A précis is a brief synopsis of a written piece. It is used to summarize and analyze a text’s main points. If you need to write a précis for a research paper or the AP Lang exam, you’ve come to the right place.
In this comprehensive guide by Custom-Writing.org, you’ll find:
- explanations of different précis formats,
- a step-by-step writing guide,
- 4 précis samples,
- answers to frequent questions.
📚 What Is a Precis?
Précis is a type of writing that represents a text’s crucial ideas and has a fixed structure. It’s close to an essay in format, but it consists of only 4 sentences with specific content:
- Author’s name, genre, and title of work. It also contains the thesis statement (what the author claims or suggests.)
- Close examination of the thesis and its revelation, usually in the same order as in the original text.
- Explanation of the work’s purpose. This part answers the questions “why?” and “what for?”
- Description of the tone and the audience. This sentence discusses who the author appeals to.
Writing a précis can be helpful in numerous cases, such as:
- preparation for complex text analysis,
- creation of an annotated bibliography,
- summarizing a lengthy research paper,
- improvement of critical thinking and analytical skills.
How Long Should a Precis Be?
The length of a précis can vary depending on the format and original text. According to précis writing rules, the rhetorical format should consist of 4 sentences, each being a separate paragraph. A précis is supposed to be about 100-200 words long. Sometimes, it can be 1/5 of the original text’s length.
Difference between Summary and Precis
Even though “summary” is a synonym of “précis,” there are several essential differences between these two notions. The main distinction lies in structure: a précis always consists of 4 sentences, while a summary’s format can vary.
Have a look at the comparison below:
📌 Précis
- Comprises exactly 4 laconic sentences.
- Covers only the essential ideas.
- Emulates the original text’s writing tone and style.
📌 Summary
- Varies in structure and usually follows the analyzed work.
- Incorporates all of the text’s aspects.
- Can be written in any style and doesn’t have to follow the text’s original tone.
📝 Precis Format Types
Now, you know what a précis is, but that’s not all of it. There are also different formats of précis writing: critical, rhetorical, research, and literary. In this section, we will examine their components and structure.

Critical Precis Definition & Structure
A critical précis focuses on an argument and reveals the text’s reasoning. It’s also the most frequent of all formats. While working on such a précis, follow these writing rules for each segment:
- Formulate an argument expressed in the original piece.
- Indicate the author’s reasoning and its essential components.
- Analyze the evidence the author uses to corroborate their argumentation.
- Discuss what kind of audience the work appeals to.
Rhetorical Precis Definition & Structure
A rhetorical précis is an analytical review of the original text’s subject matter and persuasive techniques. It reveals the fundamental ideas of the paper and shows how it works rhetorically. This format is one of the AP Lang assignments.
Each of the 4 elements of a rhetorical précis structure expresses particular information:
- Background and thesis statement.
- The argument used to support the core point.
- Explanation of the text’s purpose.
- Analysis of the rhetorical devices the author utilizes to convince the readers.
Research Precis Definition & Structure
Research précis is similar to the critical one, except it’s meant to present a concise, structured synopsis of a scholarly paper.
The 4 elements of this précis type are as follows:
- Description of the work’s purpose and issues raised in it.
- Overview of all the methods utilized by the researcher.
- Summary of the practical results and findings.
- Reasoning of the study’s significance.
Literary Precis Definition & Structure
Literary précis is an argumentative overview of a text with special attention to its literary devices. The purpose and contents of this type significantly differ from others.
Have a look at this format’s structure:
- The work’s title, genre, and central theme.
- Plot summary: the principal characters, place and time of the narration, and the primary conflict.
- The text’s overall purpose: what thoughts it intends to evoke in the minds of the audience.
- The exploration of literary devices that help to accomplish the desired result.
✅ How to Write a Precis Step by Step
Now, let’s see what exactly you need for developing a perfect précis.
We’ll start with the pre-writing stage. As soon as this part is done, the rest of the process will be far more manageable. These actionable tips can help you with it:
- Read the original text comprehensively and note down essential information.
- Boil down each segment to a single sentence.
- Don’t forget to mention the text’s arguments, methods, and purpose in your notes.
It can be beneficial if you use the mind mapping to organize the key aspects from the reading. Putting all the main points on the chart or diagram helps you manage your thoughts and establish a suitable plan for your essay. To do it, you simply need to connect the elements you’ve already outlined. Check out this article by the University of Kansas to discover more about mind mapping and other pre-writing techniques.
Precis Outline
Below you’ll find a detailed outline for each of the 4 précis parts. Follow the steps to make your writing process effortless:
Step #1. Give some general information about the text.
- State the work’s title and the author’s name. You can also add some publishing information, such as the number of the edition.
- Mention the text’s fundamental idea or message.
Step #2. Show how the author develops their arguments and supports the thesis.
- Focus on the evidence they employ rather than on individual details of their reasoning.
