Best Rating Questions

From experienced academic experts. In any field of study

What is the investment demand curve?

The investment demand curve is the graphical representation which depicts the shifts in willingness to invest. Explanation: If the investment demand curve shifts to the right, that will imply on an increase in demand. That shift would entirely depend on the current economic situation. With that in mind, investors decide...

Compare authoritarian vs totalitarian regimes.

The major difference in terms of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes lies in the ways of the ruling execution. The authoritarian government, being opposite to democracy, seeks to focus power in the hands of an individual. Totalitarian regime, on the contrary, tries to control every aspect of people’s lives through the...

What was the Molotov Plan all about?

The Soviet Union created the Molotov Plan in 1947, a program aiming to rebuild the countries in Eastern Europe that were politically assigned to the Soviet Union. The Plan was proposed as the Soviet Union rejected the Marshall Plan created by Americans. Explanation: Britain, France, and the United States tried...

What makes a source credible?

There are several factors that contribute to the credibility of the information. To make sure one can trust a particular source, the following things should be checked: its authority, accuracy, objectivity and currency. Explanation: Reliability of the information one is looking for is based on several principles. To safely call...

Give the best possible contrapposto definition.

The most comprehensive definition of contrapposto is a way of depicting a figure in art, in which the position of one part of the body is contrasted with the view of the other part. Contrapposto dynamizes the rhythm of the figure and allows portraying its movement or tension without disturbing...

What is the spoils system?

The spoils system is the provision of posts and privileges of the winning party to supporters for services during the election. The Spoils system consists in the fact that the country’s winning president places all adherents in government positions. It is an efficient and effective system of power retention. Explanation:...

Why did Tribune of the Plebs posess so much power?

The right of intercession concerning all authorities, combined with the right to administrative penalties for criminal charges and broad legislative initiative, gave the Tribune of the Plebs extraordinary political power. Initially, they used force for the state welfare, and in the end, served as a dangerous tool in the hands...

What’s the cause for the fear of foreigners?

Fear of foreigners or strangers is a mental health issue called “xenophobia.” The leading causes of xenophobia are divided into those based on internal factors and external factors. Internal factors may be improper nurture, which manifests itself in arrogant behavior and features of the native culture, such as voluntary isolation....

What was the Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan?

Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan was introduced in the early 60s of the 19th century. The Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan included political reforms and changes in the southern states after the events of the US civil war. One of the hallmarks of this Act was its peaceful and restorative character. The Lincoln’s Reconstruction...

Define ingratiating

The term ingratiation refers to behaviors that a person illicitly enacts to make others like him or her or think well of his or her qualities as a person. The one who undertakes ingratiation may be characterized as an ingratiating (sycophantic) individual. Explanation: Ingratiation is an attempt to gain credibility...

What is the story of Pandora meaning?

The original story of Pandora was mentioned by the Greek poet Hesiod in his poem “Works and Days,” where Pandora is the first woman on Earth. She opened a Pandora’s box, which let out all the evil to the world. Today, the idiom “Pandora’s box” means a source of great...

Provide the square deal definition. What is its origin?

The Square Deal is a term that originated from Theodore Roosevelt’s nationwide legislations, which consisted of mainly three components, such as natural resources preservation, control of corporations, and consumer protection. The term itself means treating someone fairly. Explanation: The term Square Deal indicates the government ideology of the President of...

What was the XYZ Affair?

The XYZ Affair refers to a diplomatic incident between France and the United States in 1797-1798. Later it led to the undeclared war known as the Quasi-War between the U.S. and Republican France. Peace was restored with the Convention of 1800, also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine. Explanation: The...

What is the Treaty of Ghent background and outcome?

The Treaty of Ghent concluded on the 24th of December 1814 had completed the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The agreement restored relations between the two countries to the status quo — that is, it restored the borders of...

What are the Northern Colonies? What is their background?

The New England Colonies (or the Northern Colonies) included Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware and were inhabited by small proprietors who held to strict Puritanism. The people who settled in the New England Colonies were called “Pilgrims.” Explanation: Favorable conditions for the...

Describe the Mary Ainsworth’s “Strange Situation” research.

The Strange Situation research was introduced by psychologists Mary Ainsworth and Wittig in 1969 and was based upon Ainsworth’s Uganda and Baltimore studies. Ainsworth developed the assessment technique called the Strange Situation Classification (SSC) to examine the modifications of attachments between children. Explanation: The Strange Situation was developed as an...

