Best Rating Questions

From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

Define tenement housing. What issues does it have?

Tenement houses are the buildings that have many apartments and the entrance to which is possible through auxiliary premises, usually the main entrance. Explanation: The issue of tenements has originated centuries ago in history, and since then, this concept has changed and received substantial attention. Tenements aimed to solve the...

Define cost of revenue. Provide examples of it

The cost of revenue is the net cost of the products or services provided by the company, excluding secondary costs such as research and development-related expenses. The cost of revenue includes all expenses necessary to produce basic products or services. Explanation: The cost of revenue is one of the principal...

What is the primary purpose of a Certificate of Confidentiality?

The primary purpose of a Certificate of Confidentiality (CoC) is to allow institutions and agencies to protect identifiable and sensitive research information on the subject of a study. The main principle of the CoC is that investigators cannot be compelled to disclose any data under the protection of the certificate....

Define cash and carry policy. What did it result in?

U.S. President Roosevelt adopted cash and carry policy in order to provide support to allied countries during World War II against Nazi Germany. Under the terms of this policy, the allies had to pay for American supplies immediately and transport them out of American territory on their ships and under...

What is the direct write off method?

The direct write off method is used in accounting to charge customer’s liability as an expense if the account is determined as uncollectible. This method is more convenient to perform as it uses an actual amount of bad debt. The other commonly used alternative is an allowance method. Explanation: An...

Is unearned revenue a liability?

Unearned revenue is the amount that the company owes to the customer until an ordered product or service is delivered to him. The unearned revenue counts as a liability as the product remains refundable and cannot turn into income until the customer receives a product or a service in full....

What segmentation does the American Handgunner magazine use and why?

American Handgunner is a 110 plus pages magazine dedicated to handguns and all related shooting products. The magazine is published by FMG Publications and targeted at the consumer magazine sector of the market. It is positioning itself as the world’s best handgun magazine. Explanation: The magazine industry is dependent on market segmentation...

What is the COI management plan? What does it aim for?

A conflict of interest (COI) management plan is a document that outlines and implements measures to actively reduce, mitigate, or eliminate an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest held by an employee. The COI management plan aims to manage the conflict of interest and make it as transparent as possible...

A trendy French restaurant is one of the first businesses to open in a small corner of a commercial building still under construction. The restaurant has received rave reviews and has lines of diners waiting for tables most nights. (a) In the short run (next few months), what measures should the restaurant take to maximize its profits? Explain. (b) In the long run (next six months and beyond), how can it maximize its profits? (Assume that the impressive state of demand is permanent).

a) In the short run (next few months), what measures should the restaurant take to maximize its profits? Explain. The French restaurant enjoys monopolistic competition. In order to maximize its profitability in the short run, the management of the restaurant should apply an effective and practical economic model. As a...

Help with the title for my Tim Burn project. Dear all kindly help me with the title for my Tim Burton project. In this paper, I talk about the approach he is using as the film director including the color use, lighting, and sound. Just a brief and smart title please!

Try to shock your audience like Tim Burton does with his audience. Since he is known for his unique vision and unmatchable creative approach, it is a good idea for you to echo his creativeness. You may choose some title that reminds of his strong features. That is the kind...

What was so important about the incorporation doctrine?

According to the doctrine of incorporation, the personal status of a company is determined by the state law where the company was created. The actual transfer of the company to another state does not lead to a change in personal status, and the international law based on the legal capacity...

Describe the details of the Credit Mobilier scandal of 1867.

The Credit Mobilier scandal was a symbol of corruption in the post-Civil War era that highlighted changes in business and political ethics in the United States of America. This series of shocking events took place from 1872 to 1873 and ended with a massive political scandal that tarnished the reputation...

Name additional safeguards that may be included in a social and behavioral study

In order to minimize the risks involved in social-behavioral studies, it is important to immediately remove all of the participants’ direct identifiers from the data. Additional safeguards are described in the section ‘Risks to Research Participants’ of the Human Subjects Protection Program, including research methods for vulnerable populations. Explanation: Additional...