- When writing a literary précis, concentrate on the devices that help unravel the central theme.
Step #3. Clarify the purpose of the piece.
- If you’re writing a rhetorical or critical précis, build your sentences using the phrase “in order to.”
- Avoid reiterating the thesis. Instead, elaborate on the author’s motives and goals.
Step #4. Demonstrate what type of audience the author appeals to.
- To detect the intended audience, analyze the text’s theme, thesis, and tone.
- The type of audience usually depends on the author. For example, scholars typically appeal to their colleagues interested in the topic. Writers of fiction can appeal to any social group or society as a whole.
Rhetorical Precis Template
To help you structure your précis, we’ve created a sample template that you can download in PDF format below. All you need to do is to print it out and fill in the blanks.
- [Name of the author] in his/her [type of the text] titled [the text’s title] argues that [the text’s main argument].
- The author supports his/her arguments by [evidence presented by the author].
- The author’s purpose is to [what the author wants to achieve] in order to [the text’s intended effect on readers].
- The author writes in a [description of the text’s tone] tone for [the type of audience].
Rhetorical Precis: Verbs & Sentence Starters
Want to make your précis stand out? You can do it by using certain clichés and rhetorically accurate verbs. They will help you describe the writer’s reasoning precisely.
Check out this list of common précis words and sentence starters that you can use:
1st sentence
The author:
- asserts
- implies
- suggests
- argues.
In his article “Diglossia” (1958), Jarls Ferguson suggests the term diglossia describes the situation of unbalanced bilingualism with different functional areas of language circulation for local spoken variants.
2nd sentence
The author supports the arguments by:
- comparing
- listing
- explaining
- defining
- describing.
The author supports her assertion by showing her personal experience and struggle against Taliban supporters who shot her for her willingness to study at school.
3rd sentence
The author’s purpose is to:
- show
- point out
- inform
- persuade
- convince.
Bradbury’s overall purpose is to show the problem of censorship in the era of high technology to convince people that literature and culture are crucial for humanity.
4th sentence
The author’s tone is:
- formal
- informal
- sarcastic
- humorous.
The author establishes a formal and analytical tone with his audience of scholars interested in linguistics and philology.
Precis Format Tips
When you finish the writing, it’s time to start proofreading your text. Proofreading means looking for grammar and spelling errors in your text, and it helps you improve your text and correct all the mistakes. Here are some tips for proofreading your text successfully:
- If you have doubts about the sentence structure, it’s better to use simple sentences.
- Check the spelling errors. If you can’t use a dictionary, it’s better not to use words that you barely know.
- Give your text to someone else to check if everything is correct.
- You may also use grammar and spell checkers.
It’s also crucial to format your text correctly. Be sure that you’re following style requirements:
- Use 12 font size and double space intervals and at least 1-inch margins on all sides.
- Write your name at the end.
- Write in the author’s voice instead of reporting their words indirectly.
- Keep the same order of ideas as in the original text.
Precis Writing Checklist
Now you’re all set to start working on your précis. To make things even easier for you, we’ve prepared a checklist you can use while writing:
- Read the text thoroughly.
- Use indirect speech in your writing.
- List the text’s critical points.
- Ensure there are exactly 4 sentences.
- Compare your précis to the original.
- Avoid quotations, abbreviations, and value judgments.
📋 Precis Examples: Different Types
We’ve prepared for your high school and college examples of different précis to help you write one of your own. Feel free to use them as inspiration.
Critical Precis Example
1st sentence
In his speech I Have a Dream (1963), American civil rights activist and minister Martin Luther King asserts that all people in the United States should enjoy equal rights regardless of their skin color or ethnicity.
2nd sentence
King supports his assertion by using powerful metaphors to show the racial inequality in the USA and by repeating the phrase “I have a dream” to establish the goals the society needs to achieve for developing civil rights.
3rd sentence
The speaker aims to convince people that segregation policy and racism are harmful to society and lead to inequality and social conflicts.
4th sentence
King addresses his speech to the government and Americans and uses a serious but inspiring tone.
Rhetorical Precis Example
1st sentence
Young Pakistani female activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, in her speech at the Youth Takeover of the United Nations (2013), asserts that equal education for both men and women is the key to the brightest future of humanity.
2nd sentence
She supports her assertion by showing her personal experience and struggle against Taliban supporters who shot her for her willingness to learn in school.
3rd sentence
Her purpose is to make the UN nations representatives and society bring their attention to the equality problems that millions of people face every day in developing countries.
4th sentence
Malala Yousafzai establishes a respectful but emotional tone to appeal to the broad audience in the United Nations and the whole world.
Research Precis Example
1st sentence
In their article “Why Molière Most Likely Did Write His Plays” (2019), published in Science Journal, Florian Cafiero and Jean-Baptiste Camps try to clear up uncertainties regarding the authorship of Molière’s works that were questioned by the public and scholars in the 20th century.
