For many students, the most challenging part about writing a research paper is the research. Even the best students often don’t know how to conduct research or even where to start.
But you’re in luck:
This article by experts provides a list of great research tools that will be useful at every stage of the process. The collection includes everything necessary to write a great paper, from online public libraries to dissertation databases. There are also some data analysis and data visualization research tools, as well as organizers for scholars. The list includes brief descriptions for each of the tools. All you need is to continue reading, choose the tools you like most, and get a fantastic result!

1. 👣 Doing Research: Key Steps
Regardless of the subject field, all research has a similar structure. Such an approach facilitates the mutual understanding of scientists from neighboring or even distant domains. As a rule, scientific texts are challenging to write and read. That is why you need to observe the following procedure.
- Topic selection. Surprisingly, this is the most creative part of a research project. The subject area shall be topical and relevant, and the title must be concise and informative.
- Literature review and concept development. To write something new, you need to know what has already been written by other scientists. Study the available literature on your subject and define what statement or concept you will defend in your research.
- Empirical part: data collection and analysis. Accumulate the evidence to support your thesis statement.
- Conclusions and recommendations. Any research finishes with generalizations of the findings. You can as well give general suggestions for your successors in research. At this step, online summarizer would be a highly effective tool.
The following sections provide you with tools and techniques to facilitate each of the four stages. There is also a list of tools helping to organize the entire research procedure.
2. 💡 Topic Generating Tools
In science and academia, nobody receives a ready-made topic to work on. As a rule, you are given a direction in which you should look for an unexplored field of knowledge. With this direction in mind, you can brainstorm a compelling topic that would be engaging. There are multiple tools to make the task an easy one.
3. 📚 Research Tools for Making a Literature Review
3.1. Research Databases
So, you have created a word document and noted the title. What next? You should look for the most authoritative works in the required sphere. How do you know which ones are the most influential? There are online research tools that create lists of the most cited scientific articles.
3.2. Digital Libraries
Once you have found enough references, you need to study them. Visiting conventional libraries is often a waste of time since many contemporary research documents are accessible on the web. Digital libraries are usually paid web research tools, but many universities and colleges purchase a subscription for their students.
3.3. Discipline-Oriented Libraries
If you are working in a narrow scientific field, multidisciplinary libraries may not meet your expectations and needs. Besides, if various disciplines discuss your research question, the search for references becomes a daunting task. Then you should explore discipline-oriented libraries. They function just like any other digital library but provide access to works in only one area of knowledge.
3.4. Dissertation Databases
Ph.D. theses are usually written by young scientists. They are interested in being cited as much as possible, as it raises their researcher’s status. For this reason, top universities allow free access to Masters’ and Ph.D. papers written by their students. You can use these databases in your research.
4. 🔬 Research Tools for Data Analysis
Data analysis is an essential part of any empirical research. It requires discipline-specific skills and knowledge of research instruments. Below you can find just a small share of data analysis tools available online or downloadable for most operating systems.
5. 📈 Data Visualization Tools
When your research findings are ready, the worst thing you can do is pour all the statistical data on your future readers. Visualization of all those percentages, ratios, and correlations makes your paper engaging and easy to follow. Respect your reader’s time and try not to turn your research paper into a quiz.
6. 📑 Tools to Organize Your Research Process
Good organization is something needed on every research step. Below is a list of the most useful organizational tools for scholars.
Most people work with the software they are used to, ignoring the new and more functional alternatives. It is often rewarding to invest your time into exploring a new tool than to research and write your thesis in the same old way. Share your opinion about the described instruments in the comments and suggest your favorite ones!
🔗 References
- Tools for Researchers: Augusta University
- Research Tools: Smithsonian Libraries
- Useful Research Tools: Oregon tech Libraries
- Tools for Researchers: University at Albany
- Conducting Research: WUSTL Libraries
- Organizing a Research Project: Duke University
- 15 Steps to Good Research: Georgetown University Library
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