Provide details on the Cuban currency

There are two types of official currency that are used in Cuba, which are Cuban peso and convertible peso. Depending on a particular kind of shop, one of them might be more accepted than the other. Explanation: Cuban peso is referred to as “national currency”, and it is used to...

What is a market-clearing price? How does it work?

Nowadays, the term “market-clearing price” (or “equilibrium price”) is actively used in economics. Market clearing price is the value of the goods or services that is established when “the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded.” In other words, this price exists when there are no shortages or surpluses...

Share the information on the Underwood Tariff Act

Revenue Act of 1913, also known as the Underwood-Simmons tariff was signed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913 after successfully passing both houses of the Congress. Its primary purpose was to cut or, in many cases, eliminate tariff rates on goods, thus encouraging import. The Underwood Tariff Act established the...

Provide the definition of delegated powers.

Delegated powers, also called enumerated or expressed powers, can be defined as a federal government’s ability to take important measures and make crucial decisions on behalf of its country. Explanation: Delegated powers are directly connected to the way a country is organized. If the founders of a country’s government aim...

Define average total assets. How to calculate them?

Average Total Assets can be characterized as the average number of assets owned by a company during both the current and previous year. The formula for Average Total Assets can be calculated as follows: (aggregate assets at the end of the current year + aggregate assets at the end of...

Provide the absolute advantage definition.

Absolute advantage theory implies that a specific entity, whether it is a country or a business organization, can produce a more significant number of goods than another establishment can within the same period. Another angle that one can look at it is that a company has higher production abilities, manufacturing...

What is the “Supremacy Clause”? What effect does it have?

The Supremacy Clause is article 6, clause 2, of the Constitution of the United States, which establishes the hierarchy of laws in the American state. It states that the U.S. Constitution, federal laws, as well as all international treaties concluded, are supreme laws concerning specific state constitutions and regulations, and...

What happens when a bond becomes due?

When a bond becomes due, the issuer is required to pay the amount of money that they arranged with the holder, plus the interest. The terms of maturity for each type of bond are different. Explanation: In accounting, a bond is a form of borrowing, specifically a fixed-income investment. A...

What do the FDA regulations governing disclosure of individual cois require?

The FDA looks at the possibility of financial conflicts of interest (COI) in clinical studies. It requires applicants to submit documentation to reveal potential financial conflicts in order to prevent racketeering. Explanation: The FDA reviews the financial interests related to a particular research study and decides whether a conflict exists....

Provide Full Faith and Credit Clause definition

Full Faith and Credit Clause is a clause from Section 1 of Article IV of the US Constitution that describes interstate relations. Section 1 of Article IV says: “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State....

Provide details on Roosevelt’s Quarantine Speech.

Quarantine speech is a talk given by Franklin D. Roosevelt on October, 5, 1937, in Chicago on the topic of America’s neutrality policy towards the issue of violence in the period between the world wars. Explanation: World War I left the national leaders dealing with the chaos in both internal...

Describe the Convention of 1818. What did it accomplish?

The Convention of 1818 is a bilateral agreement between the United States and British North America (later Canada), which resolved territory disputes between the two nations setting the boundary at the forty-ninth parallel of latitude. It was the only territory cession the U.S. made to the United Kingdom and, at...

Specify three possible options that Nintendo should consider and justify the most suitable choice using SAF criteria.

SAF criteria Nintendo can decide to pursue a pricing, quality, or innovative strategy to enhance its competitive advantage. Figure 1: pricing strategy Pricing Strategy Suitability Pricing strategy will address the key opportunities and constraints Nintendo faces. A lower price can be achieved by utilizing less expensive components, and the end...

What is the Corwin Amendment? Why wasn’t it passed?

