Some people know which profession to choose from childhood, while others decide much later in life. However, and whenever you come to it, you may have to elaborate on it in your personal statement or cover letter. This is widely known as “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.
The primary reasons to pursue this career are:
- Raising new generations and changing the world for the better are your goals.
- You have all the qualities and skills to become a teacher.
- Duties, responsibilities, and creativity that the profession involves fascinate you.
- Growing up, you had a fantastic teacher who became your role model.
If you’re having trouble coming up with arguments, you have come to the right place! Here, at Custom-Writing, we gathered all the essential tips to use in a “being a teacher” essays.
📜 Why I Want to Be a Teacher: Essay Types
You may be required to write a “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay in many instances. For example, it can assist you when applying for scholarships, training programs, or teaching positions. If you want to tailor your paper to meet specific requirements of an institution or an employer, check out these main types of such essays.
Teacher Personal Statement
A personal statement is an essay in which you reflect on your background, experiences, and goals. It usually contains 500-800 words or around 4,000 characters with spaces. A personal statement is often needed when applying for college or a postgraduate program. It serves as an opportunity for you to explain why you are a good fit for the program and showcase your qualities.
Below is a list of things you should cover in your personal statement. You can also use our personal statement generator to create examples of such a document and see what it may look like.
In the introduction, you should seize the reader’s attention by presenting your background and motivations. Here are the key points to include:
- Your experience. This can include any work, volunteer, or academic experiences that have influenced your decision to become an educator.
- What teaching means to you. Explain why this career is important to you. What does it represent in terms of personal growth? Why do you see it as a meaningful and rewarding career path?
- What you want to achieve as a teacher. For example, you may want to have a positive influence on students’ lives, create a good learning environment, or contribute innovative teaching methods.
Main body
In the main body, can cover various topics to support your desire to become a teacher. Consider these ideas:
- Your love for working with children or teens. Explain how their curiosity and energy motivate you.
- Your communication skills. Effectively conveying information to others is paramount for a teacher. Show that it’s something you’re excellent at.
- Your ability to create an inclusive classroom. Describe how you can make all students feel supported and motivated to learn.
- Your dedication to professional development. Explain how you’re going to advance your teaching skills. For example, you may attend workshops and pursue additional certifications.
- How teaching aligns with your personal values. Talk about your interests and strengths. How do these qualities make you well-suited for a career in education?
- Your passion for an area of study. Discuss how you want to share your knowledge about the subject with students and how your enthusiasm will help you do it.
- Potential challenges. The teaching profession has plenty of them, such as heavy workloads and emotional demands. Acknowledge them and underscore your resilience.
In your essay’s conclusion, restate your passion for teaching or the strongest point from your application and use it to effectively round off your statement. This is your opportunity to tie together the key points you have discussed throughout your writing.
General tips
Want your teacher’s personal statement to be perfect? Make sure to avoid these mistakes:
- Don’t use jargon. Avoid using overly technical language or educational terms that may not be familiar to all readers.
- Don’t ignore specific requirements or guidance. Make sure to closely review and follow the instructions provided by the institution you are applying to.
- Don’t make claims without evidence. When making statements about your skills or achievements, back them up with specific examples and details.
Teacher Job Application Essay
A job application essay prompts you to solve a professional case or answer relevant questions from your employer. This type of writing is a chance to showcase your abilities, qualifications, knowledge, and experiences and prove that you’re absolutely worth hiring.
Here are some sample questions you may be asked to answer in your job application essay for an education position:
- How do you plan to create an inclusive learning environment for your students?
- In what manner do you apply innovative technology and teaching methods to your lessons?
In some cases, employers don’t have any specific requirements for an essay, and you can decide on the content yourself. To ensure well-crafted and persuasive writing, you can use the following structure:
- Intro. Introduce yourself and underscore your passion for teaching. Mention what makes you interested in this particular school to convey your genuine interest.
- Body. Elaborate on your talents and experiences. Demonstrate how you can contribute to the school.
- Conclusion. In the concluding paragraph, summarize your key qualifications and restate your interest in the position.
Teacher Autobiography
A teacher’s autobiography is a piece of personal writing that details your journey as an educator. Its aim is to provide specifics regarding your background and teaching philosophy. This type of writing is frequently required for graduate school applications and professional development portfolios, or simply as a self-reflection exercise.
To get inspired, check out these excellent teacher autobiography prompts:
- Reflect on an unforgettable teaching experience that revolutionized your approach to education. This could be a moment when you saw a difficult student triumph or a challenging situation that forced you to rethink your methodology. You can also describe a lesson you witnessed that inspired you to be a better educator.
