Academic Knowledge Base. Page 2

Why Is Creon the Antagonist in the Play Antigone?

Why Is Creon the Antagonist in the Play Antigone?

In Antione, Creon becomes the new king whose strict and unfair laws lead to a series of tragic events. He is considered the antagonist in the play because everything he does appears to be against the protagonist. Moreover, the king is not the most favorable character and makes a lot...

Why Does Antigone Use Bridal Imagery to Speak of Her Imminent Death?

Why Does Antigone Use Bridal Imagery to Speak of Her Imminent Death?

Creon condemns Antigone to death, and just when she is about to enter the tomb, she gives the last speech. She compares her final destination to a bridal bed. Antigone implies that even though she will not have a chance to marry Haemon, she will still become a bride, but...

What Is the Purpose of the Chorus in Antigone?

What Is the Purpose of the Chorus in Antigone?

The Chorus appears in the play between the scenes for a reason. All the background details they reveal about Antigone‘s characters help the audience understand the events better. They also present some myths that are related to the scenes, which serve as some kind of comments on the main themes. ...

In Antigone, Who Reveals the Details of the Battle to the Audience?

In Antigone, Who Reveals the Details of the Battle to the Audience?

In Sophocles’ play, the Chorus plays an important role in filling in all the background details for the audience. One of such moments is when they reveal some information about the battle. Since the events of Antigone describe what happens after it, the war for Thebes needs to be presented...

Who Is Haemon in Antigone?

Who Is Haemon in Antigone?

In Sophocles’ play, Haemon is one of the main characters, and he is the son of Creon. However, he only appears twice on the scene. At first, he tries to persuade his father to change his mind. Then, when Creon finally realizes his mistake, they both go to save Antigone....

In Antigone, Which Event Reveals Creon’s Tragic Downfall?

In Antigone, Which Event Reveals Creon’s Tragic Downfall?

In Sophocles’ Antigone, Creon is considered to be the tragic hero. There are several reasons for it, but the main one is that he faces a downfall caused by his pride. The decision the king makes at the beginning of the play leads to several deaths, including the ones of...

How Does Haemon Die?

How Does Haemon Die?

Antigone is supposed to be Haemon’s future wife, so naturally, it is a shock for him to find her dead body. There is only so much a man can take. After a failed attempt to kill his father, Creon, Haemon kills himself with the sword. It is yet another tragic...

How Did Polyneices Die?

How Did Polyneices Die?

Since Antigone is not the first story in the Oedipus trilogy and it describes the events happening after the war. However, there are some details about the death of the previous rulers. Polynices and Eteocles were brothers who did not manage to share the throne and killed each other in...

Does Ismene Die in Antigone?

Does Ismene Die in Antigone?

Ismene is one of a few main characters in Sophocles’ play who does not die. When her sister, Antigone, gets arrested for burying Polynices, Ismene realizes that she was wrong. Even though Creon does not allow her to do it, Ismene wants to be punished and die as well. Therefore,...

What Role Does the Chorus Play in the First Half of Antigone?

What Role Does the Chorus Play in the First Half of Antigone?

The Chorus plays an important role throughout the whole play. They provide the audience with some valuable insights that help with the understanding of the main ideas and morals. However, in the first half of Antigone, the Chorus also fills the audience in with the background. It helps the play...

Which Character Is Arrested for Burying Polynices?

Which Character Is Arrested for Burying Polynices?

When Creon becomes the new king, he immediately forbids anyone to bury Polynices’ body under the threat of death. However, his sister, Antigone, goes to give him a proper burial under cover of darkness. Soon enough, she gets arrested for this crime. Creon cannot take his words back, so he...

Who Dies in Antigone?

Who Dies in Antigone?

It is easier to say that out of all the main characters in the play, only Creon stays alive. Antigone’s suicide triggers a chain of other deaths that leave the king heartbroken. His son, Haemon, could not stand the news about her death and killed himself. The same happened to...

Who Does Antigone Bury?

Who Does Antigone Bury?

