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In detail compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution. Discuss three findings that account for the significant differences in length.

The documents describing the supreme laws of the United States and Arizona are greatly dissimilar in terms of their length. After being amended more than one hundred times, the Arizona Constitution is about six times as long as the entire country’s supreme law. Regarding the first finding contributing to length...

Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate? A) Congress cannot agree on how broad its implied powers should be. B) The wording of the clause is often undergoing revision. C) The clause deals with specified powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted. D) The clause establishes reserved rights, which vary from state to state.

C. The clause deals with specified powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted. Explanation: The Necessary and Proper Clause, located in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, that gives the Congress to power to make any laws that are “necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and...

A medic alert bracelet might indicate that a customer a) Has a medical condition that might mimic intoxication b) Should not drink because of a medical condition c) Is not allowed to drink alcohol d) May become intoxicated quickly

The correct answer is A. Explanation: People who live with chronic illness often have to take many medications, some of which may interact with other drugs. Additionally, symptoms of certain conditions may be misdiagnosed as alcohol intoxication, and the person would be treated incorrectly. In case of an emergency, paramedics...

What message did the Roosevelt Corollary send to the rest of the world? A)The United States had the most powerful navy in the world. B)The United States was in charge of the Western Hemisphere. C)The United States was uninterested in world issues. D)The United States had the strongest economy in the world. 2. During World War I, the main goal of the US government agency that created war posters was… A)to increase public support for the war. B)to convince the soldiers in Europe to fight. C)to help get President Wilson reelected. D)to take people’s minds off the war.

Question 1. B. The United States was in charge of the Western Hemisphere. Explanation: Theodore Roosevelt’s Corollary was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that stated that America was in charge of the Western Hemisphere. The document noted that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure...

1. According to the law of supply, price and quantity move a) along a track in the same direction. b) along a track in opposite directions. c) from different points toward one another. d) from the same point away from one another. 2. According to the law of demand, price and quantity move A) along a track in the same direction. B) along a track in opposite directions. C) from different points toward one another. D) from the same point away from one another.

Along a track in the same direction. Explanation: According to the law of supply in economics, if the price of goods increases, the number of goods will also increase and vice versa. The reason for it is that when the price grows, suppliers will try to maximize their profits by...

What is meant by the phrase “growth strategy”? What alternative growth strategies are available to a company? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of each strategy? Why do so many mergers fail to deliver the benefits that the senior management of an organization expect when they enter into merger negotiations? What actions could senior managers pursue in order to improve the probability of a merger being successful?

‘Growth Strategy’ refers to a strategic plan formulated and implemented for expanding a firm’s business. There are many types of growth strategies, and each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages. A firm can adopt different strategies at different points in time. Every firm has to develop its own growth...

How are the SWOT Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, and Grand Strategy Matrix similar? How are they different?

There are different models that companies and organizations have adapted to in order to remain relevant in business. These models also serve such purposes as identifying the consumer needs to provide tailored solutions. There are different matrix models organizations have adapted and they have some similarities and differences. According to...

What is the Cannon–Bard theory? What are its main concepts?

The Cannon-Bard theory is a psychological explanation of emotions. Its main concept is that bodily arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously. In the cannon-bard theory, the thalamic area of the brain is the key player. Explanation: The Cannon-Bard theory was developed in 1927 by psychologist Walter Cannon and his doctoral...

Analyze the role of mechanization and communication in the American System.

Henry Clay believed that implementing the American system, developing economic relations between states, expanding transport communications, and promoting mechanization could help strengthen the country. These initiatives were natural for the transition to a new market system with the value of domestic resources and opportunities. According to Kaminski, “transportation, infrastructure, and...

What were the major causes and consequences of the Shanghai Massacre?

On April 12, 1927 the Shanghai massacre took place. This event is generally known as the April 12 Incident or Purge and was a horrific and violent attack by the military forces of Chiang Kai-shek and the forces of the Chinese Nationalist Party usually named as Kuomintang of China. Explanation:...

What was the cause for Fredonian Rebellion?

