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From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

In relation to the textile industry, where was the apparel industry located? When was the formation of the Apparel industry? What was considered “inside shops” versus “outside shops”?

The textile industry had its root in New England and later in the South US. The apparel industry was developed and located in New York City. The formation of the industry happened in the 19th century when small manufacturing and contracting firms started in the United States between 1880 to...

Choose a leader (e.g., political leader, CEO, activist) and indicate whether they would be thought of as a transformational leader or transactional leader (with details to justify choice). Also, indicate whether they would be thought of as a task-oriented or relationship-oriented leader (again, with details to justify choice). Then, apply the Contingency Theory of Leadership to consider how much situational control the leader has and how this explains the leader’s performance. Is your example consistent with predictions of the Contingency Theory of Leadership?

For the past 5 years, Donald Trump has been in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet. He achieved such a position through playing on controversies and managing to unite a good half of the US behind him. Regardless of how one feels about his political actions and...

Explain what groupthink is and when it is most likely to occur. What can a group do to recognize when groupthink may be setting in, and what can leaders do to reduce the odds that groupthink negatively impacts the group’s performance? Provide a specific example as part of your response.

Groupthink is a practice of instilling a singular opinion or a belief as dominant, with dissenting voices and opinions either self-censored or actively silenced in order to keep the peace. It is most likely to occur in groups with a strong and authoritative leader or in cultures where submissiveness and...

The presence of others can sometimes benefit our performance and other times inhibit our performance. Explain what factors determine when the presence of others (e.g., an audience, team) will improve performance versus interfere with it. Provide a specific example as part of your response.

The presence of others can either benefit or inhibit one’s performance. Group effort, throughout the history of humankind, has proven itself to be more efficient, as individuals may benefit from the expertise, companionship, and extra labor provided by other members of the group. An example of such would be construction...

A combination of group influence and conformity can produce behaviors that seem “crazy” or “insane” to an outside observer (e.g., cult membership, violent radicalization). However, this is not an example of mental illness (e.g., depression, anxiety). Rather, these extreme outcomes are the result of very ordinary social psychological processes. Explain some of the social psychological mechanisms that result in examples like this (e.g., joining a cult, participating in violent coups).

A decision to join and stay in a cult or participate in violent radical organization may appear an insane decision to outside observers. However, these are not examples of mental illness, because they are motivated by ordinary psychological processes. All groups, be those religious, political, or otherwise, offer a sense...

What is the relationship of healthcare quality to the cost of healthcare?

Many factors influence healthcare costs, including those unrelated to improving quality, such as general inflation in the economy and social circumstances like an increase in the population or bad habits. At the same time, the increased cost of healthcare is correlated with the invention of new technologies, which made it...

What criteria are used to measure healthcare quality?

There are three criteria for evaluating healthcare quality: structure, process, and outcomes. Structure entails stable system characteristics, including resources and tools that it utilizes for healthcare delivery. Since well-organized processes enable good outcomes, the structure is an indirect measure of quality. A specific way of providing health care is a...

What is mad cow disease?

Mad Cow Disease refers to a cattle’s neurological disorder. Mad cow disease or BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) is defined as a progressive disorder that comes from an infection carried by a transmissible agent, the prion. The principle of functioning of the prion is not fully explored. The current theory says...

How did Industrialization shape the middle class and its values?

Industrialization in the United States brought about a great deal of change in the social and economic landscape. The rise of factories and mass production led to an increase in the number of working-class Americans. Moreover, the growth of the railroad system allowed people to move around more freely and...

Who did industrialization help or hurt?

The industrial revolution helped the Northern United States grow and develop at an unprecedented rate. Factories sprung up all over the region, drawing in waves of new immigrants who were looking for work. The growth of factories and businesses led to the development of new transportation methods and networks, which...

Do you believe that, “living at the level of marginal utility”, would affect our economy in a negative way? Fully explain the reasoning for your view.