Antigone, the main heroine of Sophocles’ play, buries her brother, Polynices. It was forbidden by the current king of Thebes, but the girl decided to pay more respect to the gods than to him. Eventually, she gets caught and punished for this crime. Creon entombs her alive but suffers the...

What Is the Goal of the Protagonist in Antigone?

What Is the Goal of the Protagonist in Antigone?

Antigone is the protagonist in Sophocles’ play, and her main aim is to bury her brother properly. Creon is a strict ruler and passes the law that forbids anyone from burying Polynices. However, she is not afraid of possible consequences, and even Ismene cannot change her mind. Antigone is ready...

What Action Does Creon Take as a Result of Haemon’s Visit?

What Action Does Creon Take as a Result of Haemon’s Visit?

After Haemon does his best to talk Creon out of the idea of punishing Antigone, nothing changes. The king is still not ready to take his words back and even comes up with a new way to make Antigone pay for her crime. Creon orders the guards to build a...

Why Does Haemon Visit His Father, Creon?

Why Does Haemon Visit His Father, Creon?

Long story short, Haemon visits his father to talk him out of killing Antigone. Creon’s law forbids anyone from burying Polynices, but Antigone decided to break it. After her crime, the king ordered her death, and nothing could change his mind. Haemon tries to reason with Creon and save his...

What Report Does the Guard Deliver to Creon?

What Report Does the Guard Deliver to Creon?

Just after Creon has passed the order about a restriction regarding Polynices’ body, a guard arrives to deliver unexpected news. Someone dared to break the law and buried the body. Later, the audience finds out that it was Antigone who decided to follow the customs and give her brother the...

Antigone Questions and Answers

Antigone Questions and Answers

Forgot about the test on Sophocle’s Antigone tomorrow? Need to write an essay about it and want to revise the main facts about the play? In this article by experts, you can find all the information you might require. The most popular questions and answers about Antigone are gathered...

Antigone Essay Prompts, Topics, & Examples

Antigone Essay Prompts, Topics, & Examples

It happens that all your motivation and inspiration suddenly go away. And it is totally normal. However, the deadline will always be there! We understand how hard it can be for a student to come up with creative topics for all the essays. No worries, here is a little something...

Antigone: Symbols, Genre, & Literary Analysis

Antigone: Symbols, Genre, & Literary Analysis

Is Antigone a tragedy? Who is the protagonist in the play? What are the symbols and literary devices used by Sophocles? Find the answers in this article about Antigone symbolism and genre written by experts. This short guide is perfect for any student who needs to get ready for...

Antigone Themes

Antigone Themes

What are the themes in Antigone? Gender roles, fate vs. free will, sibling rivalry️, death️ – all Antigone themes are described in this article by experts. It is to be expected that Sophocles’ work should touch deeply on philosophical issues. It appears that his play, Antigone, is no exception....

Antigone Characters

Antigone Characters

Who are the characters in Antigone? Find the answer here! This page prepared by experts describes Antigone characters: Creon, Antigone, Ismene, and others. It also contains Antigone character map that presents the main characters and their connections. 🗺️ Antigone Character Map Below you’ll find Antigone character map. It contains...

Sophocles’ Antigone Summary

Sophocles’ Antigone Summary

Looking for Sophocles’ Antigone summary? Want to quickly learn the key events of the classic Greek tragedy? You’re in the right place! In the article prepared by our experts, you’ll find Antigone plot overview, an illustrated timeline, and a detailed summary. 📖 Antigone Plot Summary Sophocles’ Antigone describes the events...

OnlineClassHelp Review: Writing Service & Other Features Ranked

OnlineClassHelp Review: Writing Service & Other Features Ranked

Online classes are becoming increasingly popular each year; after all, it’s convenient and allows you to study from the comfort of your home! What’s not to like? Unfortunately, online students have tons of classes and assignments each semester, and it isn’t easy to complete them all. In your search for...

