inspecting plants. The science of life has much to offer. If you choose to write a paper on this subject, why not study microbiology? Or maybe epidemiology? There is much left to understand about the organisms inhabiting this planet.

  1. Stem cell research: cloning. Examine the ethics of cloning and its effect on social development. Research what implications cloning may have on society.
  2. Honey bees’ disappearance. Research causes of mass disappearance of bees. What impact can it have on the agricultural industry? Provide suggestions on how to prevent its negative consequences.
  3. Cancer, stress, and treatment. Assess studies related to cancer and its causes. What role does stress play in cancer treatment? How can the atmosphere in hospitals help patients get better?
  4. Heart health and stimulants: interrelations. Examine the correlation between stimulants and risks of heart diseases.
  5. Diets and healthy food. Explore the most popular diets. How do they affect a person’s health? Are there any benefits of eating only certain vegetables and fruits?
  6. Pregnancy and hormones. Investigate how maternal hormones in the first trimester impact the risk of breast cancer. It can be a great topic for your Ph.D. dissertation since there is a lack of research on this issue. Most research works are related to the later gestation period.
  7. Human impact on marine life. Analyze how the Fukushima disaster influenced marine life and its effect on species population. What are the ways to protect rare or endangered species from radiation?
  8. Drug medicine in pediatrics. Discuss the ethics of drug prescription on children. Explore ways to improve pediatric drug trials and development.
  9. Indoor life and diseases: correlations. Modern life involves mostly indoor lifestyle. Analyze how it affects people’s ability to contract diseases. Is there a connection between the H1N1 flu epidemic and indoor life?
  10. Genetic engineering: what is possible in 2024?
  11. Discuss virus mutations and available means to prevent them.
  12. Explore priors in relation to epidemics.
  13. What biological factors influence a country’s economic stability?
  14. Recovery of endangered species: what obstacles persist?
  15. Discuss the possible health effects of living on another planet.
  16. Study botanical structures in advanced artificial designs.
  17. What are the adverse effects of bioremediation in suburban areas?
  18. Rudimentary organs: which can be the next one?

Environmental Research Proposal Topics

Environmental disasters are happening at an unprecedented rate. Finding ways to combat them is an urgent mission. That’s why many countries made environmental issues a top priority on their political agendas.

  1. World’s coral reefs: how to prevent destruction. Provide ideas for the environmental management of the countries that will help to decrease the reefs’ destruction.
  2. Climate change: a scientific approach. Share your ideas on why governments criticize the Climate Change Agreement. Examine the Paris Climate Agreement and point out its weaknesses.
  3. LED lights and their role in environmental protection. LED lights become more and more popular. You can find them everywhere: in TVs, computers, and even cars. Point out why LED light bulbs are better than the traditional one and how they impact the environment.
  4. Acid rains and endangered species. Pollution is a significant issue, and one of the popular environmental proposal topics. Analyze the impact of acid rain on marine life and wildlife.
  5. Clothing industry and their impact on water contamination. Production of one T-shirt requires over 2,700 liters of water. Provide suggestions on how fashion trendsetters can impact the production of clothing. Suggest how upcycling programs can reduce water pollution.
  6. Alternative energy and transportation. Investigate whether alternative fuel vehicles can replace traditional ones. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of alternative energy.
  7. Fukushima disaster, Arkhangelsk explosion, and Chernobyl. Examine these three disasters: what role did a human factor play? Provide your ideas on how to prevent similar tragedies.
  8. Radon: how to protect families from its impact? Radon is a radioactive gas that can enter peoples’ homes through cracks in the home’s foundation. Investigate its effects on health and suggest concepts aimed to protect families from radon.
  9. Rainforests and their ecosystem. It’s a widely known fact that Amazon rainforests play a significant role in life on our planet. Assess the ecosystem of the rainforest and suggest methods aimed at rainforests restoration.
  10. How does invasive grass impact plants in arid lands?
  11. How do we regulate wildfire’s naturally beneficial functions?
  12. Review riparian forests’ role in carbon regulation.
  13. Explore the human factor in phenology-related disruptions.
  14. Describe successful watershed initiatives and their features.
  15. How can we replicate temperature tolerance in fish?
  16. Assess the environmental value of rangelands compared to other areas.
  17. Thriving ecosystems: what prevents their degradation?
  18. Modern species extinction: what happens when humans are uninvolved?
  19. Review existing instruments in predicting climate variability.