Provide the marginal cost example.

Marginal costs are usually different for various volumes of production because the efficiency of the production process changes. At the enterprise, marginal costs decrease with increasing output. For instance, it is more profitable for the company to produce 51 refrigerators than just one. Explanation: Marginal costs are the company expenditures...

Give the marginal revenue definition.

Marginal revenue is the income from sales of manufactured products calculated as the difference between net revenues and variable costs. Practically, the marginal revenue contains two components, namely, the fixed costs of the company and its profit. Explanation: The owner of the company aims at maximizing his profits. The firm...

What is the backstory of Upper and Lower Egypt?

Ancient Egypt was divided into two civilizations: Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. The difference was only due to geographical factors: Lower Egypt occupied the more northern broad Nile Valley. Geographical isolation has brought cultural differences; however, in 3100 B.C., there was a conquest of the northern lands as a result...

Define medieval guilds. What features did they have?

In a broad sense, the guild definition includes the secular and religious associations of different nature that existed in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. The guilds were divided into subspecies, depending on the purpose that bound the people. In general, medieval guilds performed commercial, social, military, and religious functions....

Define Filial Piety.

In order to define filial piety origin, it important to note that it is one of the central concepts in Confucian ethics and philosophy, an important component of the traditional East Asian mentality. In a basic sense, it refers to the respect of parents and in a broader sense extended...

Describe the events of the presidential election of 1928 in America.

Herbert Hoover won the 1928 election and became the 31st President of the United States of America. Hoover’s key factors to winning represent his innovative ideas about the progressive view on the country’s economic growth and support for the less fortunate. Americans were equally impressed by Hoover’s humanitarian work conducted...

What is AR turnover ratio?

The receivables turnover ratio is one of the financial indicators of business activity. It shows how much accounts receivable are turnover for the analyzed period. For accounts receivable turnover ratio calculation, you need figures from the balance sheet and the income statement (income statement). Explanation: Receivables turnover measures the speed...

What is net capital spending?

Net capital spending is the overall annual expenditure, which was allocated at buying fixed assets. Net capital expenses can be can be calculated by subtracting depreciation and fixed assets in the start of the year from assets in the end. Explanation: Cash flows attributable to the company are calculated after...

Why is the American Flag cartoon important?

Cartoon of American Flag in Take Your Choice signifies the controversy of the United States’ approach in the global arena during the presidency of William McKinley. It is critically important because the president was deliberately promoting imperialism, whereas William Jennings Bryan opposed it. Explanation: American Flag imagery is demonstrated in...

What happened during the Coal Strike of 1902? What were the consequences?

The Coal strike of 1902 lasted from May to October of the given year. It was also called as anthracite coal strike and it was led by United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) and the main requirements of the strikers included three components. This is a 20% pay increase, an...

Provide details on the Clinton v New York case.

Clinton v. City of New York of 1998 was a legal case that involved the President of the United States and City of New York. The US Supreme Court granted partial veto to the Line Item Veto Act of 1996, which meant that certain points of the bill can be...

What is the average rate of return?

The ratio of the average cash inflow to the amount of invested funds. The average rate of return is equal to the rate of return on equal-sized capitals, which is formed in conditions of free competition. Explanation: The average rate of return definition is an economic characteristic, which is the...

What’s the definition of psychological noise?

Psychological noise as a barrier to communication is manifested in the fact that it is a constant mental chatter that never stops. This is an internal conversation or an internal monologue that constantly happens in the mind. Many do not know about this psychological noise, because it has become a...

What is the Tearoom Trade study?

The Tearoom Trade study is a study by Laud Humphreys conducted in 1970 to obtain information on male homoerotic behaviors that occurred in public bathrooms. Explanation: In the 1960s, in Los Angeles, supposed homosexual behavior was a felony charge under the law. In 4 years, Los Angeles convicted 493 men...

What is Metasploit Framework?

Metasploit Framework is a tool for creating, testing, and using exploits. Explanation: Nowadays, there are numerous news on companies get hacked. It happens because the attackers can break through software security and get past the defenses. However, there is a tool – penetration testing, that enables companies to test their...

What type of government does Canada have?