The Corwin Amendment was the document issued by Thomas Corwin, the US governmental representative, in 1861, and its main objective was to prevent state residents from the abolition of slavery. Explanation: The ongoing debate over the position of slavery on a governmental level has been one of the most severe...

Define bad debt expense.

Bad debt expense is the amount of money that a debtor owes to a creditor and is not able to pay due to a lack of finances. Companies write off bad debt, since it is not collectible. Explanation: If a company provides goods and services on credit, the amount of...

What was the purpose of the Emergency Banking Act?

The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 was passed to restore and strengthen public confidence in the US banking system. This legislation was a response to the fact that American citizens were massively withdrawing their money from banking accounts. Explanation: Consequently, the Emergency Banking Relief Act provided the president with the...

Why was the Treaty of Verdun signed?

The Treaty of Verdun is a historical event that marked the beginning of the Empire’s dissolution; it was signed due to the necessity of dividing European parts into separate independent states. Explanation: In 843 August 11, Europe took the first significant step towards those state orders that determined its entire...

What’s the difference between democracy and republic?

Democracy and the Republic are two governance models that are accepted by most countries of the world. However, not only these two models are different from each other, but the government of either is also formed otherwise. Explanation: Foremost, it is necessary to give a definition to both forms of...

What are government corporations and what benefits do they have?

Government corporations represent special institutions that are established in order to create products for society. Government corporations are under the control of the state but usually operate like any other private business company. Explanation: The primary function that is carried out by a government-owned corporation is the performance of the...

Provide details on Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan

The Ten Percent Plan is a scheme proposed by Abraham Lincoln,according to which, if ten percent of the rebellion state voters claimed their allegiance to the US nation, they could be reintegrated into the US Union. Explanation: The American Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, put the...

Define contribution margin income statement. Why is it important?

The contribution margin income statement is used in economics for analysis of the effectiveness of all the efforts taken in order to achieve higher revenue during a certain period. It is also called as income statement and its purpose is to calculate the contribution margin of the company, which helps...

Provide cash crop definition

A cash crop is a crop grown only for generating a profit by selling. Cash crop definition is used to differentiate it from food or subsistence crops produced for the consumption by a farmer’s family or feeding livestock. Explanation: Cash crops are generally grown on big farms that focus on...

Define supply schedule. How do market and individual supply schedules differ?

A supply schedule is usually presented in the form of a table that shows the price for the quantity supplied of a particular product. Quantity supplied is a term that refers to the number of goods that producers are willing to sell for a certain price. Explanation: Economics is the study...

What is the National Response Framework?

The National Response Framework is a guide that teaches U.S. citizens and authorities how to act in case of various disasters. Explanation: The National Response Framework (NRF) is an essential tool that provides guidelines for actions during severe disasters, catastrophes, and other emergency situations. The current official document is the...

Define global stratification. What effects does it have?

Global stratification speaks to the presence of hierarchy among groups and individuals worldwide, due to the unequal distribution of various resources and benefits. Explanation: Our global society is stratified according to socioeconomic status. An individual’s social and economic level varies according to his or her occupation, education, wealth, income, and...

What is approach–approach conflict, and when does it happen?

An approach-approach conflict arises when there are two equally attractive objects, and an individual must choose between them. That person would like to choose both of them, but the two are incompatible. Explanation: Conflict is an intrapersonal or interpersonal contradiction perceived by an individual as a significant psychological problem that...

What is bond indenture definition?

A bond indenture (also called “indenture” or “trust indenture”) is an agreement made between a bondholder and an issuer to regulate the terms of payouts. It determines the amount of invested funds, bond maturity date, and the method of calculating the interest rates. Explanation: A typical bond indenture includes conditions...

Which type of portfolio might a young investor who is not afraid of risk choose?

A younger investor who has enough time to regain their money in case of loss might want to choose a risky investment portfolio. Most experts agree that a portfolio heavily weighed to stocks is considered riskier than other types. Explanation: According to, the most common types of investment instruments that...

