232 Narrative Essay Topics for School & College Students

A narrative essay topic focuses on a personal story, memory, or life lesson. Working on a narrative essay allows the writer to reflect on their personal experiences, enhance their storytelling skills, and connect with readers on a deeper, more personal level.

A narrative essay can be assigned across various educational levels: high school, college, or university. For students, working on the task can be both intriguing and challenging; it all begins with selecting a narrative essay topic. In this article, our custom writing experts aim to help those stuck choosing an inspiring idea.

This collection features narrative essay topics on:

  • Fictional plots
  • Personal experiences
  • Gaining literacy
  • Traveling
  • Conflicts
  • Relationships, etc.

At the end of the article, our team has also included helpful tips on how to write a compelling narrative essay.

πŸ” Top 10 Narrative Essay Topics: High School

  1. Your childhood role model
  2. How you overcame hardship
  3. The best news you have ever heard
  1. The time you experienced culture shock
  2. A story of how you mistreated someone
  3. The most memorable encounter you’ve had
  4. An unexpected event that changed your life
  5. The most embarrassing conversation you’ve had
  6. When you realized you were wrong in an argument
  7. A person who changed your opinion on something

Narrative essay writing might be challenging, no matter what topic you focus on. Crafting an essay based on your personal experiences often involves remembering unpleasant moments in the past or shameful episodes and describing them in a structured way. Consider delegating your paper to our narrative essay writing service if you feel overwhelmed by the task. Our seasoned experts will find the right words and tone to convey your personal story, turning it into a compelling narrative.

πŸš€ Narrative Essay Prompts: College

  1. A hard decision I was forced to make. Discuss the life-changing decision you faced at a certain point in your life and felt inconvenienced and pressured about. Why did you get into such a situation? What implications did that decision have for your personal or professional life?
  2. Facing bullying or racism. Here, you can describe a situation in which you became a victim of bullying or racism or witnessed such an incident. Explain your feelings and talk about your actions and reactions.
  3. My first day in a new school or college. Talk about your emotions and experiences during the first day in a new school or college after relocation. You might explain how you dealt with nervousness and what impressions that day left in your memory.
  4. The story of a lost friendship. Tell a story of your quarrel with a friend and a broken relationship. Explain the causes of that break-up and reflect on the lessons you have learned from the situation. What takeaways are you applying in your present-day relationships with friends?
  5. My decisive career choice. Discuss your career plans and explain why you have chosen this area as your professional interest. You could talk about some inspiring figures from this field and explore the strengths and skills that make you a good match for the profession.
  6. My exam survival strategy. Share your productivity and resilience techniques during exam preparation. Explain how you overcame the tough study schedule and dealt with challenges and unclear material.
  7. MMy favorite high school or college course. In this essay, describe your favorite subject at school or college and explain why you like it. Give some details about the lessons and information you have learned from that course that have made you fall for it.
  8. The college professor I admire. Talk about your favorite professor and the personal or professional traits that you like. Also, you can write exciting stories connected with this educator that inspired and motivated you to study better.

πŸ“– Fictional Narrative Essay Topics

The art of writing fiction is all about narrating a story. In a fictional narrative, you are free to create a tale that doesn’t relate to real life. Take a look at the fictional narrative essay topics below:

  1. Write a narrative where a girl discovers her superpower.
  2. A story about a land that has 25 hours in a day.
  3. Describe your version of the future.
  4. Fiction narrative where a person discovers big city life.
  5. Come up with an apocalyptic story.
  6. A group of scientists discovering a new world inside the Earth.
  7. Write about a hamster that prevented a house robbery.
  8. A person who saves the country from mass-produced poisoned food.
  9. A group of high school students helping to improve their city.
  10. A new civilization in a far away galaxy.
  11. Write about a grandfather who was secretly a spy.
  12. A narrative about a person waking up from the surgery with a different identity.
  13. Create a story about a mysterious musical instrument.
  14. A college student who won the presidential election.
  15. Compose a story about a painting that looks different in every new house.
  16. An anonymous person sends lots of money to the poor.
  17. Come up with a fictional narrative about a family with unusual tendencies.
  18. A movie star who lives out their roles in real life.
  19. Passengers of an airplane encounter a UFO.
  20. A narrative where a farmer grows strange plants.
  21. Write about an orphan who finds out about their inheritance.
  22. Story of siblings who resolve a long-lasting argument.