WowEssays Review: Free Essay Samples & Other Features Ranked

WowEssays Review: Free Essay Samples & Other Features Ranked

Finding a perfect study helper website can give you an incredible advantage in academic life. Sadly, most of them are scams and a waste of time. But then there are services like Wow that have a near-spotless reputation. That’s why in today’s review, we will be looking at WowEssays...

Transtutors Review: Prices, Features, & Services Rated

Transtutors Review: Prices, Features, & Services Rated

The Internet is full of websites ready to provide an upper hand for students in their stress-filled academic life. One such website——has recently caught our attention. Our initial interest was piqued by their affiliate programs and advanced plagiarism checker. It all looks promising, but is it really that good? Filled...

260 Expository Essay Topics for School & College

260 Expository Essay Topics for School & College

Expository writing, as the name suggests, involves presenting factual information. It aims to educate readers rather than entertain or persuade them. Examples of expository writing include scholarly articles, textbook pages, news reports, and instructional guides. Therefore, it may seem challenging to students who are used to writing persuasive and argumentative...

444 Informative Essay Topics for College & School

444 Informative Essay Topics for College & School

Expository or informative essays are academic papers presenting objective explanations of a specific subject with facts and evidence. These essays prioritize balanced views over personal opinions, aiming to inform readers without imposing the writer’s perspective. Informative essays are widely assigned to students across various academic levels and can cover various...

How to Write a Short Essay: Format & Examples

How to Write a Short Essay: Format & Examples

Short essays answer a specific question on the subject. They usually are anywhere between 250 words and 750 words long. A paper with less than 250 words isn’t considered a finished text, so it doesn’t fall under the category of a short essay. Essays of such format are required for...

The Song of Roland Study Guide

The Song of Roland Study Guide

The Song of Roland is an epic poem which is more famous as a chanson de geste. It tells the story of the knight who is betrayed by his stepfather. He leads the rear guard of the emperor’s army and gets outnumbered and trapped by enemies. If you wish to...

Why Does Roland not Summon Charlemayn to His Aid Before the Battle?

Why Does Roland not Summon Charlemayn to His Aid Before the Battle?

When Oliver sees that the Franks have no chances against the prevailing army of the Saracens, he tries to convince Roland to blow his horn. However, Roland appears to care about his pride more and refuses. He replies that it would be dishonorable for the knights to get help from...

What Is The Song of Roland about?

What Is The Song of Roland about?

The Song of Roland is one of the most famous epic poems of all time. It describes the events surrounding the Battle of Roncevaux Pass that happened in the eighth century. Charlemayn aims to conquer the whole of Europe and baptize the rest of the non-Christians. His loyal knight, Roland,...

Who Wrote The Song of Roland?

Who Wrote The Song of Roland?

Unfortunately, there is very little information about the author of this piece, and the only thing left to do is make assumptions. One of the most common theories is that Turold, the Norman poet, wrote The Song of Roland. This assumption is based on the fact that his name is...

What Is The Song of Roland?

What Is The Song of Roland?

The Song of Roland, or La Chanson de Roland in French, is one of the most famous epic poems. Moreover, at the time it was created around 1100, it appeared to be the first and even the best of its genre. A Norman poet, Turold, presumably wrote the poem, but...

Why Are the Saracens Able to Ambush Roland’s Army?

Why Are the Saracens Able to Ambush Roland’s Army?

Such a perfectly planned ambush in the narrow mountain pass is only possible thanks to Ganelon. He betrays Charlemayn and his stepson, Roland, to join the Saracens. Everything that the emperor planned is now in the hands of his enemies. Such treachery appears to be the result of Ganelon’s grudge...

How Does Roland Die?

How Does Roland Die?

Roland dies just like a true Christian knight should – praying with his sword in his hands on the battlefield. Even though the enemies do not kill him, the scene of his death is pictured in a way to uplift his loyalty and chivalry. In fact, the mighty blow in...

Who Is Roland?

Who Is Roland?

In The Song of Roland, Roland is the main heroic character who fights in the name of God and his nation. He is Charlemayn’s nephew and one of the Twelve Peers, proving how skillful and loyal a knight he is. The main events of the poem put him in focus....