Canada is a constitutional monarchy and a federal parliamentary democracy. Explanation: From the perspective of power ideology, the type of government in Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Canada has three branches of government: the legislative one that makes laws, the executive one that enforces laws, and judicial one that interprets...

What is the story of the reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan of Turkey?

The reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks is an insulting answer addressed to Mehmed IV, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, in response to his order to stop attacking the Sublime Porte and surrender. Explanation: The Zaporozhian Cossacks are the part of the Cossacks of the Dnieper region (the territory of...

Describe the events of presidential election of 1832 in America.

The election of 1832 was the first election in the country’s history when candidates from all four parties were nominated by delegates of national party conventions rather than by the U.S. Congress or state legislatures. In the elections of 1832, the central and minor parties began to nominate and elect...

Who coined the term sociology? What’s the background?

The history of the sociology is closely linked to the scientific work of French philosopher Conta, who coined the term sociology. Although the first mention of the word sociology dates back to the 1780s, it was Auguste Comte, who put the term to great importance in 1838. Since then, sociology...

What was the result of the Convention of 1800?

The result of the Convention of 1800 was the end of the Quasi-War, the naval confrontation between France and the United States of America, as well as the termination of the alliance, concluded in 1778. The severance of the union meant for the United States the rejection of all claims...

What was Mayan government known for?

The Mayan government type is considered to be an absolute monarchy. The civilization consisted of independent city-states led by kings, who had unlimited power. The Mayan governmental structure was a hierarchical system comprising the representatives of the nobles and priesthood and relied on slavery. Explanation: The ancient Mayan civilization was...

What is a polytheistic religion? Provide examples.

Polytheism is a religious faith system based on the belief in the existence of several gods, each of which has its own sphere of responsibility. Together, the gods of one polytheistic religion form a unique pantheon. Polytheistic religions are opposed to monotheistic worldviews, on the one hand, and atheistic, on...

Give detailed description of Mesoamerican civilizations.

Mesoamerican civilization is the complex of indigenous cultures that emerged in parts of Mexico and Central America before the 16th century and Spanish conquest. Some of the most widely known are the Incas, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and the Olmecs. Explanation: Mesoamerican cultures trace back to 3500 BC – Archaic...

What is stipulative definition?

A stipulative definition is a type of definition in which an existing or specially created description is assigned a new special meaning. Stipulative definitions can be used during the discussion in a specific context or as an argument, and also replace the dictionary meaning or lexical definition of the word...

What is grouped frequency distribution?

Grouped frequency distribution definition can be described as an indicator of how many times each variable value occurs in a set of grouped observations. The frequency distribution table is one of the easiest ways to present sociological observations. Explanation: The frequency distribution table consists of at least two columns, where...

What is gross profit method? What are its advantages?

The gross profit method in inventory accounting and valuation is a common technique of assuming that margin ratio is available, thus, the subsequent calculations target identifying the ending inventory amount. The primary advantage of the given approach is the fact that it does not require physical presence of the inventory,...

What is an internal growth rate?

An internal growth rate can be defined as the highest rate of growth a company is able to achieve without using any external funds. Explanation: With the use of growth rates, it is possible to estimate the activity of a company for a chosen distance of time and suggest its...

What does the term “available for sale securities” mean?

The term AFS, or available for sale security, is a debt security or an equity security that were bought with the intention of either selling it before reaching maturity or keeping it for an extended period of time if it does not have a date of maturity. Explanation: Available for...

What is the unit cost? What is its significance?

A unit cost is the general cost of goods that are being manufactured and sold by a company. The concept of unit cost is important because it reflects the total expenditures that a business invests to manufacture a particular product. Explanation: Within financial accounting, the term of a unit cost...

Define restrictive endorsement.

A restrictive endorsement, which might also be called a restricted endorsement, is a written phrase on a check or other document that has a connection to finances. This sign imposes restrictions on the check, for example, restrictive endorsement “Paid in full”. Explanation: When somebody receives a check or a bill, they...

Provide extolled definition.

The word “extolled” means “praised highly” or “lauded.” Extolled refers to proclaimed the glory of somebody or something. Explanation: The verb “extolled” has a positive meaning. It originates from the Latin “extollere” (ex – “out, upward” and tollere – “raise”). The antonyms for this word are “blamed” or “reproached”. Similar...

What are committees of correspondence? What is their purpose?