Singer’s suggestion certainly had a purely philanthropic underlying explanation, but living at the level of marginal utility may harm our economy. I think that it is true not because citizens’ life satisfaction may drop due to fewer gadgets purchased, but because it may damage various spheres of the nation’s life....

Fully explain what Peter Singer means when he claims that wealthy countries and their citizens, should give to famine relief until the point to where they reach the state of “living at the level of marginal utility”. Please explain your answer, in your own words.

Lack of resources, underdeveloped industry, environmental disasters, and wars can become the cause of famine, especially in low-income countries. Singer claims in his paper that affluent nations are morally obliged to provide financial aid to people in the states affected by famine by giving an example of the 1971 Bangladesh...

How can the federal government regulate social media? How does the First Amendment apply to this situation? Is there a problem with social media and our democracy? If so, explain, and if not, how is social media helping? What government could organizations bring change to?

The federal government can regulate how information is communicated through social media and use it for its purposes. The availability of content can be banned on the grounds of the social network owner, and the First Amendment regulates who is exempt from this censorship. Freedom on social media resonates with...

Explain the Big Sort. How does it create extreme districts? How is this connected to the high levels of partisanship we are experiencing?

Big Sort describes the phenomenon that people are more likely to disagree with the expression of other people’s political opinions. Its emergence is justified by the citizen’s environment, in which different ideologies do not fit. Big Sort has defined artificially segregated political districts because it has rallied society around a...

What is political socialization? What are the agents of political socialization? Think about the funnel of causality. Which things have a bigger influence on our ideology and vote choices? What has been your path to political socialization?

Political socialization is the process of assimilating the knowledge, norms, and values of the political culture necessary to adapt to a given political system and perform certain functions and roles. The main agents of political socialization are social institutions such as education, mass media, family, and others. Political societies form...

The song states, “Say you want a revolution, We better get on right away, Well you get on your feet, And into the street”. What influence do you think revolution, protest, and voting have on policy/decisions legislators make? Do you think those decisions are reflective of our participation?

Revolution is the driving factor in the formation of the state system, it plays a vital role in the shape of political statehood. It arises out of disagreement with the actions of one’s country and its policies, it often becomes the impetus for a new round of development. Revolution and...

What dimensions of power, if any, does nudging employ?

Nudge theory is a concept of non-directive stimulation of change, which proposes to influence the process of group and individual decision-making through positive reinforcement and indirect instructions. People’s choices cannot be called rational, but they are interested in doing the right thing. That is why it is better not to...

Who should we blame for Jamaica’s underdevelopment?

Former Prime Minister Michael Manley was particularly critical of Jamaica’s situation, blaming neocolonialism for everything. Under the pretext of “liberalization” and “common values”, the United States gives preference not to international law but to its domestic national legislation in its relations with Latin American countries. For example, in 1992, the...

What is the main goal of the filmmaker with the “Life and Duty” documentary?

“Life and Duty” is a documentary film directed by Stephanie Black. The purpose of the film is to draw attention to Jamaica’s current economic and political situation. Moreover, the film raises the current topic of neocolonialism and how it affects the lives of the “third countries”. Neocolonialist theories are bourgeois...

What is the difference between commodity money and fiat money?

Fiat money is a legal claim whose properties are backed by the law and cannot be exchanged for any other commodity. On the other hand, commodity money extracts its value from the commodity it is made. Unlike fiat money, it can be redeemed for any given commodity. Additionally, fiat money...

What are the key differences between arbitration and litigation? Explain.

Litigation involves a method in which a dispute between two parties is resolved by court order for a judgment. However, because of the rigidity and high cost involved in litigation, there are cases where the parties go to arbitration. Arbitration is a process for resolving a dispute between the parties...

How does depression interact with the lens of the social sciences and impact social issues?