Research Proposal Topics in International Relations

Thanks to globalization, humanity is more interconnected than ever. How do various states, NGOs, and other global actors interact with each other? That’s the critical question of international relations. This subject contains aspects of economics, politics, and law.

  1. Female political leaders and their interaction specifics. Traditions inspire many political factors. Recently, women started bringing something new to it. For example, they eased the tension, especially in formal interactions.
  2. Representing a nation’s interest: who is the target audience? A country is at the most united while interacting with other nations. It has to present a consistent position. However, it doesn’t always reflect what the majority wants.
  3. The socio-economic system’s impact on foreign relations. Currently, there is a clash between two opposite views on production. Their differences might pose problems to cooperation.
  4. Wealth discrepancies: developing countries adopting free market approach. Many countries in the world currently require financial help. Providing it may lead to dependency on more prosperous partners. How can they adapt to capitalism?
  5. Free-trade organizations and their underlining political potential. Some people claim that countries in unions benefit only economically. However, they also build strong relations in other spheres. Besides, their membership may influence the union’s decision-making.
  6. State sovereignty: the extent of one’s independence. The countries involved in global cooperation are considered sovereign. You can debate whether we can say it about the countries dependent on others.
  7. The United Nation’s recent successes and failures. The organization is an influential actor on a global scale. It’s responsible for mitigating conflicts and disasters. However, not all of its initiatives are fruitful, such as Sudan.
  8. A personality in foreign policies: possible negative outcomes. Branches of the government cooperate on the unified state agenda. However, political leaders may eclipse this effort. For instance, their position can be unrelated to the country’s actual needs.
  9. Nationalism among global problems: advantages and risks. Currently, many issues require international cooperation. Still, some solutions may be harmful to particular countries.
  10. Debate takeover’s relevance to modern global discourse. Throughout history, countries were driven by their desire to conquer. See if this approach has transformed or outlived its purpose.
  11. Analyze barriers to nuclear disarming in the US.
  12. How do global companies affect native populations?
  13. What’s the impact of the liberal approach on long-lasting conflicts?
  14. Analyze favoritism in global relations.
  15. Discuss equality issues in smaller countries.
  16. Fake news in diplomacy and potential issues.
  17. Write about human rights promotion in autocracies.
  18. How does xenophobia influence diplomatic relations?
  19. Economic sanctions: how do they punish the population?
  20. Pick a local issue and discuss international responses to it.

Topics for a Research Proposal: Economics

It’s nice to have goods and valuables. But it’s also relevant to know how to properly handle them. Economics looks into how people produce, consume, and otherwise interact with resources.

  1. Subtle ways of violating workers’ rights. A government may present itself as a supporter of the working class. Study how actions such as prioritizing corporate interests reveal their real goals.
  2. Minimum wage equivalents in the freelance setting. A commission-based job has many advantages. However, the drawbacks are also numerous. Review them in your proposal.
  3. Income growth: which groups might be missing? The overall tendency for people is to earn more. Yet, it’s not always the case for minorities. See what the reasons behind it are.
  4. Newer industries fearing the power of unions. The benefits of labor unions are well-known. It includes better working environments and payment. But you may argue that corporations consider unions a nuisance.
  5. Homelessness: are we not addressing the problem’s root? Some communities have spent their budgets on making common spots for homeless people inaccessible. Yet, the underlying causes of this condition remain unresolved.
  6. Green proposals and initiatives: what are the reasons for rejection? Politicians have been offering plans to alleviate ecological damages. Yet, they are criticized by the representatives of the affected economic sectors.
  7. Federal aid: issues with transparency and legislature. Local and state governments manage their finances independently. Still, they remain under restrictions. It forces them to rely on higher-level support during difficult times.
  8. The fiduciary rule: who wants it revised? This rule aims to protect the customers’ interests in choosing investment plans. Discuss why some stakeholders view the initiative as an obstacle.
  9. Region-based wage increases: a potential temporary solution. The solution’s ultimate goal is to influence the federal wage. That’s why its proponents find regional proposals distracting. You can argue that they could work as a transitional mechanism.
  10. The US and migrant labor global standards. The issue with immigrants persists. Amid the crisis, select states strive to improve the situation. Does the federal level ignore international regulations?
  11. Wage suppression: what factors lead to it?
  12. Recent trade agreements’ implications for industry workers.
  13. How did COVID-19 affect farmworkers?
  14. Who are the potential benefactors for infrastructure investments?
  15. How do massive job losses impact state economies?
  16. Decreased economic growth: what could accelerate it?
  17. Why are pensions the central drawing aspect of a teacher’s profession?
  18. New taxation suggestions: will the rich suffer?
  19. What should the fiscal policy target?
  20. Tipping regulation policies and related issues.