2nd sentence
Cafiero and Camps decided to determine the authorship of Moliere’s writing using a statistical analysis of the text and hierarchical clustering, which allows dividing objects into separate groups according to their proximity to each other.
3rd sentence
Researchers analyzed all similarities in texts and concluded that Moliere invented the plots for his plays and wrote them independently.
4th sentence
The study helped determine the authorship of Moliere’s plays and showed the effectiveness of using a hierarchical clustering method in such cases.
Literary Precis Example
1st sentence
In his famous novel Fahrenheit 451, published in 1953 by Ballantine Books, Ray Bradbury addresses the downsides of mass media and technological development.
2nd sentence
The novel takes place in an unnamed American city in the distant future and follows the story of Guy Montag, an intelligent and empathetic fireman responsible for burning outlawed books who realizes how awful reality is and begins protesting against the system of suppressing free thinking.
3rd sentence
The author aims to show the adverse influence of technology and suppression on literature, culture, and society.
4th sentence
Bradbury develops his theme through a dystopian narrative to present the undesirable future, animal imagery to contrast nature and technologies, and repetitive patterns to underline his essential thoughts.
Precis Essay Topics
- Précis of Everyday Use by Alice Walker
- Write a summary of COVID-19 related articles
- Synopsis of On the American Working Class
- Create a précis of Wearables by Linnie Greene
- Present a brief summary of Overview of the Immune Response
- Write a synopsis of 3 lung cancer articles
- Précis of an article by Douglas C. Engelbart
- Write a concise synopsis of Consider the Lobster
- Present a précis of a journal article
- Summary of the article Coming to the Aid of Women in U.S. Prison by D.S. McClellan
- Come up with a synopsis of an article in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
- Summary of the article The HR Challenges Shaping the Healthcare Industry
- Write a synopsis of a research paper on evidence-based interventions for anxiety
- Make a précis of the study Practice Nurse Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice
- Present a short summary of the article Robotic Kidney Transplantation: One Year After the Beginning
- Create a synopsis of an article critique
- Short summary of the film The Great Debaters
- Summary of the article Breast Cancer and Exercise
- Write a synopsis of the article Assessment and Management of Sexual Dysfunction in the Context of Depression
- Précis of the article Maternal Stress and Sensitivity: Moderating Effect of Positive Affect
- Make a reading summary of two social articles
- Summary of Examining Evidence-Based Interventions to Prevent Inpatient Falls
- Short synopsis of the article You Know Nothing, John Doe!
- Précis and analysis of the article My Turn: $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Would Slow Economy
- Summary of McCallum’s Followership
- Present a comparative synopsis of Woolf’s and Brady’s feminist articles
- Précis of Business Careers with High Pay
- Summary of Women Should Have to Register for the Draft
- Write a synopsis of The Spirit in Creation by D. Williams
- Précis of sports and organizational conflict articles
- Write a summary and analysis of the article New Bases of Competitive Advantage
- Synopsis of Asleep on the Job
- Précis of Sleep, Health, and Wellness at Work
- Summary of Leadership Characteristics and Digital TransFormation
- Present a synopsis of Tweeting Social Change by Guo & Saxton
- Précis of the article The Nature of Things: Biomimicry
- Summary of How to Develop a Strategic Mindset
- Synopsis of Coalition Brings Pressure to End Forced Uighur Labor
- Write a précis of 2 gender inequality articles
- Present a summary of Chopin’s The Story of an Hour
- Synopsis of The Necklace
- Make a précis of The Garden Party by Catherine Mansfield
- Summary of Zika Virus Disease: A Public Health Emergency of International Concern
- Write a synopsis of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
- Create a short précis of Letter from Birmingham Jail
- Make a summary of Seven Jewish Children by Caryl Churchill
- Synopsis of A Rose For Emily by Faulkner
- Present a précis of Googling Your Date by Martha Irvine
- Write a summary of Get Your Bonds Ready for a Fed Rate Boost
Now you’re ready to write your précis! Use this guide every time you need to write a task for college or if you need to prepare for AP Lang exams. We wish you best of luck with your writing assignments!
Further reading:
- How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step: a Guide + Examples
- How to Write a Reflection Paper: Example & Tips
- How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay: Examples & Outline
- How to Write a Personal Essay: Topics, Structure, & Examples
🔍 References
- A Review of Critical Reading Skills: Palomar College
- Writing a Summary or Rhetorical Précis to Analyze Nonfiction Texts: University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Rhetorical Précis: Lumen Learning
- Writing a Useful Précis for a Research Article: University of Washington
- Précis: Texas A&M University
- How to Write a Précis: Monmouth University
- Writing a Précis: Wilfried Laurier University
- Mapping: Gallaudet University
- The Rhetorical Précis: Folsom Cordova Unified School District
- All about Précis Writing: Purdue University