What does the law of demand state?

The law of demand is a term used in microeconomics, which states that when other things that affect demand held constant, quantity demand and price of a good or service are inversely related to each other. When a price for a product falls, the demand for the same product increases,...

What does the frustration-aggression hypothesis state?

Frustration aggression theory is a phycological explanation that states that aggression is a possible outcome of blocking someone’s attempts to achieve a goal, and of frustration. Explanation: The frustration-aggression hypothesis was first proposed by a group of psychologists from Yale University: Neal Miller, John Dollard, Leonard Doob, Robert Sears, and...

What was the Benedictine Rule main idea?

The Benedictine rule offers a comprehensive directory for reaching the main idea of both spiritual and physical well-being of a monastery or monk. The latter is expected to integrate manual labor, prayer, and study into a daily routine. Developed by St. Benedict in AD 480-550 for monks in the abbey...

Was Reconstruction a success or failure? Why?

Reconstruction may be defined as a period in the history of the United States after the Civil War that is characterized by significant political, economic, and social changes connected with the abolition of slavery. Unfortunately, it may be regarded as a failure due to its rejection by white southerners and...

What are the types of federalism?

There are three basic types of federalism. They are dual federalism, cooperative federalism, and confederation. Some scholars include some other models on the list. The additional types are fiscal federalism, creative federalism, and new federalism. Explanation: The main types of federalism are dual federalism and cooperative federalism. Dual federalism draws...

What is marginal thinking?

Marginal thinking is a process of evaluating whether the cost of one more unit is less than its benefits. Explanation: Marginal thinking involves the analysis that goes into decision-making. It means thinking about what consequences will follow after the adoption of a decision. For instance, it is when someone decides...

What is the contribution income statement?

The contribution income statement is an instrument that demonstrates whether a business has generated some revenue over a particular period of time. In other words, contribution income statements are used to measure the performance of a company by dealing with variable and fixed expenses. Explanation: To begin with, one should...

Provide Quartering Act definition.

Quartering Act presented a series of Acts of the British Parliament requiring the American government to supply British soldiers with accommodation, food, and drink. The date of the act’s issue was May 3rd, 1765. The Quartering Act was a part of the Munity Acts, which presupposed an annual update. Explanation:...

Who is Pat Farrah and what is he known for?

Patrick “Pat” Farrah is an American former retail executive who is a co-founder of Home Depot, America’s famous retail giant. Explanation: Thanks to Pat Farrah’s merchandising skills, he became famous in the retail domain and was a significant figure in the growth of the USA’s niche firm. Born in Southern...

What does CFO stand for?

The abbreviation CFO stands for Chief Financial Officer, who is an official whose responsibilities include managing financial activities of companies. The financial director also carries out business planning, monitors the movement of finances, analyzes the financial condition of the company, its strengths, and weaknesses in this regard, and makes proposals...

In a unitary system of government, local offices

In a unitary system of government, local offices have equal power with the central government. Explanation: There are three structures of government; they include the unitary, federal, and confederate ones. The unitary system is determined by the fact that local offices have equal power with the central government, which means...

On a production possibility curve, data points that fall outside of the curve represent a) an inefficient allocation of resources. b) a balanced allocation of resources. c) ideal production. d) a currently unattainable production.

A currently unattainable production. Explanation: A production possibility curve, or PPC, also known as production possibility frontier or PPF, is the representation of the amounts of goods and services an economy can produce using the given technology and resources. PPC is used to analyze the amount of production that would...

One factor that indicates a developed economy’s standard of living is its A) growth in outsourcing rates. B) strong social connections. C) high levels of education. D) low GDP per capita.

C. High levels of education. Explanation: A standard of living can be defined as the level of the population’s comfort, wealth, and the availability of goods and necessities. Standards of living are often used to compare countries or nations; for instance, in China, they may be higher than in Kenya...