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

Criminal justice deals with the identification, judgment, and punishment of criminals. It encompasses three spheres: law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.

  1. Crime and emergencies. Is it true that a lot of crimes are committed during public emergencies? If so, what can be done to prevent them?
  2. The relationship between the police and people of different ethnicities. Can diverse police departments and body cameras prevent police violence? In what ways does the perception of police officers affect public safety?
  3. The efficiency of drug courts. What is the long-term effect of drug courts participation? Do they help or hurt people? What improvements can be made?
  4. The impact of parents’ incarceration on children. Children whose parents are imprisoned are indeed more likely to develop psychological problems. How can that be prevented? Who should take care of the children?
  5. How does gender influence criminal punishment? Men are more likely to get the death penalty. Why? Are women mistreated in court?
  6. Can gun control reduce crimes?
  7. How can drug trafficking be prevented?
  8. Can the death penalty ever be a fair punishment?
  9. Will the legalization of prostitution cause more crimes or reduce them?

Qualitative Research Proposal Sample Topics

Are you more of a hands-on student? Does conducting interviews and fieldwork sound exciting to you? Then writing a proposal for qualitative research is the right thing for you.

  1. Beauty standards: women’s perception of themselves and others. The definition of beauty exists in society as an unspoken rule. Not everyone is fortunate to fit it. What does it entail?
  2. Feminism as an all-encompassing movement: opposing perspectives. Feminism has evolved from being about women to covering all gender rights. However, anti-feminist and notions continue to exist. See why some people insist on creating separate campaigns.
  3. The silent majority in non-democratic countries. Many such countries have a high population that could overthrow the regime. However, they seem content with the situation. Find a logical explanation for this phenomenon.
  4. Likes and reposts: how do they affect people? Social media are not just spots for sharing and discussing topics. They’re also about fame. Certain users make it their mission to achieve it.
  5. The allure of foreign media. Anime and Korean pop music have found success in the US. Discuss what makes them appealing to the audience.
  6. Successful women: what are their resilience factors? Some industries discriminate against their older female workers. However, opposite examples are also common. Demonstrate how a woman can stay on top at any age.
  7. The adult industry: how should we regulate it? People involved in the sex industry are often subject to abuse. The government makes attempts to prevent it. Would it be reasonable to ban the sector completely?
  8. Counter urbanization: why do people leave cities with opportunities? A new trend is moving into the countryside away from noise and pollution. Discuss what makes former city-dwellers make such a choice.
  9. Modern readers and their habits. People reading less is a topical issue. Analyze how people’s interactions with books have evolved.
  10. How hesitant decision-making affects abusive households. When abuse happens in a family, the sufferers often will trust experts to resolve the problem. But sometimes, the process can become complicated.
  11. What can people do to save the marine life?
  12. Study race-based differences in accounts of police forces.
  13. How do you convince a child with disabilities not to give up?
  14. Research what happens when children’s favorite teacher retires.
  15. Review the methods of late-life language learning.
  16. What are the main obstacles when parting with one’s first job?
  17. How are people with a Ph.D. degree perceived by society?
  18. Overweight people: what helps them the most?
  19. Subcultures of the past: are they coming back?
  20. Dealing with previously undiscovered diseases in children.

Quantitative Research Proposal Topics to Write About

If math doesn’t scare you, quantitative research might be what you’re looking for. It’s suitable for everything: from agriculture to microeconomics. Quantifying data collection and analysis is at the heart of this research method.