The Fredonian Rebellion (December 21, 1826-January 31st, 1827) was caused by a will of Anglo settlers of Texas to alienate from its Mexican part as new immigrants were moving into their land. Explanation: The Fredonian Rebellion was a brief uprising of Anglo settlers in the Mexican part of Texas to...

One social issue often facing developing countries is A) democratic rule is easily obtainable. B) reluctance to accept change. C) a shortage of natural resources. D) very high population growth.

The correct answer is D (very high population growth) because in developing countries, high population growth is one of the most often occurring issues. Explanation: Answer A is not an issue at all, while real facts do not justify answer B. Answer C may seem correct, but often there is...

Define intermediate directions.

Intermediate directions is a term used to define the 4 points on a compass, which stand for north-west, north-east, south-east, and south-west. These parameters are widely used in geography, cartography, and other related sciences. Explanation: There are two types of directions utilized in geography. Everyone is familiar with North, South,...

Illness is considered a behavioral stressor. T or F

False. Explanation: Illness is considered a biological stressor. In general, biological stressors are defined as some specific types of conditions that make it hard for a person to partake in their normal day-to-day activities. Typically, as opposed to behavioral stressors that include unhealthy habits, biological stressors have to do with...

What are some of the inputs to smartphone devices (what is inside them)?

The primary input devices for smartphones include touch-screen interfaces, microphones, Bluetooth modules, cameras, and fingerprint scanners. All of these devices are located inside of the smartphone and are used to provide input into the phone in order to receive specific output from the device. Touch-screen interface provides the majority of...

Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states’ ability to A) Protect protestors. B) Restrict the freedom of speech. C) Convict criminals. D) Restrict the freedom of the press.

B is the correct answer. Edwards v. South Carolina is significant because it limited states’ ability to restrict the freedom of speech. Explanation: The case was directly related to a breach of the United States’ first amendment that guarantees freedom of speech. In 1963, the protest of black students for...

What can be the cause of weakened muscle and kidney functioning? A) Too little potassium. B) Too much potassium. C) Too little calcium. D) Too much calcium. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.

The correct answer is D (too much calcium) because while calcium is bone strengthening and essential for a healthy lifestyle, too much of it can lead to negative repercussions, as it builds up in the body. Explanation: These health effects can include the contamination of the urinary tract due to...

What is the Volley principle?

Volley principle implies that the groups of neurons, or individual fibers, in the auditory system respond to a stimulus, or sound, in succession, while other groups of neurons respond to the second, and the following stimulus. Explanation: In 1937, the researchers Ernest Weaver and Charles Bray offered the hearing theory,...

What is absorption costing income statement? When is it used?

The absorption income statement, also known as the traditional income statement, uses the prime cost calculation for preparing the profit and loss statement. This method of income statement examines costs by breaking them down into product and period costs. Explanation: The core format of absorption costing income statement demonstrates the...

What Does Creeping Mean in The Yellow Wallpaper?

The process of “creeping” in the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman symbolizes the struggle of the women. She wants to overcome discrimination and domestic captivity. The word is repetitive in the narration. It adds to the story’s creepy air that unfolds around the woman. She became a victim of...

Do the ideas of the 1960s still have relevance today? If so, how? If not, why not?

Despite the Civil Rights Movement dating back to the last century, its ideas are still relevant today. African-Americans and other racial minorities still experience educational disparities today because of the opportunity gaps. Unequal treatment of students results in African-American youth pushing themselves into criminal acts. Diversity is also struggling today...

What is a market-clearing price? How does it work?

Nowadays, the term “market-clearing price” (or “equilibrium price”) is actively used in economics. Market clearing price is the value of the goods or services that is established when “the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded.” In other words, this price exists when there are no shortages or surpluses...

What is the industry versus inferiority stage?

The industry versus inferiority is a period when a child starts attending elementary school, becomes acquainted with social norms, and learns how to meet them to have a positive image in society. It is the fourth stage of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Explanation: Erik Erikson, a psychologist, has developed his...

Was Reconstruction a success or failure? Why?

Reconstruction may be defined as a period in the history of the United States after the Civil War that is characterized by significant political, economic, and social changes connected with the abolition of slavery. Unfortunately, it may be regarded as a failure due to its rejection by white southerners and...