Committees of correspondence first emerged in the 18th century and were intended for American colonies to maintain the lines of communication before the Revolutionary War. For example, in 1772, Boston created the first committee of correspondence to facilitate the opposition to Britain’s stiffening the enforcement of customs and the ban...

What is the definition of economic profit?

Economic profit refers to the gap that arises between the revenue received from a transaction and the expenses necessary to provide services or manufacture produces. When calculating it, businesses should deduct economic profits, opportunity costs as well as explicit costs. Explanation: When companies calculate their economic profits, they usually consider...

How did Swahili city-states manage to develop?

The Swahili city-states managed to develop mainly due to the boost in trade along the Indian Ocean Basin. Each of the Swahili city-states was an important trading center, including an extensive trading network. Explanation: The Swahili city-states on the map are located along the east coast of Africa from modern-day...

Define stockholders equity.

In accounting, stockholders’ equity is the total of all funds of the firm owned by it. The stockholders’ equity capital of the company is used to form a share of assets. A business entity operates with it when making transactions without restrictions or conditions. Explanation: Stockholders’ equity shows the part...

What does the Atkinson-Shiffrin model state?

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory is also known as the multi-story memory model. This model assumes the presence of three separate but sequentially connected memory systems such as sensory, short-term and long-term. Explanation: The Atkinson-Shiffrin memory model states that short-term memory section is a centerpiece of the memory acquisition and...

What is a subculture. Give examples.

A subculture is a group of people that develops within a culture and is distinct from the broad consensus. Such a group is united by shared beliefs, values, traditions, and rituals that are unique and might not comply with the broader culture. and sociologists. Explanation: Sociology scholars at the Chicago...

What is double coincidence of wants? How to solve it?

A double coincidence of wants is a socioeconomic problem that depicts a situation where individuals that have something they want to trade must also coincide in wanting each other’s goods at the same time, in order for a transaction to be successful. In order to overcome this issue, money was...

What is form utility?

Form utility is the final form of utility presented to the customer by a finished product. The value presented by service or object is perceived as greater than the sum of its parts. Explanation: The prices of most goods are not determined solely by the sum of their parts. The...

Provide a constitutional government definition.

A constitutional government definition implies a form of government that acts upon the authoritative document (constitution), which establishes the system of fundamental laws and principles that regulates the structure, functions, and limits of that government. Explanation: As such, this type of government is determined by the presence of a constitution...

Define Pastoral society.

Pastoral societies represent those that base their livelihood on herding domestic livestock and a predominantly nomad lifestyle. The theoretical importance of pastoral society characteristics lies in their exhibition of non-progressive evolution. They have played an important role during the agrarian era because of the impact on ecological and evolutionary processes....

Define price lining.

Price lining is a product differentiation strategy, which is defined by the company’s capabilities of producing lines of different products in order to appease every segment of the market, ensuring greater exposure and the potential to claim market share. Explanation: While small companies can be content with creating a product...

What is the Volley principle?

Volley principle implies that the groups of neurons, or individual fibers, in the auditory system respond to a stimulus, or sound, in succession, while other groups of neurons respond to the second, and the following stimulus. Explanation: In 1937, the researchers Ernest Weaver and Charles Bray offered the hearing theory,...

What is the Eisenhower Doctrine definition?

The Eisenhower Doctrine outlines that any Middle East country had the right to ask for the American economic support, as well as the assistance of the military in case of feeling threatened by other states. Explanation: The Doctrine was adopted in 1957 when Dwight D. Eisenhower was the President of...

Define institutional advertising.

Institutional advertising practice stands for a type of indirect expression of an industry’s benefits, ideas, and usefulness, in an attempt to build a positive image among the general public, thus making them more likely to get themselves involved with the businesses comprising said industry. Explanation: Institutional advertising is a business...

Provide the details on Schism of 1054.

Schism of 1054, also called the East-West Schism, is the final separation of Eastern Christian church and Western church. It led to the creation of the two most substantial ramifications of Christianity, such as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. Explanation: Schism of 1054 is known as the Great Schism...

Informed consent is considered an application of which Belmont principle?

Informed consent is considered to be an application of one of the Belmont principles, which is respect for persons. Explanation: The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research created the Belmont Report that identifies the ethical principles that might arise from healthcare research with...

Provide the Details on the Gitlow vs New York Case.