  1. Women’s contribution to the US economy. Since gaining equal rights, women started to work and buy goods actively. Assess the importance of their presence in the main economic sectors.
  2. The limited coverage of alternative energy sources. The world has known safer power generation means for years. Still, their usage remains limited. Discuss whether expansion is possible.
  3. Public security in democracies and modern autocracies. Security is one of our primary values. Sometimes people are willing to sacrifice their freedoms for it. But does it mean that less democratic countries are more secure?
  4. Cybercrimes: their rise and potential damage scope. Digitalization comes at a price. We can see it with criminal activity on the Internet. Discuss the forms of such activities.
  5. Online information sources vs. traditional media. Today, people have more news outlets than ever. Children start using social media from an early age. Yet, TV and newspapers might still have a large audience. What are their advantages?
  6. Violence is on the decline: myth or reality? The current time is relatively peaceful compared to earlier periods. Yet, violent incidents still happen. You can debate the trend’s universal nature in your paper.
  7. Natural disasters: does human activity affect their frequency? Earthquakes, landslides, and hurricanes have always posed a danger to people. Recently, they became more frequent than before. Is humanity involved in causing them?
  8. Smartphones as a catalyst for local decision-making. Today almost everyone owns a multi-functional mobile device. In what case can their use be an administrative issue?
  9. Social justice movements and feasible workplace outcomes. The recent years have seen several positive upheavals concerning women and minority groups. Evaluate their impact on employee discrimination around the world.
  10. Space exploration and environment: misguided priorities? Some believe that saving the Earth is hopeless. Thus, colonizing other planets is the solution. Could the money spent on those technologies have solved global issues?
  11. Discuss the millennials’ inclination towards volunteering.
  12. What’s the impact of streaming on the music industry?
  13. Study cryptocurrencies and related tax evasion issues.
  14. Review recent trajectories in US media censorship.
  15. How successful are crowdfunding websites?
  16. Is it reasonable to choose homeschooling to avoid school shootings?
  17. LGBTQ’s mainstream media portrayal: a quantitative analysis.
  18. How do oil spills damage marine life?
  19. Does autocorrect function affect literacy levels in students?
  20. Assess satisfaction with medical services against their price.

Easy Research Proposal Topics for Students

A research doesn’t have to be about rocket science. Easy topics can be just as effective. Check out our collection of simple research proposal topics:

  1. Height reduction in children and older adults. Many people think that senior citizens are shorter than other age groups. Are all demographics affected by vertical changes?
  2. The Earth spins, but no one feels it. Some people still believe that the planet is flat. They argue that it’s so because we do not feel any movement. In fact, the sphere has certain features that prevent it. What are they?
  3. What is the mechanism of vaccination? Some fear being vaccinated and prefer contracting viruses to develop immunity. It comes from not entirely understanding how vaccines work. How do they offer safer protection?
  4. Evolution of wings and humanity’s dreams of flying. People have always dreamed of conquering the sky. Evolution deprived them of such a skill. The dinosaur’s direct descendants were rewarded instead: common birds.
  5. Color perception in animals: humans vs. pets. Humans can see the world in all its glory. Yet, other creatures are not necessarily capable of that. Even cats’ and dogs’ color perception is limited.
  6. Time travel: is it only possible in fiction? Many movies and TV shows use the concept of time traveling. Perhaps the future will make it possible, but under what conditions?
  7. How did the Solar System’s structure change over time? At some point, the Earth had eight accompanying planets. Later, the classification was overhauled. The system expanded, but it cost Pluto its planet status. What other changes occurred throughout history?
  8. The extent of regeneration: cells and organs. Humans are surprisingly capable of recovering from wounds. Does it also extend to whole organs?
  9. Current issues with space exploration and colonization. Decades ago, humanity managed to put people on the Moon. Since then, other space advancements have been made. Why weren’t they on the same scale?
  10. The origins of the modern-day Western calendar. Christian nations live according to the numerical system allegedly starting from Christ’s birth. It also includes seven days based on his life, although it predates him by long.
  11. Salt in tears and blood: is it the same?
  12. Assess noise sensitivity during sleep and intensive work.
  13. What determines the uniqueness of fingerprints?
  14. Alternative energy generators and how they work.
  15. What determines if a smell is unpleasant?
  16. How do optical illusions work?
  17. Why do people’s preferences and hobbies change with age?
  18. What’s the purpose of bird songs?
  19. Dangerous wildfires: how much is humanity at fault?
  20. Animal extinction: potential impacts on other species.