How does the FITT principle apply to the development of a successful personal fitness program? A) The FITT principle helps individuals determine an effective schedule for different exercise activities. B) The FITT principle helps individuals choose the types of activities that will be most enjoyable for them. C) The FITT principle makes it easier for individuals to incorporate lifestyle activities into their fitness programs. D) The FITT principle allows individuals to monitor their progress.

B. The FITT principle helps individuals choose the types of activities that will be most enjoyable for them is the correct answer. Explanation: FITT stands for Fitness, Intensity, Time, and Type, which are all essential to exercise planning. Effective personal fitness requires the development of a sound plan, and the...

One way that campaign workers communicate information during a campaign is by

One way that campaign workers communicate information during a campaign is by “canvassing”. Explanation: Canvassing is the practice of door to door visits to the homes of people to spread a campaign’s information. It is often employed in political campaigns, where the party’s representative or election candidate can engage voters...

Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate? A) Congress cannot agree on how broad its implied powers should be. B) The wording of the clause is often undergoing revision. C) The clause deals with specified powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted. D) The clause establishes reserved rights, which vary from state to state.

C. The clause deals with specified powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted. Explanation: The Necessary and Proper Clause, located in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, that gives the Congress to power to make any laws that are “necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and...

What was the difference between Lee and Davis?

Lee and Davis have been described as the best leaders of the Confederate side. The two were, however, very different in terms of strategy and deployment. Whereas Lee was calculating and liked open communication, Davis has been described as dictatorial. Lee would often take time to understand his opponents, the...

Why was gangrene so common during the Civil War?

Gangrene is a condition that encourages the death of tissue cells. The most affected tissues are usually on the feet and arms. During the Civil War, Gangrene was very common due to poor treatment, thus, infection of battle wounds. Hygiene was not given much concern during the Civil war. Doctors...

Why are photo identifications the most unreliable eyewitness identification procedure?

Photo identifications are the most unreliable eyewitness identification procedure and are the main reason behind increases in cases of mistaken identities. The main reason behind this revolves around poor encoding of information at the time of perception. This is influenced by a myriad of factors such as distance between the...

Explain the IS-LM open economy model. Using the model, assuming a flexible exchange rate, examine the effect of a fall in government expenditure on output, the interest rate, the exchange rate and the level of exports.

An open economy is open to foreign trade of goods and services. An open economy means that there is a high demand for a country’s products abroad (exports) and a decrease in domestic demand for its products because of the imports. Thus, spending in an open economy is given by:...

Explain what is meant by a margin of error for a confidence interval.

The conclusions of surveys are typically drawn from the population samples. The sample representation of the population is essential, and it usually is being determined by the two most important statistics. These are the margin of error and the confidence interval. The confidence interval and the margin of error measure...

Why is the soft drink industry so profitable? If concentrate manufacturing is so profitable, why have so few firms successfully entered this business over the last century?

The high profitability of the soft drink industry is as a result of combined factors of top products’ demand and regional market monopolies. There are limited soft drink operators in the market, while the products themselves are complements of other foods and beverages. Low competitions and high market demands lead...

A Five-page paper on a 100-page source. As I see it, it lacks logic somewhere. Seriously, a five-pager on a short story? On a topic like, say, WWI you can write a great big essay because it has an information galore, but I don’t think I will make for a five-page paper on that one, even if I really spread out the word count.

There’s a number of ways you can produce a well-written essay of required length regardless of what your source is. First things first, stick to the basic essay structure: introduction, background information, main thesis, arguments, and conclusion. This step alone will help you make your writing more convincing and concise....

Ideas for essay. I have to write about the significance of education. In addition, I may include info about women in India (their role in society), social and political issues.