Gitlow v New York summary: State of New York accused Gitlow of violating state law, according to which propaganda to overthrow the government is considered to be a crime. Explanation: Many people still wonder why was the supreme court’s ruling important in Gitlow v. New York. The use of the...

Give the Treaty of Tordesillas definition. What’s its significance?

The Treaty of Tordesillas definition can be formulated as an agreement between Spain and Portugal, signed in 1494, which divided discovered lands between these states. The Treaty of Tordesillas has great significance for the history of America, since the peace between the two largest colonial countries allowed them to discover...

What happened during the Dumbarton Oaks Conference?

The Dumbarton Oaks Conference was a conference that had the purpose of creating an international organization for maintaining peace and safety and was held from August 21st to October 7th, 1944. The representatives of the Conference formed a proposal, and it resulted in the San Francisco Conference that established voting...

Define Nullification.

In relation to US history, nullification definition implies a state’s right to refuse to recognize Congressional law. Explanation: The right of nullification is based on the theory that the United States is the result of an interstate treaty, and they have the right not to comply with federal laws if...

What is the significance of the Commonwealth v. Hunt case?

It was historically significant because it was a victory for the workers. It was established by the supreme court that labor unions are not and can’t be forbidden and that workers can unionize to protect themselves. Explanation: To understand the significance of Commonwealth vs. Hunt, one should know what this...

Define the American temperance society. What did they achieve?

The American Temperance Society (ATS) was established in 1826 and advocated for abstaining from drinking distilled beverages. They worked to improve society by banning the drinking of alcohol. The ATS’ achievements include motivating millions of people to abstain from drinking alcohol and becoming the national clearinghouse. Explanation: To understand the...

What is cultural imposition?

Cultural imposition is defined as the tendency of an individual or a group to believe that their cultural values and beliefs should be dominant. That is why these people attempt to impose their behavioral patterns and values onto others. Explanation: The term of cultural imposition is principally related to the...

Describe the highlights of the presidential election of 1844 in the US.

The presidential election of 1844 resulted in the annexation of Texas and the victory of the Democratic candidate James Knox Polk. The election raised the question of slavery in relation to the annexation. Explanation: The American presidential election of 1844 was held from November, 1, to December, 4. It became...

What was the goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

The goal of the Wilmot Proviso was the ban of slavery in any territory received from Mexico during the Mexican-American War. By this amendment, Democrats wanted to strengthen the interests of northerners and reserve new territories for the white population for economic and political reasons. Explanation: The Wilmot Proviso, an...

Define the spoil system.

The spoil system is defined as a specific type of political patronage appeared in the United States that awards committed party supporters with main governmental positions in the case of a party’s election win. Explanation: The application of the spoil system may be observed in many nations, however, it currently...

What’s a non-price competition?

Non-price competition refers to the ways that help companies attract customers and increase sales without involving a change in price. Explanation: Very often the price of the product is not the main issue when there is competition between firms; it is only one of the many factors on the list....

What was the Lone Star Republic? What issues did it have?

The Lone Star Republic was a name given to the present days’ American state Texas. The state got such a name for its sovereignty as a country and its struggle to be independent of Mexico in the 1830s. Explanation: Being one of the largest states in the United States, Texas,...

What was Charles Schenck known for?

Charles Schenck was the general secretary of the Socialist Party of the US, which was against implementing a military draft in their country. Explanation: Schenck was involved in the 1919 Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States. During the First World War, he was accused by the Federal government of...

Define the Roosevelt Corollary.

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine called for the United States to act as an international police power in any conflicts that might occur between European Countries and countries of the Western Hemisphere. Explanation: It was seen by Theodore Roosevelt as a logical sequel to the Monroe Doctrine, which...

What is a command economy?

A command economy is one that is controlled by a central authority – usually the government. Its advantages include a high employment rate and a high level of equality. In addition, this type of economy is characterized by the common good replacing profit as a main aim of production. Explanation:...

What credit card fee isn’t common. How is it established?

The credit limit or over-the-limit fee is not a common credit card fee. It appears when a certain credit limit is exceeded due to purchases. According to the Credit Card Act, over-limit fees are almost completely abolished. Explanation: A credit card is currently evaluated as a highly valuable financial tool...

Define extrinsic value.

The definition of extrinsic value implies the measurement of the difference between its intrinsic value and a market option. Extrinsic value also represents a part of a worth assigned to an item or an option by external factors. The opposite of such value is intrinsic value. Explanation: There is a...