πŸ§‘βœοΈ Personal Narrative Essay Topics

A personal narrative is devoted to the author’s own experience. Therefore, feel free to write in first person. Include your thoughts and emotions. Do your best to describe the details of your narrative. This will help the reader to relive the story with you. Here is the list of excellent topic ideas for your essay:

  1. Memories of your first sports coach.
  2. A story of how you dyed your hair.
  3. Write about something you did against your parents’ will.
  4. Recall a day when you got in a fight with your best friend.
  5. What was the most exciting adventure in your life?
  6. An unfortunate situation that had a good ending.
  7. Write about the time when you had to train hard for a competition.
  8. Describe the turning point of your life.
  9. An experience when you had to overcome your fear.
  10. Write about the circumstances that brought you and your parents closer.
  11. Describe a memorable conversation with someone.
Vivian Gornick quote.
  1. An imaginary world you’ve created as a child.
  2. Who gave you the most valuable lesson in your life?
  3. One time when you regretted doing something.
  4. A particularly embarrassing situation you went through.
  5. Your memories of seeing something very beautiful.
  6. A moment that made you proud of yourself.
  7. Recall a time when you taught a child to do something.
  8. What was the most memorable news report you saw in your life?
  9. Describe a day when you stood up for someone.
  10. Write about the best birthday party you’ve ever had.
  11. Share your experience of being lost.

🍎 Personal Narrative Ideas: High School

  1. What are your personal productivity recipes?
  2. My experience of getting into a car accident.
  3. The celebrity I was inspired by.
  4. Tell a story of someone who looked up to you.
  5. What is your relationship with lies and truth?
  6. The choice I am still regretting.
  7. Share the experience of starting a new chapter in life.
  8. Family traditions I want to pass down to my children.
  9. My unfortunate cooking experience.
  10. My cherished cultural values.
  11. What was the most striking life lesson you’ve ever had?
  12. Describe a situation that shows your relationship with pets.
  13. Write a story of friendship and betrayal.
  14. The scary moment I want to forget.
  15. My life failure and the lesson I derived from it.

πŸ“š Literacy Narrative Essay Topics

Literacy narrative revolves around reflecting on feelings connected to reading and writing. For this type of essay, think of yourself as a reader and a writer. You can describe any reading experience, whether it is a book, email, or social media post.

  1. The most touching piece of writing you’ve ever read.
  2. Write about a book that impacted you the most.
  3. A news article that changed your view on life.
  4. What book character do you most identify with?
  5. Talk about a piece of fiction that captured your imagination.
  6. What was your favorite novel growing up?
  7. The scariest story you’ve ever read.
  8. Recall your emotions after reading a heartfelt social media post.
  9. What is the most boring book you’ve read?
  10. Describe a book that you would reread over and over again.
A book report is considered a narrative essay.
  1. Your experience of reading a story to a child.
  2. Have you ever read something that taught you a lesson?
  3. Do you see yourself becoming a professional writer?
  4. Recall the day when you had to complete your first writing assignment.
  5. How does sharing thoughts on social media make you feel?
  6. If you were to write a book, who would be the main character?
  7. Talk about the most personal thing you’ve ever written.
  8. Describe your experience of composing a poem.
  9. Why can someone have difficulty with writing?
  10. Recall what it was like to read for the first time.
  11. What does journaling mean to you?
  12. Have you ever been proud of something you wrote?