The role of education cannot be overestimated. Education is what gives people the possibility to become better and grow as personalities. It is believed that one cannot open his or her individuality without being educated. Two reasons predetermine the importance of education. First, people can develop only with the help...

a. Outline the principles of Pauling’s 5 rules for predicting the crystal structures of ionic solids. b. Show how Pauling’s rules can be used, together with the data give in Tables 1 and 2, to explain the crystal structure of Na2O, which is based on an fcc array of oxide ions. Draw a schematic diagram showing a unit cell of this structure. Explain which interstitial sites are occupied by the Na+ ions. c. Sketch a plan view of the Na2O unit cell, marking on your diagram the height of all ions present. d. Calculate a theoretical value for the density of Na2O, given that the relative atomic masses of sodium and oxygen are 22.99 and 16.00 respectively.

a. The rules of Pauling’s relating crystal structures are: bonding strength, coordination of the polyhedral, linkage for polyhedral, cation evasion, environment homogeneity. b. Na2O When two sodium atoms combine to form a molecule, they share two electrons. Each atom then has a complete shell of eight electrons. The electron structure...

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following forms of managerial compensation in terms of mitigating agency problems, that is, potential conflicts of interest between management and shareholders. a. A fixed salary. b. Stock in the firm that must be held for five years. c. A salary linked to the firm’s profits.

a. A fixed salary allows the manager to focus on long-term and safe company operations. However, it does not offer any incentives for maximizing the value of the company. b. Company stock as a form of compensation helps align the manager’s interest with the interests of shareholders. However, this option...

You are the owner of two furniture stores: one catering to upper-middle-class consumers and the other to lower-class consumers. How do social class differences influence each store’s?

The product lines and styles will be affected by the consumers’ social differences in numerous ways. First, it is expected that the upper-middle class will need not only functional furniture but also extra pieces for purposes of décor as they have more money. The store that targets the middle and...

How do banks make money?

Banks earn money by taking it from savings and checking accounts of their customers and lending to other customers who pay higher interest rates. Other sources of banks’ profit are interchange and banking fees that help to cover the cost of major services. Explanation: Banks make most of their money...

Provide loyalist definition during the Revolutionary War

The residents of the American colonies were divided by the Revolutionary War into two groups: the patriots and the loyalists, or Tories, as they were also called. The patriots wanted their own country to obtain independence from the British Empire. The loyalists did not want to break away from Britain...

What are the variable expenses? How do they differ from fixed expenses?

Variable expenses show what amount of money was spent on a person’s needs and change week-over-week, month-over-month. Fixed expenses stay the same almost all the time and are usually paid on the same date. As these expenses differ from each other, it is essential to know how while planning one’s...

Describe the different types of economic systems

The economic system represents a combination of methods, means, and ways that help to organize the production of goods and services, its distribution, and allocation within one territory. In general, economic systems regulate different factors in economics, such as capital, labor, physical resources, and entrepreneurs. Nowadays, economists reveal four types...

What is skimming pricing? Where does it occur?

Price skimming is a type of pricing strategy aimed at setting a high price to maximize profit when a new, much improved, or innovative product is launched onto a market. Explanation: The objective of price skimming is to skim off the first waves of revenue from those prepared to pay...

What is the Cannon–Bard theory? What are its main concepts?

The Cannon-Bard theory is a psychological explanation of emotions. Its main concept is that bodily arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously. In the cannon-bard theory, the thalamic area of the brain is the key player. Explanation: The Cannon-Bard theory was developed in 1927 by psychologist Walter Cannon and his doctoral...

Define intermediate directions.

Intermediate directions is a term used to define the 4 points on a compass, which stand for north-west, north-east, south-east, and south-west. These parameters are widely used in geography, cartography, and other related sciences. Explanation: There are two types of directions utilized in geography. Everyone is familiar with North, South,...

How did the Commercial Revolution influence the world’s economy?

The impact of the Commercial Revolution on the world economy has contributed to the expansion of trade borders, the creation of a single currency for accounting, and the development of international entrepreneurship. Explanation: The definition of a commercial revolution can be attributed to the period of economic expansion of Europe....