- Describe a tricky case from your professional career and how you solved it. For instance, write about a conflict with a student or a classroom management issue that affected your teaching. What strategies did you use to overcome the challenge, and what have you learned from it?
- Explain how your early experiences inspired you to become a teacher. Share the stories about your teachers or unforgettable lessons from your past that sparked your professional passion. How did they shape your teaching style and goals?
✍️ Why I Want to Be a Teacher Essay: Writing Guide
If you’re looking to craft an exceptional essay on why you want to be a teacher but are unsure where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a step-by-step guide with valuable tips to help you.

1. Reflect, Research, and Brainstorm
The preparation stage is key to any successful writing. Take enough time to reflect on your personal experiences that have led you to consider a career in teaching. Moreover, conduct in-depth research on an institution for which you are writing an essay. Pay attention to its mission and values, academic programs, teaching philosophy, and campus culture.
Finally, brainstorm your skills, experiences, and specific situations that showcase your passion for teaching and your suitability for the role.
2. Identify Your “Why”
Clearly articulate the main reason why you want to become a teacher. It will be the thesis statement of your essay. A thesis statement should be concise and clear and summarize the main point of writing.
In an essay on “Why I Want to Be a Teacher,” the thesis statement should clearly identify the main motivation for becoming a teacher and set the tone for further exploration of this theme.
Here are some effective thesis statement examples:
I aspire to become a teacher because I believe in the power of education to promote critical thinking and help future generations be better equipped for any challenges they may face.
As a future teacher, I strive to create a supportive classroom environment where all students will be equal and motivated to succeed academically and personally.
Try our free thesis statement generator to make a compelling thesis for your essay.
3. Outline Your Essay
The next step is creating a structured outline that organizes your thoughts logically into a coherent and engaging narrative.
Remember to include the following parts in your essay outline:
- Introduction. Start with an exciting hook to grab the reader’s attention. Follow it with a clear thesis statement outlining your primary motivation to become a teacher.
- Main body. Describe a moment that sparked your interest in teaching. How did it influence your decision to pursue this career path? Discuss the personal qualities and experiences that make you well-suited for teaching. To make it more impactful, share your vision for the future as a teacher and state what you want to achieve.
- Conclusion. Summarize the key points mentioned in the body paragraphs and reiterate your passion for teaching.
4. Write Your First Draft
Now, you can move on to writing your essay according to the outline you have created. Consider these tips to make the process easier and ensure the best result:
- Read the instructions carefully to understand the essay requirements.
- Focus on yourself and highlight your unique qualities and reasons for choosing a career in teaching.
- Demonstrate a genuine interest in teaching. Show the reader your dedication and enthusiasm for becoming a teacher.
- Start early to have ample time to revise your writing several times. This way, you will ensure you haven’t missed any important points.
5. Revise and Edit
Editing will allow you to ensure your writing effectively communicates your motivation for pursuing a teaching career. Here are some tips that can help enhance the overall quality of your essay:
- Check your text for clarity and coherence to ensure your essay flows smoothly.
- Use the active voice to make your writing more engaging and direct.
- Get feedback to gain insights on your essay and identify what can be improved.
📝 Why I Want to Be a Teacher: Essay Sample
Check out our example of a “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay to discover what drives people toward a career in education.
As a child, I often played “school” with my toys and friends. I also enjoyed explaining difficult concepts to my classmates, especially those related to literature. With time, I developed a deep passion for education and decided to pursue it as a career. I want to be an English teacher because I believe in the power of education to help students reach their full potential.
Main body
One reason I want to be a teacher is my strong desire to inspire students. My high school and college teachers were a great inspiration to me. They challenged me to think critically and encouraged me to follow my dreams. They also supported me through both academic and personal struggles. I deeply appreciate their support and want to follow their example.
I am sure I will make an excellent English teacher because of my strong communication skills, empathy, patience, and resilience. When I was helping my peers in study groups, I was happy to see them understand complex literary concepts and improve their writing skills. This experience helped me realize the positive impact of collaborative learning and peer support.
I am sure that my passion for education and love for literature will make me a great addition to the school staff. I am excited about the opportunity to inspire students and help them acquire knowledge.
And if you need a “Why Do You Want to Be a Teacher?” personal statement example, check out the sample below:
🎓 7 Reasons to Become a Teacher You Can Write About
Why do you want to be a teacher? Being one seems manageable if it’s your dream job. At the same time, it’s the hardest profession that wouldn’t fit everyone. Check the following reasons to become a teacher that you can use in your paper.
Also, the following points are entirely appropriate for children. If they have a task like a “When I grow up, I want to become a teacher because…” essay, they will find this section useful.