The psychological sciences have referred to mindfulness in many areas, such as neuroscience, stress management, and mental and physical health. The issue of depression has one crucial distinguishing feature – it is interdisciplinary. It covers many areas of social science such as psychiatry, psychotherapy, neuroscience, psychology, research, and mindfulness and...

In what ways can science help resolve or enhance depression?

Stress may be a significant trigger in the growth of new unstable neurons in the stress-related area of the brain. Scientists argue that the focus should be on drugs that directly affect neurogenesis and serotonin production. However, while neurons and chemicals may be direct contributors, many genetic factors have been...

How does depression provide a social commentary through the natural and applied sciences?

Depression provides social commentary through natural and applied sciences in a way that the stages of testing, diagnosis, and treatment are significantly affected by the social and cultural implications of a given society. The process is largely dependent on the background and attitude of the medical professional responsible for the...

While “Parenting for Technology Futures” is geared towards parents, it also informs us about technology use in education. To address how students might engage with technology for learning, Nourbakhsh discusses technology literacy and technology fluency. What is the difference between these concepts and what do they mean for instruction and learning?

Technological literacy addresses the ability to use digital products and the know-how to navigate them effortlessly. However, the idea of technological literacy is somewhat limited and often follows the premise that to be technologically literate is enough for one to be a mere consumer of media. On the other hand,...

Discuss the importance of microbiology and its relation to the nursing profession.

Microbiology allows scientists to develop effective ways of treatment, which makes the work of the nurse more effective. The medical tests give nurses an understanding of the patient’s diagnosis, which is critical for the treatment plan. As a result, the medication the patient receives corresponds to their needs. It increases...

Discuss two historical advances in microbiology.

The invention of the microscope is one of the most critical advances in microbiology. This device was constructed by Zacharias and Hans Janssen at the end of the 16th – beginning of the 17th centuries. However, the invention and the practical use of the microscope are associated with Robert Hooke...

What is the purpose of the aesthetic stage of life in Kierkegaard’s opinion?

The aesthetic stage of life allows the person to gain as much experience as possible by reveling in every possible opportunity existence offers. During this stage, a person can form and discard marriages, careers, hobbies, people, without truly devoting themselves to anything. Such an existence is as boring as it...

What is the basis of David Hume’s skepticism?

At the heart of David Hume’s philosophy is the doubt about the existence of any reliable criterion of truth. Such an extreme form of skepticism is based on the assertion that nothing corresponds to reality in human knowledge and reliable knowledge is in principle unattainable, and for this, there is...

What is John Locke’s skepticism expressed in?

Locke’s skepticism is expressed in the fact that human thinking does not have a guarantee for the identity and validity of knowledge, even in the most indisputable conclusions. The comprehensive completeness of expertise is a goal desired for a person, and it is initially unattainable by its essence. Due to...

What is meta-analysis?

Meta-analysis is a set of techniques used to correlate information coming from various studies to produce single estimates of the data under the research. It rests on the idea that the best way to determine relations between selected variables is to analyze data from several studies. In such a way,...

What are behavioral observation scales?

Behavioral observation can be determined as monitoring the actions of individuals using electronic means and simultaneous recording of quantitative and qualitative information linked to these actions. In such a way, a behavioral observation scale is a behavior-based measure traditionally used to evaluate job performance. Assessment professionals can carry out the...

What is a performance appraisal?

Performance appraisal can be determined as the process of scoring an individual’s performance regarding the existing scales and providing him/her with feedback. It is one of the central components in measuring human behavior and informing workers about their current progress on specific issues that should be resolved. It requires assessees...

To what extent are you in agreement that culture involves the question of human values?

I am confident that culture and human values have a connection since cultural differences often cause various misinterpretations of human rights and the corresponding misunderstandings and confrontations. Martin Luther King Jr. actively discusses those conflicts in his “Letter from the Birmingham jail.” The author mentions many different communities, such as...

Explain the “Text-Speak” in the Workplace.