If you still want to find some more topics, you are welcome to check science research proposal topics on our blog to make your academic writing life much easier.

📝 How to Write a Project Proposal

Before you start working on the proposal itself, it’s pivotal to understand the standard proposal writing format.

Every academic paper has defined rules to follow, so let’s take a look at the research proposal structure.

Components of Research Proposal

Typically, a research proposal consists of a title, abstract, introduction, research methodology, research results, discussion, ethical considerations, and references.


At the beginning stage, you should choose an interesting proposal title to investigate. It may sound unbelievable, but a carefully chosen title can do half the job in persuading your audience.

Essay title tips list.

In this article, you’ll find research proposal topics in many different areas. It’s always easier to choose one if you have a list of proposal topics to browse. Once you’ve chosen your topic, make your research proposal title catchy and relevant.


Next, every research proposal needs an abstract. This part of your paper has a limited word count, typically between 100 and 300 words. If you want to convince your research committee in just a few lines, you should take this stage very seriously.

What to include in an abstract list.

The abstract must summarize your research proposal, so it’s better to write it after the rest of your paper is done.


This is a standard part of every paper, but different documents include various elements in their introductory texts.

The essay introduction must answer 3 essential question for the reader.

A research proposal introduction should contain the following three parts:

Research background The audience needs to know what other authors have discovered when studying your topic. This will help them to understand the topic’s importance.
  • Mention all of the current and important researchers of your topic.
  • Describe their findings, experiments, and theories. You can find these via databases and other helpful writing tools.
Research questions To examine your topic thoroughly, you should answer research questions. By finding good research questions, you’ll convince the audience of the importance of your research.
Research approach You should define the approach you’ll use to investigate your research questions. You can choose between two options:
  • an empirical approach based on experiments or observation,
  • a meta-analysis of the literature to review the findings of other authors in more detail.
Always explain why you have chosen this particular approach and how it’s relevant to your research question.

Research Methodology

When writing a research proposal, you need to describe the methods you’ve used. It will make your work more credible and allow the readers to evaluate it properly.

Choose your research methodology.

Your methodology helps you carry out your research. It serves as a basis for any academic paper, and it’s closely connected with your research question.

Research Results

You may be wondering how you can write the research proposal results when you haven’t actually conducted the research yet.

Well, don’t worry—you’re not expected to draw final conclusions at this stage. Instead, just try to analyze what research proposal results you’ll get after your project is done and how those results will impact your field of study or the world at large.

Two ways of presenting and organizing the research results.

This is an important part of your paper because it explains to the research committee whether or not your results will be worth the effort. Try to persuade the audience that you can get important results, but never promise too much.

Research Discussion

It’s okay to face some problems with your research, whether it’s trouble getting an interview from a foreign professor or having the funds to complete an expensive experiment.

Just don’t try to hide from the research committee the things you can’t do for your project. Instead, discuss them with your committee so they can have the whole picture and give you helpful advice on your research. Who knows—maybe one of them can introduce you to this foreign professor!

Ethical Considerations

If your research is conducted on people or animals, you should mention how you’re going to collect your data. Make sure your research proposal methodology doesn’t conflict with ethical guidelines.

References and Appendices

No research paper can be written without reading and studying dozens of sources. You site them all in the References section. If you have any questionnaires for your research proposal or any other documents related to your investigation, include them all in the appendices.

Examples of items in appendices.

Outline of a Research Proposal: Step by Step

STEP #1. Write the abstract.

How should you write your research proposal abstract? Explain the primary problem you want to explore and tell why it’s important:

âť“ What benefits can your investigation bring?
âť“ What methods will you use to find answers to your research questions?
âť“ What findings do you expect your exploration to result in?

The next step is writing a research methodology section.

STEP #2. Introduce your methodological approach.

To choose a methodological approach, you need to analyze your research question. Do it from the following points of view:

âť“ Is your research question rooted in theory or practice?
âť“ What type of data are you going to collect and analyze? It could be numerical or textual data. You can use available information, or collect it yourself.
âť“ What sampling methods are you going to use?
âť“ What approach fits the best when answering your research question?

STEP #3. Introduce your data collection methods.

