You don’t need to be a nerd to understand the general idea behind cause and effect essays. Let’s see! If you skip a meal, you get hungry. And if you write an essay about it, your goal is achieved!

However, following multiple rules of academic writing can be a tough task. But don’t worry; this guide can help you finish your cause and effect writing assignment on time and with little to no stress. By the end of this article by experts, you will know the structure and variations of this essay type. Long story short, it’s a full guide on how to write a cause and effect essay (with examples!).
âť“ What Is a Cause and Effect Essay?
A cause and effect essay’s main focus is to work through the relationship between two events. Specifically, it highlights how one event leads to the second one. The writing structure changes depending on the ratio of causes to effects that you choose. Read the examples below for more detail.
✍️ How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay?
As mentioned, this article can be considered the ultimate guide to writing a perfect cause and effect essay. It consists of smooth and clear instructions with examples.

- First, it tells you how to choose a suitable topic. This is vital as it becomes the foundation for your essay.
- Then, there is some information on how to choose the outline that is appropriate for your essay’s primary focus.
- Finally, you will learn what language you should use to hit the best score! It concludes with a cause and effect essay sample, which you may use as an example.
đź’ˇ Choose Your Cause and Effect Essay Topic
In order to find a good topic for your cause and effect essay, you should choose what to focus on: the causes or the effects? Not only does the whole structure of your paper depend on it, but you also need to pick a suitable topic based on that decision. Let’s see how the topic would change depending on the focus.
Cause & Effect Essay Topics
- How does noise pollution affect your physical and mental health?
- What were the main reasons of the Great Depression?
- What does a high sugar consumption do to our health?
- The impact of social media on children’s mantal health.
- Reasons and effect of gender segregation in the labor market.
- What induces people to take drugs?
- The main reasons for parking shortage in big cities.
- How can regular exercises add to our physical and mental wellbeing?
- How did World War II affect social and political structure of the world?
- The main factors that caused the global poverty.
🎓 Create a Cause and Effect Thesis Statement
The best cause and effect essays also have a well-prepared thesis statement. Generally, the thesis statement would point out your point of view and your essay’s main ideas. Here, however, you should also not forget to highlight whether the focus is on causes or effects. You can use a thesis statement generator for essay to speed up the creation process. For instance, this statement highlights the effects of daily walks, states that the author supports this idea, and presents one thing that causes three effects:
Walking for at least half an hour every day can bring numerous positive benefits for your health: it improves blood circulation, strengthens joints, and helps with weight loss.
đź“‘ Outline Your Cause and Effect Essay
Like the topic, your cause and effect essay outline is affected by your writing focus. The structure depends on how many relations you choose to highlight. For instance, there may be only one leading cause or multiple. The same is with effects. Moreover, there is one additional type.
Many Causes, One Effect
In this kind of essay, you would focus on discussing as many related causes as you can think of. An additional advantage would be if you could select various causes from different areas. But remember to prove that they all lead to one effect.

This cause and effect essay structure reflects the general outline you are used to (remember that conclusion is usually a paraphrase of a thesis statement from the introduction).
Many Causes, One Effect Essay Outline Example
1. Introduction
1.1. Thesis statement: Bullying begins with personal desires or family issues and leads to increased numbers of suffering children.
2. Main body
2.1. Cause 1: Bullies want to be noticed.
2.2. Cause 2: They want to feel superior.
2.3. Cause 3: There are issues at home.
2.4. Effect: Many innocent kids become victims of bullying.
3. Conclusion
One Cause, Many Effects
The outline of this type of essay would look a lot like the previous one, except that the ratio of causes and effects is mirrored. You should be quite competent in the topic you’re working on to produce a quality essay.

One Cause, Many Effects Essay Outline Example
1. Introduction
1.1. Thesis Statement: Overusing social media can lead to adverse psychological and emotional effects.
2. Main body
2.1. Cause: Spending too much time on social media, watching other users’ lives.
2.2. Effect 1: Users become more self-conscious about their appearance or quality of life.
2.3. Effect 2: It takes up time that could have been used for more useful activities.
2.3. Effect 3: Real-life relationships and other commitments suffer.
3. Conclusion
Cause-Effect Chain
It may be more challenging than the other essays. The structure of this type of writing reflects a chain reaction. The effect of the initial cause leads to another cause and effect cycle. You will need to be careful and very attentive in order to maintain the logical order.

1. Introduction
1.1. Thesis Statement: Through the chain of causes and effects, it can be observed that the use of hair spray may lead to a global catastrophe.
2. Main body
2.1. Cause and effect chain #1: Chlorofluorocarbons were used to make hairsprays 50 years ago, but they are harmful to the ozone layer – some of them are still in the atmosphere ruining ozone molecules.
2.2. Cause and effect chain #2: Less ozone layer causes icebergs to melt faster.
2.3. Cause and effect chain #3. Melting ice causes the sea level to rise and flood the land.
3. Conclusion
đź“ť Develop Your Cause and Effect Paragraphs
Since we are talking about academic writing here, it’s essential to keep your language appropriate. The most commonly used word, in this case, is “because.” However, you shouldn’t overuse it.
There are quite a few ready-to-use phrases that are most suitable for this type of essay. Include these in your cause and effect paragraphs to make the transition between ideas smoother and your writing more coherent:
- As a consequence, …
- It leads to…
- (The cause) results in / causes / influences (the effect)
- The key factors are…
- Due to…
- One of the results is…
- The primary effect of (the cause) is…
Don’t forget to use sentence connectors, such as:
- In addition
- Furthermore
- Therefore
- Thus
- Consequently
After completing the first draft, you should proofread your writing and carefully check that there are no sentence fragments, like this:
Because I haven’t slept in two days before the exam.
Sometimes, rushing through the writing process may lead your thoughts astray, and you leave the ending of the sentence unfinished. However, it’s a severe mistake, so try to avoid it.
In addition, you should not mix the verb tenses. If you are describing a past event, stick to the past tense. Of course, it may depend on the situation. For instance, the present tense is used to talk about universal truth, while different tenses can be used for writing a report.
đź‘€ Cause and Effect Essay Examples
We have gone step by step through the process of writing a good cause and effect essay. Now, finally, you can check out how it should look altogether. The following writing follows the template of the outline about bullying that we introduced earlier. It has all the necessary elements, such as the structure, vocabulary, and the thesis statement highlighted. It is a great example of a cause and effect essay, so go ahead and read it through!
Bullying in Schools (Cause & Effect Essay Sample)
Want more samples? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a bonus list of cause and effect essay examples.
- Causes and Effects of Divorce
- Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction
- Sophocles’ Antigone: Cause & Effect Essay
- Cause and Effect: Living with Pets Improves Their Owners’ Health
- American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects
- Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction
- Diabetes: Causes and Effects of Disease
đź”— References
- Cause-and-effect | Definition of Cause-and-effect at
- Causes and Effects – Harvard Business Review
- Cause and effect | Nature Methods
- Cause and Effect – SAGE Research Methods
- Cause and Effect in Epidemiology | SpringerLink
- Patterns in the Landscape – Analyses of Cause and Effect
- Cause and Effect Diagram – Clinical Excellence Commission
- Explaining Causality – Academic Phrasebank
- Cause and Effect Essay Examples (Your Dictionary)
- Cause and Effect – Writing for Success