The decision of the HR manager to reject a potential candidate who sent a text-speaking message “Thx 4 the Iview!” can seem radical, but, in my opinion, it is justified. Text-speaking is an informal way of communication that is characterized by excessive use of shortened words, abbreviations, and neglect of...

Discuss the deficiency in control over a risk of material misstatement.

When determining the relevant key considerations when evaluating the severity of a deficiency in a control that directly addresses a risk of material misstatement, the auditor must follow paragraph 25 of the AS 2110. Paragraph 25 states that “if the auditor identifies a control deficiency in the company’s control environment,...

Discuss the confirmations in a financial statement audit.

When determining if confirmations are required to be used in a financial statement audit, the auditor must follow paragraphs 5, 7, 15 of the AU Section 330. Paragraph 5 states that “the auditor uses the audit risk assessment in determining the audit procedures to be applied, including whether they should...

Discuss the relevant key considerations for professional skepticism.

When formulating a definition of professional skepticism, the auditor must follow paragraphs 7-9 of the Audit Standard AS 1015. Paragraph 7 states that “professional skepticism is an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence”. It implies that there are many variables in auditing, which...

Select a line or lines of dialogue from “Trifles.” Discuss the importance of the passage you selected. If you have a personal connection to the material, feel free to discuss it.

“Trifles” is a play written by Susan Glaspell back in the early 20th century. She raises some pretty severe themes in her work, such as social inequality, women’s freedom, justice, etc. Despite its sheer volume, it could safely be called a pretty good detective with a murder mystery, though somewhat...

Explain the Differences Between Dying and Death Principles in Canadian Law.

Differences between death principles and dying are explored in Bill C-14, Canada’s draft law on medical support in death. The law is probably the outcome of a shift in bioethical concepts from dignity to conditional sanctity of human life to life quality. Life has inherent value, per the sacredness of...

Consider the characters in “Smoke Signals”. How does the historical violence against Native American communities outlined in the “Smoke Signals: Passage as Journey” text relate to how these characters analyze their own experiences and challenges?

Smoke Signals is a narrative about Native Americans in modern times. It is about a family’s bond with their son. It was about learning about ourselves through our interactions with others. This is a narrative about two guys on the Coeur d’Alene Indian Reservation in Idaho who are transformed by...

Choose one of the poems and think about things like theme, imagery, symbols, and tone that you see in the poem you’ve selected. What does this poem mean to you? What lines or elements of the poem help to create this meaning?

I chose the poem by Lauren K. Alleyne, Nothing to Declare, because it discusses a topic that matters to anyone, not only to the poet. The poem features the theme of moving to the next stage in life, which is a relevant topic for all people. Alleyne shows that when...

When multimedia developers produce Bitmapped Images, they must consider that a bitmapped image is device-dependent. For that reason, they often need to produce multiple bitmapped images that have different spatial resolutions based on their intended use. For example, they produce a bitmapped image to be printed and reduce its spatial resolution to be displayed on monitors. Explain how a bitmapped image is device-dependent. Provide an example to explain why different resolutions of bitmapped images are needed for different devices, such as monitors and printers.

The device-established bitmaps have pixel information prepared for handy dispatch to a selected device or business enterprise of devices, which incorporates a specific form of show display or printer. In general cases, one may not need to concern themselves with the DDBs. Bitmap graphics are resolution-dependent and can appear jagged...

Distinguish between the two major categories of the Typefaces (serif and sans serif), and identify which one is more suitable for body text and headings.

The major distinction between the two categories of Typefaces (serif and San serif) can be narrowed to how they are decorated and structured, although there are other factors considered when choosing them. Serif fonts usually have serifs which are described to have extra decorative strokes on their letterform ends. Some...

The functional analysis addresses the activities that the system, software, or organization must perform to achieve its desired outputs; that is, what transformations are necessary to turn the available inputs into the desired outputs. Describe the functional analysis phase in detail.