When compared to a mixed-market economy, a command economy typically has A) More private ownership. B) Government control over production. C) Strong consumer-buying power. D) A greater chance for a high income.

Government control over production (answer B) is correct due to the definition of a command economy being an economic system that is centrally planned and guided by the government. Explanation: The characteristics of a planned economy are lessened private ownership and diminished income-driven initiative, which leads to the decrease of...

How does the FITT principle apply to the development of a successful personal fitness program? A) The FITT principle helps individuals determine an effective schedule for different exercise activities. B) The FITT principle helps individuals choose the types of activities that will be most enjoyable for them. C) The FITT principle makes it easier for individuals to incorporate lifestyle activities into their fitness programs. D) The FITT principle allows individuals to monitor their progress.

B. The FITT principle helps individuals choose the types of activities that will be most enjoyable for them is the correct answer. Explanation: FITT stands for Fitness, Intensity, Time, and Type, which are all essential to exercise planning. Effective personal fitness requires the development of a sound plan, and the...

Compare the Timbuk2 assembly line in China to that in San Francisco along the following dimensions; a. volume or rate of production, b. required skill of the workers, c. level of automation, and d. amount of raw materials and finished goods inventory.

The volume or rate of production is used in operations management to denote the number of units produced in a given period of time or the duration of time needed to produce a particular item. The volume of production is dependent on a wide range of factors that include global...

Discuss the limitations of Hofstede’s theory.

Despite its great contributions to the understanding of cultural theories, Hofstede’s framework is not without flaws. Its primary weaknesses are three, which are as follows: Weak sampling and methodology The initial report was based on the study of IBM’s employees worldwide, which included only managers and engineers, who were predominantly...

Which best describes the fossil record? a) The fossil record cannot provide evidence of evolution. b) The fossil record provides evidence of a common ancestor to many species. c) The fossil record provides evidence that disputes the theory of evolution. d) The fossil record is inaccurate because scientists are not able to date fossils.

The correct answer is 2) the fossil record provides evidence of a common ancestor to many species. Explanation: The definition of a fossil record is “the record of the occurrence and evolution of living organisms through geological time as inferred from fossils.” By studying fossils, scientists learn how different organisms...

Describe the law of increasing opportunity costs

The law of increasing costs is an economic concept that demonstrates the relationships between the factors and costs of production. In other words, this principle describes how opportunity costs increase as resources are applied. For a better understanding of this idea, it is necessary to know the meaning of the...

What is VARK questionnaire? How does it work and what goal does it pursue?

VARK questionnaire is a method of identifying one’s inclination to a particular learning style. A respondent answers a series of questions aimed at the detection of one of the four elements of learning style, namely visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic. The results enable choosing the most effective learning strategies for...

Spearman’s G Factor refers to what?

The g factor (also known as general intelligence, general mental ability, or general intelligence factor) is a construct developed in psychometric investigations of cognitive abilities and human intelligence. Explanation: For many years researchers have been attempting to understand the concept of human intelligence but could not perceive why some become bright thinkers, whereas...

What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.

The Lord created Adam and the earth that was characterized by heavenly peace and glory. At that time, everything functioned according to the will of God. However, in the fall, the first human beings, Adam and Eve, disobeyed the Lord by consuming the forbidden fruit. This sin was seen as...

What does the concept of scarcity explain? Check all that apply. A) why a product could lose significant value over time. B) why people continue to purchase different products. C) why consumers are willing to pay high prices for items. D) why decisions must be made on how to use resources E) why resources can be both renewable and nonrenewable. F) why a single resource has more value than another resource.

C (why consumers are willing to pay high prices for items), D (why decisions must be made on how to use resources), and F (why a single resource has more value than another resource) are the correct answers to the question. Explanation: Scarcity is an economic concept that indicates that...

What defines the glittering generalities propaganda?

Glittering generalities is a method of propaganda, which implies vague words or statements that have an emotional appeal on people without providing specific grounds. Such words usually have a positive effect on people as they identify high-valued ideas and define the general concept of the glittering generalities. Explanation: As a...

What is the story of the reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan of Turkey?

The reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks is an insulting answer addressed to Mehmed IV, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, in response to his order to stop attacking the Sublime Porte and surrender. Explanation: The Zaporozhian Cossacks are the part of the Cossacks of the Dnieper region (the territory of...

Explain if there are other examples of events similar to the Red Scare that have occurred throughout history and modern day.

American history saw several instances of similar hysteria after McCarthyism, both political and social “witch-hunts” occurred. The fear of Communism persisted, repeating several times throughout the 20th century, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, albeit not close to the scale of McCarthyism. There were notable instances of such treatment against certain...

Describe the characteristics of a digital firm.

Chatterjee described a digital firm as an enterprise that managed business relationships with clients, suppliers, and staff digitally. Characteristics of these firms included participation in the value webs with the aim of delivering their services and goods, digitalized relationships with their staff, clients, and suppliers, the digital performance of business...

The American Liberty League as an Opposition to Roosevelt

The American Liberty League was founded in 1934 as an opposition to the forces of President Roosevelt. Its members demanded a review of the social and economic situation in the country, namely the cessation of preferential support for unemployment and the abolition of public works. Explanation: U.S. history knows many...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a mall-style CSP?

The CSP program has many advantages. It enables clear and adequately planned presentations by the sales personnel. The program allows the logical flow of information. Additionally, it instills a sense of confidence amongst the inexperienced sales personnel. The program forms an effective method of presentation, particularly, during shorter selling periods....

When Does Darcy Propose to Elizabeth for the Second Time?

Darcy proposes to Elizabeth the second time in Chapter 58. It happens during their reflective walk. Since the first attempt, his feelings have remained the same. He hurries to reveal it to Elizabeth. The point is that her own feelings have changed towards him. Now she is ready to accept...

List the bound morphemes in these words: misleads, previewer, fearlessly, shortening.

The concept of a bound morpheme is fairly simple; according to the existing definition, a bound morpheme is a unit of meaning that cannot be explored outside of the context of the word that it comprises: exchange (“ex-”), promote (“pro-”), particle (“-icle”). However, in some cases, roots may also represent...

Why is historical context so important to interpret events?

Historical context provides an understanding of the conditions in which certain events took place. It is critical to pay attention to the surrounding context in order to correctly interpret historical information. Explanation: Historical context provides insights into the circumstances that influenced people’s actions and decision. To a significant extent, these...

One factor that indicates a developed economy’s standard of living is its A) growth in outsourcing rates. B) strong social connections. C) high levels of education. D) low GDP per capita.

C. High levels of education. Explanation: A standard of living can be defined as the level of the population’s comfort, wealth, and the availability of goods and necessities. Standards of living are often used to compare countries or nations; for instance, in China, they may be higher than in Kenya...

What are some devices used for temporary work zone situations?

Some devices that are used for temporary work zone situations are cones, barricades, drums, arrow panels, flags, pavement markings, and orange and black work zone signs. Explanation: The main purpose of these devices is to warn drivers and pedestrians of danger and make them pay attention to the road. Some...

1. Identify and explain the rationales behind the three justifications for the exclusionary rule. Which justification does the U.S. Supreme Court use today? 2. List and explain five exceptions to the exclusionary rule. 3. Is there a constitutional right to the exclusionary rule and the defense of entrapment? Explain your answer.

1. The three justifications for exclusionary rule include the fact that it is a fundamental right that should not be violated, there are no exigencies, and to deter misconduct of police officers. The justification that the United States Supreme Court uses today is the exclusionary rule as a personal right...

What are independent regulatory agencies? What purpose do they serve?

Congress is responsible for creating independent regulatory agencies. The core of those agencies lies in the fact that they have independency from the executive offices. Those entities do not have the responsibility of applying their propositions for the review to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The primary aim...

What are the causes and effects of the Yamasee war?

The Yamasee war held between 1715 and 1717 was an armed conflict between British colonists and Indians in the area of the present state of South Carolina. The Indians killed hundreds of colonists, and many settlements were destroyed. Free traders were murdered throughout the southeastern region of the United States....

What was the purpose of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?

The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was published by the vice president John C. Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations, which favored the North economy at the expense of the South. Explanation: The Tariff of Abominations placed nearly 50% of taxes on foreign manufactured goods, which was disadvantageous...