Raising New Generations
Few things are as rewarding as watching your students grow into confident and knowledgeable individuals. You could say that teachers shape people’s future by educating and equipping them with qualities necessary for success.
While raising new generations is one of teaching’s most rewarding aspects, it also involves plenty of challenges. Some think today’s kids require a whole new set of teaching methods. Do you agree with it? Or maybe you already have a new effective approach you could use. Whatever you believe in, you can write a great essay about it.
Here are a few prompts to guide you:
- Elaborate on the problem of raising new generations. Would you like to see a more environmentally conscious generation? Or do you find that kids lack concentration and the will to succeed? Explain why children and teens need guidance.
- Provide statistics and real-life examples. This will help you demonstrate the scope of the problems modern children and teens have. Provide the leading causes and solutions for this issue in your “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay.
- Talk about your reasoning.What led you to realize that today’s children require different teaching methods? Why did you think about it in the first place?
Instead of challenges, you can write about a positive experience of raising a new generation. For example, do you have a younger sibling or a nephew who often asks you to play with them? If so, your essay on “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” might describe how communicating with this child helped you choose a career.
Here are key questions you can answer in your essay:
- Does your younger relative enjoy spending time with you?
- Have you tried to teach them something or help them with homework?
- What other personal experiences make you think you might be a good teacher?
If you’re ready to write about raising new generations, check out the essay sample below to ensure your success:
Being Creative in Teaching
Do you consider yourself a creative person? As a teacher, you will be able to unleash your creativity and make every lesson unique. Using fun activities and creative projects while instructing your students will help you engage them and make learning more enjoyable.
This is another excellent topic for a “Reasons to Become a Teacher” essay. In a paper about creativity in teaching, you can elaborate on why you find this profession a great creative outlet. Here are a few prompts for you:
- Talk about the creativity that you’ll bring to the classroom. Use this reasoning to explain why the teaching profession is one of a kind and why it’s perfect for you. Are you planning to use your creative abilities to become an excellent teacher?
- Share several ideas on how to educate children using innovative approaches. Kids are naturally compelling storytellers because of their sincerity and imagination. How can it be used during lessons?
Having the Qualities of a Good Teacher
All good teachers share certain traits, such as outstanding communication skills, accountability, patience, and creativity. If you already have these qualities, you will make a great educator! You will also use them in a way that benefits society.
An essay on this topic will help you explain why you want to become a teacher. For example, you can compare your qualities with those required of a good teacher. This way, you’ll show how good you are for the position.
Try answering these questions to make your essay compelling:
- Do you believe that a good teacher should be kind? If you do, mention a specific example that proves your empathy and kindness. For example, you might have volunteered at an animal shelter.
- Do you agree that a good teacher should be knowledgeable? Prove that it’s another key quality you possess. For example, tell the readers about your good grades in college.
Wondering how to write a good paper on an educator’s qualities? Check out this helpful teacher essay sample written by a student:
Interesting Duties and Responsibilities
Teachers do many fun and rewarding things, such as creating a positive environment and providing guidance to students. If it’s something you enjoy, you should definitely consider becoming a teacher!
These duties and responsibilities can also serve as an excellent topic for an essay. It will allow you to examine teachers’ day-to-day lives and see what teaching practice is really like.
Here are several effective prompts for you to get started:
- Describe the duties and responsibilities of a teacher. You can write about anything, be it grading assignments, cooperating and communicating with parents, or continuously learning.
- Focus on the aspects of teaching that you find rewarding. Describe the joy a teacher experiences when they see students learning and improving their grades. Or, you can write about the fun aspects of things like mentorship and professional collaboration.
No matter which approach you choose, make sure it reveals your strong sides. And if you want more ideas, check out teacher of the year essay examples that reveal the professions’ most rewarding aspects.
Following the My Best Teacher’s Footsteps
Did you have a fantastic teacher who made you who you are? You may want to follow in their footsteps and make a similar impact on someone. Having a career in education is an excellent opportunity to do just that.
If this is the reason why you want to become a teacher, feel free to choose it as an essay topic.
There are two reasons why it’s an excellent writing idea:
- You will show an understanding of what the job of a teacher encompasses.
- You will also demonstrate your appreciation for the person who served as a role model and inspired you to pursue this career.
“My best teacher” topic is an excellent opportunity to pay tribute to your tutor or a trainer who has significantly influenced your life. To get more inspiration, check out a model essay in PDF format below:
Having Necessary Skills and Qualifications
Just like personal qualities, skills and qualifications are essential for any good teacher. Qualified educators are well-equipped to teach students the best possible ways and help them excel in all spheres of life. If you’re technology-savvy, great at teamwork, and possess pedagogical skills, you will definitely make a fantastic teacher.