The Functional Analysis phase fills in the gaps between the large set of system objectives and specifications derived from the analysis phase and the set needed to create or purchase successfully implemented projects. It is an essential component of both the Specifications and Design Loops. An effective and complete architecture...

What are two architecture-based system design approaches? List any two differences between them and any two diagrams used in each approach.

Functional Architecture Functional architecture results from: Requirements Analysis identifying the functional requirements, Decomposing functional requirements into sub-functions, Decomposing the associated performance requirements of functional requirements into sub-functions. This process of decomposition is done to create sub-functions from functional requirements to the point that functional requirements are indivisible from system elements...

As a society, we assure the health of our public through the application of a comprehensive public health framework that starts with gathering information about families, communities, systems, and the population. How is this information gathered? What type of information is needed? How is the information used?

The collection of public information for a healthcare system framework is crucial in promoting healthcare services, improving efficiency, and speeding the spread of information. The main source of data collection is through questionnaires, interviewing clients, and previously documented data to gather information. The kind of information collected is the name,...

Why is the identification of organized stakeholders critical to effecting change internally and externally in healthcare organizations?

In the healthcare sector, the stakeholders comprise internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders are mainly the medical practitioners such as the nurses and medical consultants, administrators, pharmacists, and any other persons inside the healthcare field playing a clinical or non-clinical role. The external stakeholders comprise financers, patients, and suppliers...

Describe Ophelia’s character and Gertrude’s character, and show their similarities and differences, explaining what type of character each is and what you like and do not like about each of them.

Ophelia is the most innocent character in Hamlet, and most of her actions result from others’ influence. For instance, she is forced to end her romantic relationship with Hamlet by her father’s order: “I shall obey, my lord” (Shakespeare I, iii). The death of Polonius from her lover’s hand drives...

Define Tragic Hero. Then, using the six elements of the tragic hero, the outline of Hamlet, the character, is the perfect example of a tragic hero.

The term “Tragic Hero” was first used by Aristotle and can be defined as the type of character with the following elements: hamartia, hubris, peripeteia, anagnorisis, nemesis, catharsis. The first attribute means that a protagonist has a flaw or an attitude that is human yet causes serious problems; indeed, Hamlet’s...

Discuss the living and working conditions of “working class” people living in the 1800s in London, England, and give at least two examples that describe those conditions.

Rapid urbanization and the growth of the working class were new in the 19th century; neither the government nor the capitalists cared about working conditions or wage levels. All family members, including women and children, had to work to survive. Working conditions were not controlled, and they caused serious and...

Why and how did Khrushchev think Communists should support national liberation wars? Why did he think such wars were inevitable? And what did he think were the potential benefits and risks for the Soviet Union in supporting such wars?

The Soviet Premier believed that Communists should support national liberation wars since they were different from other wars that occurred in the world. People who participated in the national liberation wars were fighting for the implementation of their rights and the independence of social and national development (Khrushchev). Khrushchev was...

How have the directors of “Chan is Missing” and “Daughters of the Dust’s” films challenged traditional forms of filmmaking/storytelling typically found in mainstream Hollywood through their films?

Chan is Missing has a linguistic element that is one of its distinguishing features because the Chinese dialogue was not originally subtitled. Wang’s decision not to give subtitles is based on his belief that viewers will be able to appreciate the scene’s atmosphere based on tonality and motion without comprehending...

What steps would you recommend to raise the incomes of those living in poverty, and what pitfalls or difficulties would the nation be likely to encounter in trying to help them?

Addressing the phenomenon of the increasing numbers of individuals suffering from poverty is a crucial complication for the American government. A beneficial solution could be improving access to educational facilities and programs for children from underprivileged families, which could help young citizens secure better financial standing. However, the suggested learning...

Read carefully this paragraph: “The correctional officer position has seen changes from their performance and how it should be done. The entry level was easy the position was rather difficult, the pay was acceptable for what you had to do for prisoners”. Are the facts true or false and why?