What is the layer-cake federalism?

The layer-cake federalism is also known as dual federalism and divided sovereignty. This is a political structure in which power and responsibilities are divided between the federal government and state ones in clearly defined terms. The state governments exercise the powers that were granted to them without the intervention of...

What do the FDA regulations governing disclosure of individual cois require?

The FDA looks at the possibility of financial conflicts of interest (COI) in clinical studies. It requires applicants to submit documentation to reveal potential financial conflicts in order to prevent racketeering. Explanation: The FDA reviews the financial interests related to a particular research study and decides whether a conflict exists....

What is stipulative definition?

A stipulative definition is a type of definition in which an existing or specially created description is assigned a new special meaning. Stipulative definitions can be used during the discussion in a specific context or as an argument, and also replace the dictionary meaning or lexical definition of the word...

Compare and contrast anticipatory and responsive business models. Why has responsiveness become popular in supply chain strategy and collaboration?

There is a significant difference between anticipatory and responsive business models. The ready business model is based on forecasting customers’ future demand for products and services. This is the traditional model of business. As it was difficult for business operators to obtain information on purchasing trends of consumers, they relied...

What’s the minimum age to be president? What are the other requirements?

To become president of the United States, the candidate should be thirty-five years old or more. Other requirements include being a United States citizen born in the country and residing in the U. S. for at least fourteen years. Explanation: President elections in the United States contain several stages, which...

Discuss the differences between objective and subjective globalization.

Objective globalization consists of economic and technological processes that take place in the globalized economy. These dynamics are measurable and can be studied with the help of quantitative methods. The material aspects of globalization, such as tendencies in trade, migration of individuals, and movements of goods and capital, provide a...

Identify Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development supporting each stage with an actual or hypothetical scenario or example.

Kohlberg’s concept of moral development includes the following six stages of moral development: Pre-Conventional: Obedience and Punishment OrientationExample: A child follows the principles of polite communication (e.g., uses words such as “Please,” “thank you,” and “Sorry”) to avoid reproaching. Pre-Conventional: Self-Interest OrientationExample: A child bargains with parents to watch cartoons...

Define the Anti-Comintern Pact. What was its purpose?

Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936 was signed between Germany and Japan to ratify the agreement between these two states to fight against the spread of the Communist International in the world. The pact was aimed at the elimination of the global influence of the Soviet Union. Explanation: In the 1930-s, the...

Select two essential psychomotor skills for a clinical course or courses in nursing. Discuss how you might collaborate with an LRC person to facilitate student performance with the skills you selected.

For a clinical course in nursing, such psychomotor skills as dexterity and speed are highly essential. To facilitate student performance with the selected skills, it is necessary to collaborate with a learning resource center (LRC) specialist. One of the best ways of enhancing nursing students’ learning outcomes is arranging scenario-based...

Explain what is meant by a margin of error for a confidence interval.

The conclusions of surveys are typically drawn from the population samples. The sample representation of the population is essential, and it usually is being determined by the two most important statistics. These are the margin of error and the confidence interval. The confidence interval and the margin of error measure...

Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

The current healthcare system promotes high-quality services in the United States. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 regulates the conditions under which medicine and health care are developing and evolving care delivery models help to define an interdisciplinary team. Among a variety of existing models, a Health...

What was the fucntion of the National War Labor Board?

The National War Labor Board (NWLB) was an American federal agency established during World War I under the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. After the war, the board ceased its operations and was reestablished by President Franklin Roosevelt only in 1942, during World War II. The National War Labor Board was...

What is FDI? How does FDI benefit the host country?

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a direct investment in a host country by an international firm. It is the investment of foreign assets into the host country’s business or companies, but not in its stock markets. FDI is a durable and long-term investment that can stay irrespective of the prevailing...

Define a post-closing trial balance.

A trial balance is a bookkeeping worksheet in which the balance of all ledgers is compiled into debit and credit account column totals that are equal. A trial balance is prepared after entering the regular transactions of the period, and the second trial balance follows after posting the adjusting entries,...