You can also write about such qualifications in a “Why I Want to Be a Teacher” essay. A paper on this topic will emphasize that you have the skills necessary to become an educator.
Here are some of the points you can explore in your essay:
- Lack of preferences. It’s a well-known fact that an educator shouldn’t have any pet students. It may seem to be easy, but some ethical issues arise. For example, should straight-A students be given more privileges? If so, wouldn’t it be unprofessional behavior?
- Sense of authority. Professional educators manage a class’s environment and establish their presence. They know when it’s time for informal conversation in class and when it’s inappropriate.
- Good content knowledge. Excellent teachers always seek additional sources to boost their knowledge and skills. Real professionals can also explain complicated concepts in simple words.
- Comprehension of students’ needs. Good educators know how to connect with their students and adjust the planned curriculum according to what’s needed. Is it something you’re capable of?
Naturally, this is only a partial list of skills a professional educator should have. What else can you add to your teaching profession essay?
To get inspired, take a closer look at an essay sample on this topic below:
Changing the World
How many times have you heard that teachers can change the world? It might sound trite, but they really can. Educators significantly impact the new generation’s development and their role in society. The influence of teachers expands to every sphere of our lives, from business to community, from ecology to economics.

Here are the four secrets of how teachers change the world that you can write about:
- Sharing. A good educator shares their knowledge with others. They bring their ideas and concepts to conferences, write blogs, and hold school meetings. Everyone benefits from this exchange: an educator gets feedback while their audience learns something new and motivating. Think about it: would teaching methods have ever existed if teachers didn’t share them?
- Caring. Educators not only care for their students, but they also tend to actively participate in charity. It can be anything from planting trees to fundraising for cancer. Such activities help students to gain valuable experience in helping others. They may even continue to participate in charities long after graduation.
- Networking. Teachers overcome countless challenges daily. Networking and learning from other people’s experiences allow them to see alternative points of view and find new approaches to teaching.
- Reflection. Educators regularly analyze what works in their lessons and what doesn’t. Regular observations help them adjust the curriculum or change teaching methods. A critical approach to their work allows educators to optimize their job and make it more impactful.
Now, you have all the arguments to consider in your essay about the teacher’s profession! Choose any topic related to its benefits and start writing.
🛑 7 Reasons Not to Become a Teacher
Teaching is not easy and not a profession you should choose unless ready to face all its challenges. And here’s the “shortlist” of them:
- Low salary. Yes. Educators from all over the world don’t get paid enough. On average, teachers’ weekly wages are 19.6% lower than those of other professions. So if you are not ready to live, hardly able to make ends meet, being a school educator is not your number one career choice.
- Teachers spend their salaries on students and school staff. Most teachers spend a part of their earnings on purchasing school tools and gear. In 2012-2013, K-12 educators spent 1.6 billion dollars on classroom supplies. That’s not fair. Are you ready to waste your hard-earned money this way? Moreover, you will have to transport all this stuff to class on your own.
- Teachers have to deal with all disturbing trends. Des-pa-si-to. Does this song make you roll up your eyes? And what about the whole class with fidget spinners? How about that these things repeat day by day for a couple of months? Think if you can deal with your irritation and anger. If negative, consider another profession.
- Teachers don’t have weekends and vacations. You may be wondering why. And here’s the answer: they write lesson plans, check countless essays and projects, etc. Yes, in most cases, you won’t have time for yourself and your hobby. And… even for your family.
- Educators are at high risk of public embarrassment. This means you will have to control everything you post on social media, your behavior, and every word you say to anyone. It’s like living under the microscope. And it’s exhausting.
- Students always try to escape studying, and some parents blame teachers for that. Have you ever missed an essay submission deadline because of procrastination? Even if the answer is “No,” your students will. And some of their parents will blame you. They can say that you did not adequately explain the lesson material, or you’re too prejudiced to their kids, or… whatever it would be, you’ll be wrong.
- Students can be abusive. Even the best teacher faced abuse and bullying in class. Think, will you be able to deal with troubled youth and bad behavior day by day?
As you can see, teaching is a stressful, low-paying, and thankless job. There are many reasons not to become a teacher you can use in your paper and to think about when choosing a career. However, many people still decide to be teachers because it is much more than just a profession. They want this career path as the passion of their lives.
🖨️ 50 Teacher Essay Topics
In case you want something more than “why did you decide to become a teacher,” check the topics below. We believe that your teacher will appreciate reading your paper.
- A recess for primary school students. Imagine if you were a school principal. Would you sacrifice breaks in favor of additional study time? Explain your point of view.