The work of a correctional officer, while relatively well-paid, is strictly defined by prison authorities. Officers are given a set of tasks they perform which rarely changes. I agree with the paragraph that entry to this job is easy as few people want to work in prison. However, I disagree...

In view of the increasing concentration of the U.S. business sector into ever-fewer numbers of giant corporations, a) is this growing concentration an economic problem; and b) what specific actions would you recommend to reduce economic concentration?

The increasing concentration of the American business sector into fewer giant corporations is an economic problem because it decreases competition. Corporations control significant market segments, making it impossible for small businesses to compete with them on equal terms. Moreover, giant corporations are often monopolists in their economic sector, which leads...

Only about half of Americans born in 1900 were expected to live to age 60; however, 90% of those born in 2000 are expected to live to age 60. What demographic concept is used to illustrate this?

Average life expectancy is the term that can be used to refer to changes in average lifespans among Americans. The term refers to the average age a person living in America will probably have, derived from a pool of average lifespans within a population. Much like mortality, life expectancy within...

We know that the oldest old (85+) are the fastest-growing segment of the older population. What descriptive statistic(s) would you use to illustrate this point?

The percentage of the oldest old compared to other demographic segments can be a good descriptive statistic to demonstrate changes in population. Using the relative amount of the oldest old people over the years, it is possible to observe growth trends and further compare the population to other groups. While...

The number of Americans age 65 or older has increased tenfold, from just over 3 million in 1900 to nearly 47 million in 2017. What is the best demographic tool to illustrate this point and why?

The increase in elderly population numbers over the years can best be described by the concept of population mortality. Throughout the generations, the life expectancy and life quality for the majority of the population have increased. With advances in technology, medicine, life convenience, accessibility, and other areas, the life of...

As a society, we assure the health of our public through the application of a comprehensive public health framework that starts with gathering information about families, communities, systems, and the population. How is this information gathered? What type of information is needed? How is the information used?

A comprehensive public health framework helps understand why people get sick and how social factors influence the disease rate. It includes collecting information on social identity, environment, and socio-economic position. Therefore, a public health framework collects and analyses data on access to basic needs (nutritious food, clean water), exposure to...

Why is the identification of organized stakeholders critical to effecting change internally and externally in healthcare organizations?

Stakeholders are people or organizations who can affect the project or are affected by the project. Identification of stakeholders is not only listing them, but in large and complex projects, it means gathering information about their level of influence, interests, and potential impact. The identification process helps classify stakeholders and...

What do you foresee as three types of security threats that small businesses and organizations should prepare to defend against or mitigate?

Through their capability to perform economic espionage and substantial financial theft and their ability to employ or nurture cyber talent, multinational business spies and structured crime syndicates constitute a medium-level danger to the United States. Attacks on facilities for profit to companies or other parties are among their objectives. Although...

Near the end of each year, there are a variety of web page articles and blog posts that predict what is believed to be the biggest, scariest, most damaging, or feared security threats in the coming year. Research on the web to learn what this year’s predictors foresaw as the coming (or present) threats to network or data security. List three of the threats that you personally believe could or has become a reality. For each of the threats you list, explain its targets, attack methods, and if there is any mitigation (recovery or repair) against it.

Viruses are harmful programming programs designed to ruin a company’s systems, data, and networking. It is a dormant stage until it is activated, either intentionally or accidentally, spreading the disease without the permission or knowledge of the user or system administrator. Users must be taught not to open attachments or...

Compare and contrast skilled nursing facilities vs. hospice care. Give examples of clinical circumstances related to each.

Hospices and qualified medical institutions provide skilled medical care to patients. Undoubtedly, both types of medical institutions provide medical care for patients, but the goals of this care are different. Hospice aims to provide services for the maintenance of dying patients. Unlike medical institutions, hospices do not provide treatment for...