✈️ Narrative Essay Topics about Traveling

In this section, you get to engage your creativity! A narrative essay about traveling is supposed to show the reader what it’s like to explore the world. Present a story taking place in a real or imaginary location:

  1. Your first time traveling to another country.
  2. Friends taking a trip to the Great Canyon.
  3. Write a narrative about traveling to your dream location.
  4. Describe a trip to the Taj Mahal.
  5. A day-long road trip.
  6. Share your experience of visiting a historical site.
  7. Come up with a story about getting around the airport.
  8. What to do if you are lost in a foreign country?
  9. A day in the life of a flight attendant.
  10. Write about eating unusual foods from around the world.
  11. Describe talking to a local in a foreign language.
  12. A narrative about going on a seven-day cruise.
  13. Tell the reader about the most breathtaking view you’ve ever seen.
  14. Write a story about riding a train.
  15. A short narrative about an out-of-state road trip.
Robert Louis Stevenson quote.
  1. Traveling to see your family on holidays.
  2. Come up with a narrative about hitchhiking across America.
  3. What is it like to travel in the air balloon?
  4. How to prepare for a trip around the world.
  5. What to do if your luggage got lost in a foreign country.
  6. Describe packing a suitcase for a long trip.
  7. A story about a person missing their plane.

πŸŽ“ Narrative Essay Topics for University Students

  1. Relocation from one state to another.
  2. My favorite destination for summer vacation.
  3. Arguments I always lose.
  4. The weakness I want to overcome.
  5. What is your dream occupation?
  6. Describe the beliefs that have shaped your character.
  7. Tell about the situation that revealed your leadership qualities.
  8. Share a story that shows the importance of teamwork.
  9. A critical insight into my weaknesses and strengths.
  10. Write about your childhood beliefs that turned out to be utopian.
  11. My nutritional choices and diet.
  12. Tell a story that illustrates your philosophy of life.
  13. What is your view of true friendship?
  14. What does shape your code of ethics?
  15. Share a story of the biggest risk you took and its consequences.

🌟 Narrative Essay Topics for College

  1. Describe your growth plan for 2025.
  2. The indigenous ancestry I am proud of.
  3. Sources of my study motivation.
  4. Write about the book that changed your life views.
  5. My relationship with technology.
  6. What unusual hobbies do you have?
  7. The story of not giving up and fulfilling a dream.
  8. The top ten plans on my bucket list.
  9. In love with myself: my journey to healthy self-esteem.
  10. My culinary experiments and failures.
  11. The way I keep fit and healthy: a personal fitness schedule.
  12. Share your experience in volunteering.
  13. My community contributions.
  14. My fishing hobby and the story of my travel to fishing destinations.
  15. How I have managed to overcome a cross-cultural barrier in a summer camp.

🏫 Narrative Essay Topics about School

This section is for all grades! Writing a narrative essay about school gives you a chance to share your personal experience as a student. You can write about precious memories, challenges, or influential people in your school career. Pick one of the narrative essay topics about school from this list:

πŸ§’ Elementary School

  1. Write a story with your favorite teacher as the main character.
  2. Describe your first day at school.
  3. A fun memory with your best friend.
  4. What is your favorite thing to do during a break?
  5. Tell your reader about something interesting you learned in class recently.
  6. A day when you had to leave school early.
  7. Recall your favorite celebration with classmates.

✏️ Middle School

  1. Write about your favorite school subject.
  2. A story about your most unusual day at school.
  3. How did you bond with your classmates?
  4. Come up with narrative about a memorable event at the cafeteria.
  5. The last day of school before the summer break.
  6. One time when you forgot to bring something to the class.
  7. Describe how you worked on a science project.
  8. The most challenging class you took in middle school.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ« High School

  1. A story of how you pranked a friend.
  2. Have you ever won a school competition?
  3. The day when you’ve decided on your future profession.
  4. Write about the teacher who impacted you the most.
  5. A story of a serious conversation you had about your grades.
  6. The day when you got in trouble with the principal.
  7. Reflect on a class you will never forget.

πŸ”₯ Narrative Essay Topics with Conflict

  1. Describe the first quarrel with your best friend.
  2. Tell the story of your biggest fight.
  3. My conflict management style.
  4. A conflict with my sibling.
  5. My confrontation with a teacher.
  6. Disagreement over religion.
  7. How I witnessed a row between classmates.
  8. My life lessons from a workplace conflict.
  9. A conflict of interest: how I recognized and managed it.
  10. My personal experience of writing about confrontation.
  11. The art of constructive conflict and how I learned it.
  12. Write a story about you contradicting your parents.
  13. Conflict with a friend vs. conflict with a foe: what’s the difference?
  14. What can be a reasonable cause for starting a quarrel?
  15. Disagreement in school project work: how I addressed differing perspectives.