What did the Credit Mobilier scandal lead to?

The history of the United States of America is rich with many different events. One of them is the Credit Mobilier scandal that erupted in 1867 and was exposed by the New York Sun in 1872. The Credit Mobilier scandal destroyed the careers and reputations of several Gilded Age politicians...

What is the purpose of government?

The purpose of the government is to maintain peace among the states, create markets, and control the functioning of commerce. The government can perform such functions due to the developed government system with the help of the Constitution. Explanation: The government system in the US is unique as it is...

What is the Expenditure Approach to calculating GDP?

GDP can be calculated using the expenditure approach, which is based on the spending amount in the country. Explanation: The country’s GDP (general domestic product) features many economic indexes and provides information on the level of the country’s economy. There are several ways to calculate the country’s GDP, and the...

Provide the details of Manchurian incident

Historians are used to consider the Manchurian incident as the seizure of the Chinese town of Mukden in September 1931, followed by the intervention of Japanese troops into Manchuria. This historical event is often called the Mukden incident as well. Explanation: To justify the invasion into the territory of Northeast...

What was the cause for Fredonian Rebellion?

The Fredonian Rebellion (December 21, 1826-January 31st, 1827) was caused by a will of Anglo settlers of Texas to alienate from its Mexican part as new immigrants were moving into their land. Explanation: The Fredonian Rebellion was a brief uprising of Anglo settlers in the Mexican part of Texas to...

What is a tribute speech? How did it develop and what is its purpose?

The purpose of a tribute speech is to celebrate a specific person’s accomplishments while also taking into consideration their contribution to society or organization. Explanation: The word tribute comes from the Latin tributum, which means “contribution.” The initial meaning of this word implied that there was one party that showed...

What is the definition of card stacking propaganda? Where does it occur?

The card stacking propaganda is a technique which can be used in politics or marketing in order to appeal to the listeners by way of exaggerating positive fact and omitting negative information. Explanation: Card stacking is a form of propaganda, used in marketing, different advertisements, political speeches, and campaigns. Card...

What is the Cost of Goods Manufactured formula?

The Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM) formula is used to calculate the total expenses of manufacturing a product. Explanation: The production of goods involves expenses, which need to be calculated in order to understand a company’s income and residue. The COGM formula examines the expenses related to producing finished goods,...

Which payment method typically charges the highest interest rates?

Payday loans have the highest interest rates out of different payment methods. Explanation: Different payment methods have different benefits, but the downside of many of them if the interest rates charged for their usage. Trying to decide, what is not a common credit card fee, card users attempt to avoid...

What is marginal cost definition?

Marginal cost is defined as the cost of production of an additional unit of a good or a service. The figure is calculated at a given level of output and indicates the amount of inputs required to increase outputs by a specific constant. Explanation: Total costs of production can be...

Define monetary unit assumption

The monetary unit assumption is an accounting principle which states that all economic events and business transactions should be reflected in monetary terms. In other words, all such events and transactions have a monetary dimension into which they should be converted and then reported on the financial statements. Explanation: The...

What is total manufacturing cost? What does it influence?

Total manufacturing cost is the sum of costs of all resources consumed in the process of manufacturing goods. Explanation: Here is the formula for total manufacturing cost: Total manufacturing cost = Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost + Manufacturing overhead. Manufacturing overhead or overhead costs are all indirect costs...

Who are Krista and Tatiana Hogan and why are they important?

Krista and Tatiana Hogan are Canadian conjoined twins who were born joined by their heads, which is a very rare case in medicine. The importance of the lives of these sisters to neuroscience is due to their ability to share the senses of each other through the brain. Explanation: Two...

Why do people cut down trees, according to Muir?

John Muir states that the reason why do people cut down trees is that they the given process creates a vast open space for agricultural needs, such as cattle farmlands. However, due to his naturalist views, he is greatly displeased and opposes the deforestation. Explanation: John Muir deserves the right...