Briefly explain the barriers that Italian, Irish, or Jewish people experienced in the US, being sure to address how notions of whiteness and race shaped those experiences such that they are not comparable to contemporary forms of racism towards people of color. Explain how colorblind racist frames, styles, and/or storylines like those in the above statement function to minimize the significance of racism.

White people from Europe (Euro-Americans) have also had a hard time trying to win their right to be treated as white in the USA. For instance, Jews faced a wave of antisemitic sentiment in the country in the 1920s-1930s, with a widespread theory positioning Jews as a “different” race (Euro...

Explain how “the movement” in the Antebellum film is related to contemporary efforts to bolster support for white supremacy. Explain how colorblind racism provides effective cover for such efforts (either in the film or in contemporary society).

The film Antebellum is an outstanding fantasy on how far white supremacists could go if they had a legal (or even self-imposed) right to practice overt racism again. Its release is very timely, giving both white and non-white people a radical, shocking perspective on what may happen if race leaves...

How has labor/work been key in the immigrant groups’ racialization as non-white? What is the distinction between how the state historically used pan-ethnic labels and how these groups adopted those labels?

The majority of immigrants came to the USA in the hope of getting a well-paid job and becoming rich (or surviving at the very least). Therefore, regulation of immigrant influx also reflects the history of American use of these minorities for labor purposes. For instance, Latinos were initially allowed to...

Design is central to the practice of systems engineering, and systems engineers understand that design is a creative, iterative decision-making process. Describe the design process in detail.

System design involves designing the following: System architecture – to describe the structures, behavior, and logic models of a system. System modules – to handle one specific task or several tasks. System components – made up of a particular function or group of related functions derived from modules. System interfaces...

There are two IBM Rational configuration management tools, viz., IBM Rational Clear Case and IBM Rational Clear Quest. Make a comparison between these two based on their key features.

IBM Rational ClearQuest is a change management software that improves developer productivity without ignoring developer processes, methodologies, and tools. Therefore, IBM Clear Quest is a database workflow and production system used in the software development lifecycle (SDL) that can be customized. Recent versions have adopted a new consumption model that...

Pick two poems that you think “speak” to each other, and discuss whether you find poetry an effective mode to tackle racial injustice based on these poems. What seems to be the stance of your poems? Are they arguing for specific social change or simply awareness? Compassion? A more complete perspective on American history? What do your poems tell us about the black experience in America, and do you think the depiction is limited in any way?

I chose the poems by Phyllis Wheatley and Countee Cullen, which are connected to the topics of God’s spirituality and acceptance. Phillis Wheatley’s work “On Being Brought from Africa to America” is an excellent example of a poem that addresses how an African American person’s understanding of God and religion...

From data protection to computer malware risks, companies must carefully consider several areas: Data Protection and Privacy, Employee Training, Data Storage Locations, Incident Support and Escalation, Data Storage Locations, Remote Work Policies, Computer Malware Protection. Select one area mentioned above and discuss how the organization should carefully consider that area regarding information security.

Employees of an organization are the biggest risks to the company’s cybersecurity. Human errors caused by employees are the leading cause of data breaches. However, an organization can turn employees into huge cybersecurity assets by offering them training programs. When employees are trained in information security, they will be turned...

Employers need to create comprehensive security policies for their remote workers. Identify at least three threats that must be considered, and explain how the organization prevents or detect those threats.

Software attacks: this refers to attacks from Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses. An organization can prevent this threat by installing a strong antivirus on all its computers to clean up the system regularly to prevent attacks. Theft of intellectual property: this refers to the robbing of the organization’s ideas, creative...

List and briefly elaborate on any four factors that can compromise the security of IoT infrastructure in 5G environment. Give a description of any three following security threats to IoT applications: 1. Confidentiality. 2. Theft of Service. 3. Data Integrity. 4. Availability.