πŸ‘« Narrative Essay Topics about Relationships

Narrative essay about relationships focuses on presenting a story about connections between people. You can write about your family, friends, or loved ones. Make sure to pick a statement that you will expand on in your story. Use the following list of narrative writing topics to come up with your narrative about relationships.

  1. A conflict between generations.
  2. What is it like to be in love?
  3. Write about how hatred can destroy relationships.
  4. Describe an example of loyalty.
  5. A story about maintaining friendship via social media.
  6. Come up with a narrative where people with opposite personalities are getting along.
  7. Tell the reader about somebody being generous.
  8. Write about a couple being honest with each other.
  9. A story where classmates treat each other with respect.
  10. Describe a family that maintains loving relationship no matter what.
  11. A story where you help somebody who used to be your enemy.
  12. How friendliness can brighten up a person’s day.
  13. Talk about the pain of ending a relationship.
Brandon Sanderson quote.
  1. Children learning from their parents about empathy.
  2. A narrative about food connecting people.
  3. Come up with a story about unfulfilled expectations.
  4. The importance of authentic conversations in a friendship.
  5. What relational patterns do you see in your family?
  6. Manifestations of real love in everyday life.
  7. A story when someone makes a sacrifice for the sake of others.
  8. Describe a situation where parents are bonding with their child.
  9. Talk about the most meaningful relationship in your life.

🧸 Childhood Narrative Essay Topics

Childhood narrative essays are about sharing memories from the time when you were little. You can write about playing with friends or a day when you fell off the bike. Or, ask your family members to recall some episodes from your childhood.

  1. A story of how you received your nickname.
  2. Write about playing with your favorite toys.
  3. What is the most memorable place you went to when you were little?
  4. What kind of friends did you have when you were little?
  5. Did you ever break anything?
  6. Recall your earliest childhood memories.
  7. What was the first valuable lesson you’ve learned as a kid?
  8. Share your favorite childhood sports memory.
  9. A story of your first triumph.
  10. What did you enjoy doing when you were little?
Marcel Proust quote.
  1. A moment from your childhood that your parents often recall.
  2. Which talents did you have when you were a child?
  3. What was it like to grow up with your siblings?
  4. Write a narrative about your favorite pet.
  5. The most memorable childhood moment with your family.
  6. Were there any challenges you had to overcome as a kid?
  7. What was your favorite children’s book?
  8. Did you ever get lost when you were little?
  9. An exciting sleepover you had with friends.
  10. Write a story about how you and your friends went on an adventure.
  11. A family holiday that you will remember forever.
  12. What was your favorite food in your early years?

πŸ’‘ Narrative Essay Writing Guide and Tips

As you already know, writing a narrative essay is very similar to telling a story. Here are a few tips to remember for narrative writing:

  • Tip 1: Use your memories. Take time to write down everything you can recall about the event. You can use it as a basis for your paper.
  • Tip 2: Be clear. Stick to the main idea of the essay. It’s better not to add characters or details that are not relevant to the story you’re telling.
  • Tip 3: Choose words carefully. In an essay words to are like paint on a canvas. The use of vivid language can help you create a story worth reading.

Now, pay attention to this step-by-step guide. It will help you outline an on-point narrative essay:

  • Introduction. In the opening paragraph, determine the main idea of the paper. Make a clear thesis that reflects the purpose of your narrative. To help yourself with this part, you can try a narrative essay thesis generator.


In this essay, I want to share my happiest childhood memory of playing with my older brother.

  • The body. Since you are writing the narrative essay as a story, make sure to tell the story well. Think through the plot with conflict, climax, and a powerful conclusion. Take your time to introduce the setting and the characters. All this will make your paper entertaining and easy to read.
  • Conclusion. Bring your narrative to a logical end. Expanding on the thesis statement will help you write a great conclusion.


Playing with my older brother taught me the true meaning of family, and I’m very grateful for it.

We hope this article helped you figure out how to write a narrative essay!

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πŸ” References

This article was developed by the editorial team of Custom-Writing.org, a professional writing service with 3-hour delivery.