Who Is The Song of Roland’s Author?

Who Is The Song of Roland’s Author?

There is no evidence pointing at the real author of The Song of Roland. However, there are a few suggestions. The name “Turold” is mentioned at the very end of the poem and supposedly belonged to a Norman poet. Still, there are many arguments regarding this question, and, for now,...

What Leads to Roland’s Death in The Song of Roland?

What Leads to Roland’s Death in The Song of Roland?

Roland, as the central heroic character in the poem, dies as a true warrior. During their battle at the pass, the French army is outnumbered, and only a few bravest knights are left alive. Roland gets some injuries, but it appears that the leading cause of his death is his...

The Song of Roland Questions and Answers

The Song of Roland Questions and Answers

It may be tough to get ready for the upcoming exams when you have tons of notes about every literary piece. That’s why experts have gathered all the most popular Song of Roland questions with answers. Such an article is useful for students for several reasons. The main one...

The Song of Roland Essay Questions & Topics

The Song of Roland Essay Questions & Topics

One of the most common issues students face is a lack of motivation or imagination when it comes to writing essays. And since coming up with the right topic is a vital part of this process, the problem appears at the very beginning. Therefore, experts have prepared a short...

Song of Roland Analysis

Song of Roland Analysis

One of the essential parts of understanding a literary piece is getting into its analysis. Usually, it would not include trying to find out about its background. However, in the case of La Chanson de Roland or The Song of Roland, it plays a huge role. experts have created...

The Song of Roland Themes

The Song of Roland Themes

What is the theme of The Song of Roland? Find the answer in this article prepared by experts. We have created a short guide that explains the key moments vital for understanding the poem. The main themes in The Song of Roland are: religion, code of chivalry, loyalty, and...

Song of Roland Characters

Song of Roland Characters

Who are the characters in The Song of Roland? What did they do? Find the answers here! This page prepared by experts contains The Song of Roland character analysis, describes the character traits, and provides quotes by Emperor Charlemagne, Count Roland, King Marsilion, Ganelon, Oliver, and others. There is...

The Song of Roland Summary

The Song of Roland Summary

Looking for The Song of Roland summary? Want to quickly learn the key events of in the poem’s plot?️ You’re in the right place! In the article prepared by our experts, you’ll find detailed and short summaries of Song of Roland, as well as an illustrated timeline. 📖 Short Summary...

Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples

Start Lifelong Learning Now! Tips for Students & Inspiring Examples

Non scholae sed vitae discimus – We don’t learn for school, but for life While for some people, lifelong learning is a buzzword from yet another New York Times bestseller, for others, it is a lifestyle. Learning throughout life means continuously seeking knowledge and expanding your horizons, regardless of your...

UKEssays Review: Free Essay Database & Other Features Ranked

UKEssays Review: Free Essay Database & Other Features Ranked

Are you looking for an excellent academic help website? If so, you’ve probably seen one of the most promising ones— The web is full of glowing 5-star UKEssays reviews. But can you really trust them? And most importantly, is it legit? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this...

UnemployedProfessors Review: Writing Service & Other Features Ranked

UnemployedProfessors Review: Writing Service & Other Features Ranked

Many websites can provide help in academic writing, but not all of them deserve your attention. With so many options available, it can be hard to distinguish between a legitimate service and a fraudulent one. We’re here to change it and provide honest reviews of such services! Recently we’ve stumbled...

Investing for College Students – 2025 Guide & Tips

Investing for College Students – 2025 Guide & Tips

You might think it’s unrealistic to invest as a student. When we’re young, we have lots of time and not much finances. As we get older, we often have more money and responsibilities and less time. But thanks to modern technologies, investing in 2025 is multifaceted and more accessible. You...

PaperCoach Review: 100% Free Essays & Other Features Ranked

PaperCoach Review: 100% Free Essays & Other Features Ranked

Have you found yourself drowning in a sea of assignments? If so, we can understand why you may become curious about The service is one of the highest-rated academic help services out there, but is it really that good? If you’re wondering whether PaperCoach is legit, then worry no...