Factors Incorrect access control: IoT devices are vulnerable to trusting local networks in 5G at a level of no need for further authorization or authentication. Over large attack surface: IoT devices are always connected to 5G, and this provides a new set of opportunities for hackers to discover and exploit...

3rd party devices are often integral to any IoT infrastructure. In a recent survey approximately 50% respondents identified third part devices to be a cause of vulnerability for their IoT infrastructure. Answer the following questions and describe in detail how these concerns can be answered for security of an IoT infrastructure in 5G environment. 1. Pre-Assessment of IoT vulnerabilities in 3rd Party Devices. 2. Security Testing of 3rd Party IoT devices. 3. Control of Remote Access for IoT Vendors.

Pre-assessment activities are very crucial because they will prevent an organization from cyberattacks. During the pre-assessment of IoT vulnerabilities in third party devices, business leaders should take measures to enhance cybersecurity and reduce third parties’ risks. The measures that should be taken care evaluating IoT security vulnerabilities in devices, verifying...

Watch the TED talk “You Are Contagious” by Edwards. Have you ever done any of the conversation killers that she discussed?

I have done some of the conversation killers that Edwards speaks about. When having meaningful dialogue, delivering a talk, or making a presentation, hand gestures might help people create better thoughts, speak in shorter sentences, and utilize more descriptive language. However, poor gesturing can lead to misinterpretation of information and...

Watch the TED talk “You Are Contagious” by Edwards. What specific actions would you take to utilize some of her recommendations?

I would utilize some specific actions from Edwards’ recommendations to trigger dopamine and excitement from colleagues. The happy side effect of asking someone else to think of what is exciting is that you become more memorable, which benefits all of us. Furthermore, triggering dopamine creates feelings of reward and pleasure...

Consider an example of an ethical organization and answer the following questions: What is the nature of the organization? What activity or practice leads you to consider that organization ethical? What ethical theory or principle did you apply to determine if it was ethical? Be sure to include the source of your information and focus on current organizations rather than past cases.

TOMS’s nature of the organization relies on the One for One® model, which entails giving away one pair of shoes for every pair being purchased in order to support broader initiatives and programs aimed at health, education, and community development. The organization is considered ethical because while providing an excellent...

Research on Medical Laboratory Technologist as a possible major.

Progress in medical technologies gives prestige and demand to the profession of clinical laboratory technologist. Specialists conduct laboratory tests and analyses of samples to diagnose diseases. To become a technologist, one needs to go through several educational stages. They include obtaining a bachelor’s degree in medical technology or a related...

Describe and explain the term coverage gap.

Coverage also known as donut hole is a problem in states that have not expanded Medicaid. It is a gap that shows who is eligible for the Medicaid program. For states that have not expanded the program, parents who have a median income level of 0% to 41% or an...

Explain how the coverage gap impacts low-income earners.

The low-income population within the gap experiences a positive impact. Firstly, the coverage gap allows them to be eligible for the Medicaid program. This increases the population’s ability to afford and access healthcare services. Secondly, the coverage gap help in lowering disparities in chronic diseases such as diabetes among the...

Address the role of ACA in widening or closing the coverage gap.

ACA plays an integral role in widening or closing the coverage gap. Firstly, it expands Medicaid to individuals within the community. For example, ACA has proposed the increase of Medicaid eligibility from 40% to 133% of the federal poverty level. Secondly, the number of people covered by the program has...

Identify what can be done to lower the coverage gap.

Closing the coverage gap plays an integral role in the health and well-being of people covered. Firstly, it increases the number of people who can access healthcare services. Most Americans can seek and receive medical care when they are sick. Secondly, by offering more people better protection against medical costs,...

Find solutions to help close the coverage gap and healthcare equity contribution.

Healthcare equity plays an integral role in closing the coverage gap. Firstly, it connects the healthcare system with the community. It provides a platform where the healthcare system exists to promote the health and well-being of the community. Secondly, healthcare equity assists in expanding medical insurance coverage. The increasing need...