Depending on how you answered the previous questions, choose which types of data you will need for your research:

  1. Primary data that you collect yourself.
  2. Secondary data, already available and presented by someone else.

Here are the main methods of primary data collection:

  • Surveys are perfect for assignments where you need to gather information from a group of people. It can be done in the form of a questionnaire or as an interview.
  • Observation is used when you need to see how something occurs in natural conditions.
  • An experiment is a set of procedures conducted in order to test a theory.

Secondary data is usually obtained from books and articles. The main method here is the literature review, where you analyze and evaluate information from the source.

STEP #4. Describe your methods of analysis.

The methods of analysis can be qualitative or quantitative.

Multiple linear regression.
  1. Quantitative methods deal with the data expressed in numbers. They are used for measuring or dividing things into categories, e.g., in business or computer sciences. Here are some examples of quantitative methods:
    1. T-tests estimate the difference between the means of two groups (e.g., populations of two cities)
    2. Simple linear regression analysis estimates the relationship between two variables (e.g., amount of rainfall and crop growth)
    3. Multiple regression analysis estimates the relationships between one dependent and several independent variables (e.g., pneumonia in people of different ages)
  2. Qualitative methods deal with the data expressed in words. You can use it if your research involves describing or interpreting concepts, e.g., in history or literary analysis. Qualitative methods are:
    1. Content analysis (e.g., the use of certain words in texts)
    2. Thematic analysis (e.g., to identify common topics in texts)
    3. Discourse analysis (e.g., to analyze the text in relation to its social context)

STEP #5. Justify your choices.

Here you should explain why you’ve chosen a particular methodology for your project. Show why your approach is the most appropriate one, and why other methods are not suitable. Here’s the list of the most common disadvantages:

  • T-tests become unreliable when the normal distribution of data is violated.
  • In simple linear regression, the results are often over-simplified.
  • Multiple regression analysis can sometimes use incomplete data.
  • Content analysis can disregard important nuances.
  • Thematic and discourse analysis can be too subjective.

Research Proposal Cover Page & Format

Every academic paper has defined rules to follow, so let’s take a look at the research proposal writing format.

Research Proposal Title Page

The front page of a proposal includes the following:

  1. Your name;
  2. Your project’s title;
  3. Name of the institution or organization you’re applying to;
  4. Name and contact information of your research’s supervisor;
  5. Submission date.

Formatting and References

Remember to make a reference to every article or website that you used to write your research proposal, and only use credible sources for your study, such as books and peer-reviewed articles. You are usually required to cite your sources in one of the existing citing styles, such as APA or MLA.

Research Proposal Timeline

A timeline is a plan that indicates the milestones of your research and the dates at which you could realistically achieve these milestones. Time schedules are especially important for lengthy researches.

Here are the milestones that you can include in your timeline:

  • Research proposal completion
  • Literature review
  • Conducting experiments
  • Data analysis
  • First draft completion
  • Rewriting and editing
  • Final draft.

It’s handy to have two versions of the same timeline. First, make a shorter one to include in your research proposal. Then, write a more detailed version for your personal reference.

đź“„ Undergraduate Research Proposal Sample

Finally, we’ve prepared a research proposal example (MLA format) to help you better understand your task. Feel free to download it below.


This study examines the effect of mobile educational applications on pre-school children and their academic achievements. The research was conducted by studying and analyzing the information provided by similar previously conducted researches. The interpretive methods, which focus on understanding a phenomenon comprehensively, and secondary data collection, were used for this research.

The Effects of Educational Apps on Pre-School Children
Download the free sample

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Comments (113)


I am a student in Kenya at Taita Taveta University…I need a proposal on investigating voters registration turn out in Taita Taveta County


I need a research proposal regarding Effective Energy management and its roles in sustainable development


Hello, I am a undergraduate student in Addis abeba university
I want a proposal for construction and technology management


Hello, I am an undergraduate student in Addis abeba university
I want a proposal for construction and technology management


Hi I’m a student studying English language ( literature) , my teacher & for the 1 st time asked me to find a gap in a book & do a research proposal about it & never do it & don’t know how to do it . Can you help plz ?


I’m a undergraduate student in kenya
I want a proposal for water resource management

Dereje Wakuma
Dereje Wakuma

Interesting Topics


Hello, I am a student of Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource management and industrial relations and need a research topic in the area.


Need a unique academic research proposal related to global health and travel medicine.