What types of investments do banks use to make a profit? Check all that apply a) opening checking accounts b) starting new businesses c) buying stocks and bonds d) buying several properties e) issuing loans to all customers g) buying the rights to loans

The types of investments that banks use to make a profit are: a. Buying stocks and bonds. b. Buying several properties. c. Buying the rights to loans. Explanation: Commercial banks are profit-oriented organizations that use diverse ways to gain benefits. The primary source banks can use to make profits is...

What type of government does Canada have?

Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a federal parliamentary democracy. Explanation: From the perspective of power ideology, the type of government in Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Canada has three branches of government: the legislative one that makes laws, the executive one that enforces laws, and judicial one that interprets...

Which of the following best describes the state of the US economy at the end of World War II? A) It was starting to come out of the Great Depression. B) It was deep into the second Great Depression. C) It was experiencing steady growth from wartime production. D) It was entering yet another recession. 2)Which two groups cooperated with the government to switch from peacetime to wartime production? A) state governments and armed forces B) labor and business C) the Allies and the Axis powers D) the president and Congress

C. It was experiencing steady growth from wartime production. Explanation: The United States benefited from World War II considerably. The country was removed from the center of the fighting and only entered the fray after the Pearl Harbor bombing in December 1941. Due to its relative freedom from invasions and...

What are four basic principles of Surgical Nursing that you as the EN need to practice?

There are four basic principles of surgical nursing that an enrolled nurse might need to practice. The first one is providing care after surgical intervention. The others are performing basic life support activities, effective preparing of the patient for surgery, and communication skills required to ensure patient’s collaboration and forming...

Discuss the correlation between nursing education and positive patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research.

Healthcare providers are concerned with increasing patient satisfaction by improving conditions and staff performance. For this purpose, the providers aim to find a correlation between education among nurses and patient outcomes. Even though an advanced degree in nursing has proven to impact patient safety, some scholars argue that education is...

During World War II, Germany tried to capture the Russian city of Stalingrad because A) it was the site of atrocities committed by Stalin. B) it had a strategic location along the Volga River. C) it had a large and persecuted German population. D) it was where aggression against Germany was centered.

During World War II, Germany tried to capture the Russian city of Stalingrad because it had a strategic location along the Volga River (answer B). Explanation: The Battle of Stalingrad is the most significant and bloody confrontation of World War II, having lasted for five months and ending in a...

What was the First Triumvirate and what happened to it?

The First Triumvirate was an alliance of three political figures in Ancient Rome: Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar. Even though these men had different opinions concerning the development of their nation, they decided to join forces to overcome the existing difficulties. Those efforts, however, did not create significant positive consequences...

Which best identifies Jackie Robinson’s reason for writing his letter to President Eisenhower? A) He hopes that the president will take immediate action to curb segregation laws at the federal level. B) He believes that the president should punish Governor Faubus for his inexcusable actions. C) He feels that the president has too much sympathy for pro-segregationists like Governor Faubus. D) He thinks that the president should be commended for his remarks at the Summit Meeting of Negro Leaders.

The correct answer is A – he hopes that the president will take immediate action to curb segregation laws at the federal level. Explanation: Jackie Robinson’s letter may be considered more of an immediate call to action, rather than a petition for someone’s punishment, such as answer B. Similarly, answers...

A trendy French restaurant is one of the first businesses to open in a small corner of a commercial building still under construction. The restaurant has received rave reviews and has lines of diners waiting for tables most nights. (a) In the short run (next few months), what measures should the restaurant take to maximize its profits? Explain. (b) In the long run (next six months and beyond), how can it maximize its profits? (Assume that the impressive state of demand is permanent).

a) In the short run (next few months), what measures should the restaurant take to maximize its profits? Explain. The French restaurant enjoys monopolistic competition. In order to maximize its profitability in the short run, the management of the restaurant should apply an effective and practical economic model. As a...

What is total manufacturing cost? What does it influence?

Total manufacturing cost is the sum of costs of all resources consumed in the process of manufacturing goods. Explanation: Here is the formula for total manufacturing cost: Total manufacturing cost = Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost + Manufacturing overhead. Manufacturing overhead or overhead costs are all indirect costs...

What is a tribute speech? How did it develop and what is its purpose?