Provide the Bacon’s rebellion definition.

The definition of Bacon’s rebellion in US history can be articulated as a led by Nathaniel Bacon uprising of Virginia frontiersmen against the colonial government, which took place in 1676-1677. Even though it failed to be successful for the rebels, the event implied some significance for the nation. Explanation: To...

What is the principal by-product of the norming stage of team development? Is it significant?

Group cohesiveness is the principal by-product of the norming stage of team development. It is highly significant as social interaction between group members and the similarities of their interests and natures form strong interpersonal bonds that help to achieve corporate goals. Explanation: Group cohesiveness, or team cohesiveness, may be defined...

What was the importance of Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon?

When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC, he expressed disrespect to the Roman Senate and started the war against it. Today, the meaning of crossing the Rubicon refers to making a challenging decision that can have unpredictable consequences. Explanation: Before that war, there existed the Roman Republic, and...

Provide the radical republicans definition.

The definition of Radical Republicans is that they are members of the Republican Party that existed during and after the Civil War of 1861-1865. The party contributed to the emancipation of slavery and advocated for the equal treatment of the freed black people. Explanation: During Reconstruction, Radical Republicans increasingly took...

What does a republican form of government mean?

Republic (from the Latin. Res. Publica – common cause) is a form of government under which all the highest bodies of state power are either elected or formed by a national representative body. Explanation: Signs of republican form of government: election of the authorities; urgency; dependence on voters; a political...

What characteristics does a HIPAA authorization have?

A HIPAA authorization needs to be written in plain language and contain specific and meaningful information that will be used or disclosed. Explanation: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was designed to protect the personal information that is used in the health care and health insurance industries from...

What was the religion developed in Jamaica?

Rastafarianism is a religious and social movement that appeared in Jamaica in 1930 and rose to prominence throughout the XX century. Rastafarianism has roots in Christianity and Ethiopianism and calls for righteous living and exodus of African people from the West, or Babylon, to Africa, which is regarded as Zion,...

What were the Navigation Acts?

The Navigational Act definition is a series of resolutions adopted by the English Parliament and aimed at promoting and protecting England from maritime trade and industry from foreign competition. The first Act provided that the import of overseas goods into the country can only be carried out on English ships....

What function did the National Grange have? Who founded it and why?

The National Grange was formed as the fraternal community organization whose main function implies uniting families in the United States to improve the economic and political welfare with its origins in agriculture. The organization was founded in 1867 as a national organization with the local orientation. Explanation: The organization was...

What was Philip V of Spain known for?

The reign of Philip V takes a long period in the history of Spain. Philip V ascended the throne and remained until his death, becoming the first of the Bourbon dynasty on the Spanish throne. It was a time of endless conflicts and power struggles. Explanation: Spain was no longer...

Give the details on Maysville Road veto.

One of the most controversial acts of its time, the Maysville Road veto, occurred on May 27, 1830. United States President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill that allowed the federal government to purchase stocks from Maysville, Washington, Paris, and Lexington Turnpike Road Company. Explanation: The building of this road was...

What is absorption costing income statement? When is it used?

The absorption income statement, also known as the traditional income statement, uses the prime cost calculation for preparing the profit and loss statement. This method of income statement examines costs by breaking them down into product and period costs. Explanation: The core format of absorption costing income statement demonstrates the...

What is the fair employment practices commission? Why does it matter?

The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) is a committee established by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941. The Fair Employment Practices Commission was designed to help prevent discrimination against African Americans in the defense and public service. The implementation of this order has resulted in some positive changes for...

Explain the concept of equivalent units of production.

Equivalent unit of production is an expression of the scope of work performed by the manufacturer on units of production partially completed at the end of the reporting period. Explanation: Generally, fully completed units and partially completed units are expressed in terms of fully completed units. For example, the calculation...

Define the average product of labor.

The average product is the volume of output per unit of resources used. The average product characterizes the productivity of a variable factor of production; therefore, it is often called labor productivity. Explanation: The concepts of the total, average, and marginal products are used in the theory of production. The...

Define contemporary culture.

Contemporary culture is defined as a multitude of distinctive cultures that are in dialogue and interaction with each other, and both of them go along the axis of past-future. Modern culture also has the specific properties that give it originality and uniqueness as a consequence of the development of previous...