- Homework: yay or nay? Think about how much time students should spend on their homework in elementary school. Should there be any homework at all? Provide your points and evidence and show how they are connected to your teaching philosophy.
- Technologies in education: pros and cons. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using desktops and tablets at school and for homework.
- Handwriting in elementary school. Some schools stopped teaching students cursive handwriting. Provide your point of view on whether handwriting is a lost art or an unnecessary relic.
- School uniform and dress code. Should students wear a uniform? And what about the teachers?
- Standardized tests in school. Are these tests discriminatory? Should they be tied to funding? Elaborate on whether they cause too much anxiety for students.
- Second language learning: advantages and disadvantages. How many languages should an average school graduate know? Do pupils need to learn any second language at school?
- Armed security in educational institutions. More and more school mass shootings are reported every year. Can armed guards protect students? Do your research on gun control and demonstrate your opinion.
- Early start times at school. Explore how such start times impact on students’ perception of the lesson material.
- Inclusive education for children with disabilities. Research the techniques that will fit your students with special needs. Show the connection between them and your teaching approach.
- Personal philosophy of education and views on teacher’s career.
- Discuss how teachers can influence students’ personal life.
- Analyze the social and emotional competencies teachers should possess.
- Describe the difficulties a teacher may face when working with children.
- Personal development plan of a teacher.
- Who is responsible for children’s low academic achievement.
- Explain why you want to be physical education teacher.
- Discuss pros and cons of distance education and traditional degree.
- Describe an ideal public school.
- Remembering who you were: my teacher.
- What educational system would you prefer if you were a teacher?
- Analyze the difficulties a teacher may face trying to implement multicultural educational practices.
- Compare the efficiency of private and public schools.
- Road to becoming a good teacher.
- Why constant professional development is crucial for teachers.
- Describe an educational style a teacher can use when teaching English as a second language.
- Is music useful or harmful for student academic performance?
- Methods teachers can use to improve the school for young learners.
- Examine the effect a teacher has on student’s personality.
- Discuss the specifics of teaching music in middle schools.
- Analyze the crucial meaning of effective student-teacher interaction in inclusive education.
- Explain the teacher’s role in integration of children with special needs.
- Reading problems and ways of helping students with reading disabilities.
- Describe the strategies a teacher can use to improve student learning.
- What can a teacher do to help students in developing social and emotional skills?
- Examine the value of education in student life.
- Why e-learning is an important part of contemporary education.
- Teacher’s influence on student’s career choice.
- Discuss the role teacher plays in students’ moral development.
- What can a teacher do to avoid workplace burnout.
- Compare and analyze the role of teachers and parents in students’ math performance.
- Career goal of a maths teacher.
- Should the government allow armed teachers on campus for students’ safety?
- Examine the most important classroom management areas for a new teacher.
- Why are laptops and iPads so important for students?
- Analyze how book clubs for teachers can stimulate professional development.
- Is it right to expel bullies from school?
- Motivation to choose a teacher’s profession.
- Explain why teachers’ attitude is important for educational system success.
- Why is low teacher retention a real problem and what can be done about that?
Want more tips and advice on resume writing? Check this article on how to make a resume written by our experts!
Good luck with your essay about being a teacher! Share the article with those who may need it.
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🔗 References
- 10 Reasons Why I Want to Be a Teacher
- 19 Top Ideas for a “Why I want to be a Teacher” Essay
- Reasons for Becoming a Teacher
- My Dream to Be a Teacher | Essays
- Interview Answer: “Why Did You Decide to Become a Teacher?”
- Why Become a Teacher? Educators Share What They Love About Their Work
- Why I Want to Become a Teacher
- What Is an Autobiography?
- How to Write an Autobiography: 8 Steps for Writing Your Autobiography
- How to Write a Resume
- How to Write a Perfect Teaching Resume (Examples Included)
- Working Toward “Wow”: A Vision for a New Teaching Profession
- Being a Teacher Essay
- Essay on Teacher for Students and Children
- 5 Reasons to Love Teaching
- Why Do YOU Want to be a Teacher?
- Review Essay: Reflections on Scholarship and Teaching in the Humanities
- How To Write A Great Personal Statement For A Teaching Job
Nice And informative article
Thanks all of this was so helpful, could you send me more on being a teacher to my email
Unfortunately, we don’t have more articles on teaching for the time being, but you can check the blog later in case we post something useful for you.
Nice and informative
This article is really very informative and full of great ideas.
I am happy to see new creative writing and wonderful thoughts.
These are super cool guidelines to help me with my essay. Fresh ideas started popping right up. Thnx a whole bunch!
You have really done a good job. More grace to you.