The purpose of a tribute speech is to celebrate a specific person’s accomplishments while also taking into consideration their contribution to society or organization. Explanation: The word tribute comes from the Latin tributum, which means “contribution.” The initial meaning of this word implied that there was one party that showed...

Applying Ansoff’s model, analyse the strategy directions for a hospitality or tourism organisation of your choice. Assess the suitability of the model for analysing hospitality and tourism organisations.

The present answer is about Ansoff Matrix and its application in the hospitality industry. Ansoff Matrix is an essential tool that is used by many businesses to define and implement strategies. However, the complex structure of the tourism and hospitality market and its fast development could make it difficult for...

Why is the slow growth that can result from a contractionary policy a positive effect? A) It can increase interest rates. B) It can decrease available credit. C) It can increase the money supply. D) It can decrease inflation.

The correct answer is D (it can decrease inflation) as the central goal of all contractionary policies is reducing inflation. Explanation: While contractionary fiscal and contractionary monetary policies can increase interest rates (answer A) and decrease available credit (answer B), these are tools used to achieve a higher goal, rather...

Which consideration must be addressed when deciding for whom to produce? A) Who can be most creative with the product? B) Who has the largest resource pool? C) Who has the greatest need? D) Who can bring in the greatest profit?

The correct answer is C, which is who has the greatest need. Explanation: Creativity (Answer A) and the number of resources (Answer B) do not help decide the stakeholders of the product, while Answer D is not an easily measurable or correctly predictable number. Every economy faces several problems, which...

Who were patricians and plebeians? What roles did they play?

Patricians were the wealthy influential upper class Romans, whereas the rest of the people were considered to be plebeians, the lower class. Explanation: To be a patrician, a person had to be born in a certain family. Being the ruling class in the Roman Empire, patricians had all the power...

What was the Benedictine Rule main idea?

The Benedictine rule offers a comprehensive directory for reaching the main idea of both spiritual and physical well-being of a monastery or monk. The latter is expected to integrate manual labor, prayer, and study into a daily routine. Developed by St. Benedict in AD 480-550 for monks in the abbey...

Describe the role played by the tribunal and courts system in enforcing employment law.

Disputes related to employment law are usually heard in the Employment Tribunal, the County Court, or High Court. Employment tribunals are judicial bodies aiming at resolving conflicts and disputes related to employment rights between employees and employers. The claims tribunals hear include the ones associated with discrimination, unfair dismissal, redundancy...

What is gross private domestic investment?

The gross domestic private investment is a component of GDP, based on the amount of physical investments within the country. Explanation: Gross domestic product, or GDP, contains the most prominent information of the country’s economy. There are several ways to calculate it, and one of them is the expenditure approach....

Specify three possible options that Nintendo should consider and justify the most suitable choice using SAF criteria.

SAF criteria Nintendo can decide to pursue a pricing, quality, or innovative strategy to enhance its competitive advantage. Figure 1: pricing strategy Pricing Strategy Suitability Pricing strategy will address the key opportunities and constraints Nintendo faces. A lower price can be achieved by utilizing less expensive components, and the end...

What was the purpose of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan? What was he trying to achieve?

The ultimate purpose of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan was to gain independence from England for the United States and establish an efficient economic system in the country. The first secretary of the treasury, Hamilton, was asked to develop public creditworthiness internally, and externally with foreign partners. Moreover, his objectives included...

Joseph McCarthy gained public attention by

Joseph McCarthy gained public attention by claiming that communists and spies sent by the USSR had infiltrated the US government. Explanation: During the Cold War, there was a rise in propaganda against communism around the USA. The House Un-American Activities Committee, known as the HUAC, existed since 1938. Their principal...

What is universal white male suffrage?

Universal manhood suffrage is a form of voting rights in which all adult males within a political system are allowed to vote, regardless of income, property, religion, race, or any other qualification. It is typically represented by a concept “one man, one vote”. Explanation: The adoption of Declaration of the Rights of Man and of...

Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.

It is critical to maintaining a competency-based approach to nursing education. The generally accepted competencies within the nursing arena involve “care management and coordination, patient education, public health intervention, and transitional care.” The competencies are essential for continuous improvement of the quality and safety of health care systems and include...